stakeholder workshop

on the

Global Partnership and Means of Implementation

for the Post-2015 Framework

Organised by the European Commission in cooperation with the European Economic and

Social Committee

28 November 2014

9:30 to 16:30 h

9:00 to 9:30 registration

European Economic and Social Committee,

Jacques Delors Building

Rue Belliard, 99

B-1040 Brussels

9:00 registration



Lutz Ribbe, President of the Sustainable Development Observatory of theEESC

Astrid Schomaker, Head of Unit Global Sustainability, DG ENV, European Commission


Global Partnership and Means of Implementation: what needs to be addressed?

Moderator:Lutz Ribbe

Introduction: Giovanni Mastrogiacomo, DG DEVCO, European Commission

Statements from participants

Decision about the final subjects of the working groups

10:45 – 12:00

Working group 1: Global Partnership and other partnerships

Moderator, Tania Cox, Plan International EU Office, Chair of the European Task Force Beyond 2015

Elements of the Global Partnership narrative

Universality and differentiation

The role of civil society

Working group 2: Means of Implementation: Financing

Moderator:Jean Letitia Saldanha, Senior Policy Adviser at CIDSE

Role of public finance and of private investment

Mobilisation of domestic resources

Working group 3: Means of Implementation: non-financial

Moderator: to be decided

Capacity building

Technology& innovation, science, knowledge sharing


Empowerment of civil society

12:00Reporting back to the plenary

12:30Sandwich lunch

13:30 – 14:45

Working group 4: Implementation strategies

Moderator: Leida Rijnhout, Global Policies Director at EEB

Strategies for the implementation at local, regional, national, supra-national (EU)level

Ensuring coherence

Involvement of civil society

Working group 5: Monitoring

Moderator: Sascha Gabizon, Executive Director of Women in Europe for a Common Future


Role of the civil society

Monitoring framework

Data & indicators

Working group 6

Optional Working group for additional issues

14:45 – 15:15

Reporting back to the plenary

15:15 – 16:15

General debate

Moderator: Representative from the European Commission

