Responses to Survey of UCEDDs on Use of CAC Curriculum: October, 2007
Who conducted use of the 2006 CAC Orientation Curriculum materials? / If you have used please describe how it was used; If not, how do you plan to use it? / If you have used the Curriculum, please describe in what ways you adapted it for your needs. / Indicate alternate format used or plan to use / Please provide any other thoughts or information on use of the 2006 CAC Orientation Curriculum.UCEDD Staff / Orientation for new members and in a strategic planning meeting / Used some parts of it as needed
plan to use / We plan to review the orientation and integrate it into our current cac curriculum to orient new members in the coming years. / Plain Text version / I have reviewed the 2006 CAC Orientation Curriculum and think it is wonderful. I am looking forward to using it to update our current orientation curriculum. Thanks to all for creating this impressive resource!
plan to use / We are interested in adapting it to our unique needs as we reorganize our CAC of long standing. / Spanish version; Plain text version
CAC member / We plan to use the curriculum to incorporate ideas that have proved valuable by other Advisory Councils across the country. / Plain Text version / We want to give our Advisory Council a "Booster Shot" so that we can better advise our UCEDD. We hope to gather ideas of ways to better involve those members who aren't typically at the table.
CAC member; UCEDD Director / We used the materials in our orientation meeting, with all CAC members to discuss meaningful participation. / We used the curriculum, but didn't need to adapt it. There were some areas we emphasized more than others (e.g., bylaws). / Tha Caldwell, Haus, Richins, and Stark (2006, March) was extremely useful as a supplement to the Curriculum.
UCEDD Staff / We used the components of the curriculum to inhance our CAC member materials. We also hope to schedule time in an upcoming meeting to address specific areas. / Plain Text version / I think this is a much needed and very useful resource for UCEDDs.
UCEDD Director / We already had developed orientation materials, I reviewed it when we were bringing on new members. / I liked some of the definitions used to explain the functions of the UCEDD. / The CA Federal Partners conducted a study on the meaningful participation of consumers on our boards/committees and councils. The availability of alternative formats and discussions about individual support were paramount to their participation. Issues around appropriate facilitation and group process that support consumer participation were also very important. I believe the curriculum needs to address determining individual needs, information about as universal design, and the use of facilitators
UCEDD Staff;CAC member / Orintation for new council members. Continuing education for existing members. / Great resource
CAC member / CAC chair worked with consumer liaison to compile an orientation notebook for each CAC member, to be presented at the October 2007 CAC meeting.
plan to use / The next meeting is next week, and it is on the agenda. / Plain Text version / Will have more information soon.
UCEDD Staff; Other / Materials were used as part of orientation for our new CAC -- all members.
UCEDD Director; UCEDD Staff; CAC Member / Orientation for new CAC members, in a group setting, that included lots of discussion and dinner. / Cut out some slides, added others pertinent to our state / Spanish version / Great job on the sides and accompanying notes!
UCEDD Staff / Orientation for multiple new CAC members We used most of Module One and some slides from Module 2 and 3. / Shortened Module One. Used some slides from Module 2 and 3. / Spanish version / It is a great curriculum and an excellent tool. I appreciate having it to use with our CAC.
plan to use / Will use it to orient new members of our CAC as they come on board / Spanish version; Plain text version
UCEDD Staff / It was used as an orientation for new and existing members and in preparation for the UCEDD's strategic planning for the development of the 5year plan. We adapted parts of Modules 1, 2 & 3. / We concentrated on what we felt members needed to know for the task at hand. Topics covered were the DD Act, History of the DD Act, UCEDDs national, CAC national, UCEDD and CAC. / well done, great examples, and easy to adapt and follow. EXCELLENT resource!!!
CAC member; UCEDD Staff / We printed and inserted the entire CAC Orientation Curriculum into our CAC three ring binders for each CAC member. / Our CAC has determined they will use portions of the curriculum as needed in training new members and educating present members throughout the year. / Spanish version; Plain text version / We have a newly elected CAC chair who was very excited and pleased with receiving this orientation curriculum when it came out electronically. We provided her with a hardcopy.
CAC member; UCEDD Staff / orientation for new members / none
plan to use / We plan to use the materials in the near future. We are currently recruiting a slate of new members and will use the materials when they come on board. / I've reviewed the materials and felt they are very well done for a diverse audience.
UCEDD Staff / Consumer Activities Coordinator has used it to do some training for our consumer advisory panel, but mainly we're planning a Spring training between the MO and KS UCEDDs