Mr. Matthew Paccione - 7th Grade Band Director
Miss Erica McPartland - 8th Grade Band Director
Mr. Matthew Gramata – Instrumental Music Teacher
Mrs. Sue Kaczor – Choral/Instrumental Music Teacher
Dr. Brian McLaughlin – Instrumental Music Teacher
Mr. John Boronow –K-12 Music Supervisor
The information that follows is intended to provide band parents and students with descriptions of pertinent areas of the Macopin School Instrumental Music Program. Band parents are encouraged to carefully review the following information.
Through active participation in the instrumental music program, students will develop an intellectual understanding of all aspects of music, thereby giving them a more appreciative outlook towards music and the artistic beauty it provides. They will use music as a form of expression, and an opportunity to build self-esteem, discipline, and motivation through cooperative learning and performance.
The goals of the instrumental music program are:
- To develop an appreciation for all types of music.
- To work cooperatively with other students in a group situation while also contributing as an individual.
- To respect the different levels of ability present in a group situation.
- To develop a discipline that enables students to respond to directions given by the conductor.
- To demonstrate responsibility in adhering to scheduling.
- To be responsible for the proper care of instruments and music.
- To educate students based on the New Jersey Music Content Standards that set benchmarks for knowledge in the performing arts.
Group Lessons
Each student will be assigned a weekly lesson time. Students are expected to report to their regularly scheduled class to pick up and drop off assignments and to have their pass signed before going to their lesson. Each student is expected to bring the following materials to every lesson:
- Their instrument, reeds/mouthpiece
- A pencil
- A 3-ring loose-leaf binder containing all music, lesson book, and assignments
Students are only excused from lessons due to a test or science lab in their regularly scheduled class. Students who are excused from lessons are expected to see their music teacher before the end of the day to pick up new assignments and to schedule a make-up lesson.
- An excused absence is not factored into the final grade.
- An unexcused absence will count as a “zero” and will severely affect the overall lesson grade.
Band Rehearsals
Each student will participate in a daily band rehearsal. All rehearsals will be held in the auditorium. The following materials are required for every rehearsal:
- Instrument in good working order, reeds and/or mouthpiece
- A pencil
- A 3-ring loose-leaf binder containing all band music and lesson book
Home Practice
All students are expected to practice an amount appropriate for their lesson assignments and band music –a recommended weekly minimum of 90 minutes. Adequate practice will be reflected in the students’ ability to perform assigned music and to improve steadily on their instruments. Students will be asked to document their practice time, and parents will be asked to monitor and verify their child’s practice by signing their Weekly Practice Chart.
Attendance policy – Students will be notified of all performances at least one month prior to the
Attendance is mandatory at all concerts. Only extreme emergencies will be excused. In an
emergency situation, a phone call prior to the performance is expected, if at all possible.
All students are to arrive thirty minutes prior to the start of the performance dressed in proper attire. All students must remain for the entire performance unless other arrangements have been made with Mr. Paccione or Miss McPartland prior to the concert. A concert performance that is missed due to a non-emergency situation will result in a grade reduction for the student. Concerts are considered the “final exams” for the material learned during the course of the semester.
Concert Dress – the following dress is required for all concerts:
Ladies – white blouse, black pants or skirt, or a solid black dress and black shoes -
adhering to the MacopinSchool attire guidelines.
Gentlemen – white dress shirt, black pants, black shoes, tie - adhering to the Macopin
School attire guidelines.
The instrument you play, whether your own or the school’s, represents a considerable investment. All students are expected to maintain their instruments in top playing condition. Successful fulfillment of the following requirements is vital to achieve a high level of musical excellence. Failure to have the necessary equipment in good working order will negatively affect a grade. Should a small malfunction occur, please bring it to your band director’s attention as soon as possible. Frequently a small adjustment can solve the problem and a trip to the repair shop is unnecessary.
If you play after eating brush your teeth, or at the very least rinse out your mouth. This will help to minimize the amount of “gunk” in the instrument and the mouthpiece. This will also minimize sticky valves and prolong pad life.
All instruments will be inspected as part of a regular evaluation and grading process. Students whose instruments are found not to be in good working condition are expected to attend to the maintenance and/or make the necessary repairs to their instruments.
Woodwind Instruments
- All instruments must have correctly functioning key mechanisms and pads which seat properly.
- Dry the bore of your instrument after each playing session. The life of your pads will be doubled.
- A small paint brush can be used for dusting key mechanisms. Dust and key oil make great “glue” if left alone.
Flute and Piccolo – A cleaning rod and cloth are required. Wipe the bore of the instrument each time you finish a playing session.
Clarinets and Saxophones – All players must have a minimum of two good reeds in their cases at all times. A quality reed protector is also a good idea. Have a swab and please use it after playing. Mouthpieces are washed with soap and warm water, especially after an illness.
