Class/ability: / Year 9
Lesson Title: / Crime Prevention in School / NC Ref: Key Stage 3 Unit 15, section 5.
Learning objectives: / To be able to recognise the different methods school use to prevent crime, in the different areas of the school.
Resources checklist: / Clipboards, A4 paper, worksheet ‘Mapping crime in school’.
Timing: / -Open books and put the title preventing crime.
-Write title on the board, and ask for suggestions of the type of areas around school where you would find evidence of crime prevention.
-Talk about how mapping crime can be used in school, to see where the most crime prevention is required.
-Hand out clipboards and A4 paper, and go on tour of school to places asking for evidence of crime prevention.
-Back in classroom ask pupils to use the sheets they have made to answer the questions set out on the worksheet. This task is to start in class and finish for homework.
To think about…
How are you going to ‘hook’ the students’ interest?
How will you ensure a strong conclusion so everyone goes away clear about what they’ve learned and enthused about the topic?
Are you using a variety of learning strategies over time?
What methods of formal and informal assessment will you use?
How will you ensure that all students are appropriately challenged? / Engaging all pupils in discussion when walking around the school. Worksheet provided to challenge all pupils, and should be fine to use with mixed abilities.
Is there a KS3 strategy focus? (eg. literacy, numeracy) / Using mapping skills.
Homework: (if timetabled this lesson) / Finish worksheet started in class.
Due in:
Were the learning objectives achieved? How do you know?
Ideas to inform planning
1) the next lesson in the sequence
2) the next time these activities are used