Oboe and Bassoon – Requirements for these instruments are basically the same as clarinet and saxophone. In addition, a film case should be used to keep reeds lubricated.
Brass Instruments
Valve Brasses – Each player must have valve oil in their case. Brass instruments must have all slides move easily. Slide lubricant and daily movement of each slide will keep the slides readily adjustable. All instruments should be cleaned with a mild detergent and warm water, especially after an illness. Mouthpieces should be cleaned using a mouthpiece brush.
Trombones – The slide – the most important part of your instrument must be kept free from dents. It must be able to move quickly and easily. Trombone players must have slide cream and a spray bottle and should not use slide oil.
Percussion students are expected to obtain a stick bag and an array of sticks and mallets. Each student must have drumsticks, tympani mallets, and xylophone mallets. This equipment will be made available for purchase through the school, or you may obtain like equipment on your own.
Instrument Repairs
MacopinSchool has a repair pick-up and drop-off agreement with a local music dealer as a courtesy to our students. A representative will come to the school once a week to pick-up and/or drop-off instruments. Any student needing to use this service should see their band director and make a note of the problem they are having with their instrument. The repair shop will call the students’ parents with an estimate before and work is done. All charges for repairs of student-owned instruments will be the responsibility of the student and/or their parents. All charges for repairs of school owned instruments that students are borrowing will be the responsibility of the student and their parents (this does not include the repair charges for the normal usage of the instrument).
School-Owned Instruments
MacopinSchool has a very comprehensive inventory of instruments, music, and other equipment. Students are responsible for all materials that are issued to them throughout the year. All materials are to be returned at the end of the school year in the same condition they were loaned. Students will be charged to replace any missing materials or any requiring repair as a result of carelessness or misuse.
Percussion – The purchase and upkeep of percussion equipment is very expensive. In the past, students using these items have been less than conscientious in their treatment of this equipment. All percussionists are responsible for keeping these instruments in proper condition and for returning them to their proper places after use. Players are responsible for having proper sticks available for rehearsals. Students that are not percussionists will not touch or play any percussion equipment.
Grading Procedures
The students will be graded using the following system:
- Lessons – 60% of grade
Attendance – 20%
Playing ability – 20%
Preparation – 10%
Practice Charts/Written work – 10%
- Band Rehearsals – 30% of grade
Preparation – 10%
Participation – 10%
Attitude/Cooperation – 10%
- Marking Period Assessments/Benchmarks – 10% of grade
Students will be evaluated on the material covered in their lessons over the
marking period.
Basic Rules of Conduct
- Be on time to rehearsals. Rehearsal will begin 1 minute after the bell.
- Have all equipment in good working order
- No gum, food, or drinks of any kind
- Take special care with all instruments
- Do not talk while music is being rehearsed
- Once rehearsal begins play only when directed to do so
- Treat others with respect
- Clean instruments and return them to their proper place after use
West Milford Township Public Schools
District Concerts 2013 – 2014
Friday, October 11-Saturday, October 12 2013 – Macopin Band Days
Times TBD
Thursday, December 12 - Macopin Choral Concert - 7:00 p.m.
(reh., Wed, Dec. 11 - 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.)
Tuesday, December 17 – Macopin Instrumental Concert (at HS) - 7:00 p.m.
(7th Grade reh. Thursday Dec 17 – 2:00-3:30)
Wednesday, December 18 – Macopin Concerts Snow Date
Thursday, March 27– Districtwide Arts Festival, 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, April 1 – Macopin Musical – Seniors Citizens Performance - 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 3- Jazz Band MS Festival, 5:00p.m. to 10:00p.m.
Thursday, April 3– Macopin Musical - 7:00 p.m.
Friday, April 4– Macopin Musical - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 5– Macopin Musical - 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, May 13 – Macopin Choral - 7:00 p.m. (7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.)
(reh., Thurs., May 8 - 2:00p.m.-3:30p.m.)
Thursday, May 15 – Macopin Instrumental (at HS) - 7:00 p.m.
(7th Grade reh Thurs. May 15 2:00 – 3:30)
Friday, May 16 – Macopin Music Festival Trip
Tuesday, May 20 – Mac/HS Jazz Ensemble – Bubbling Springs -6:30 p.m. (rain: Macopin)
Macopin Band
I/We have read the information contained in the Macopin Instrumental Music Procedures Handbook.
I/We understand the policies of the Band Program and will abide by the rules set forth in the handbook.
I also understand that playing in band often includes performing in a public setting. I agree that as a representative of my school, and my district, I will behave in a manner that is appropriate and acceptable.
After reading this handbook, and signing your acknowledgement of this information, please return this form to your band director.
Student Signature ______Date ______
Parent Signature ______Date ______