Trustee Nomination Form
for the
Trustee Board of SCAS
I (Name): ……….……………………………………………………….
of (Address): ……………………………………………………………
Telephone: …………………… e-mail: ……………………………….
wish to be considered for a place on the Trustee Board of the Society for Companion Animal Studies and would like my name to be put forward for election at the AGM on the 17th March 2018.
I am a member of SCAS
Under no circumstances shall any of the following serve as a Trustee:
(a)employees of the Charity;
(b)persons aged under eighteen years;
(c)persons who are bankrupt or who are otherwise disqualified by law from serving as company directors or charity trustees;
(d) persons who have an unspent conviction involving dishonesty or deception or who are otherwise disqualified by law from serving as charity trustees
I confirm that I meet the qualifying criteria.
I confirm that the information given on this form is accurate. I am eligible to undertake the duties of a trustee of the Association and have not been disqualified under Section 72 of the Charities Act 1993 (or any statutory re-enactment or modification of that provision). I further confirm that I am a full voting member of SCAS and will undertake the duties of a Trustee of SCAS as described to me.Name: / Date
Nominated by: (Name): ……….……………………………………………………….
of (Address): ……………………………………………………………
Telephone: …………………… e-mail:……………………………….
I am a SCAS Member
Signed (Proposer):..………………………….………………… Date: ……………..
Please complete both sides of this form and return to Dr B Viner MRCVS
, Chairman,
Society for Companion Animal Studies
PO Box 23
KT16 9WQ by the 1st March 2018.
Or by email to
My reasons for wishing to serve on the Trustee Board are:
Skills and experience which I could bring to the Trustee Board are:
I attach a brief biography with the application ( Maximum of 300 words)
Conflict of interest(s) Please declare any potential conflicts of interests with respect to your undertaking the role of a Trustee of SCAS.
SCAS's Board of Trustees needs members with business skills, management experience, understanding of charities. Relevant professions currently not represented on the SCAS Board include social sciences and medicine, including psychiatry and psychology. Potential trustees should have the drive and enthusiasm to take the charity forward.
We want to make sure that the voice of SCAS and the issues facing people and companion animals is heard, so our Trustee Board must have 75% of trustees who have relevant experience of the human-animal bond. Every trustee must have an interest in this special bond, and a commitment to the work of SCAS.
The Board meets at least 4 times a year in the south east of England. Extra sub group meetings are held when needed. Trustees may be required to attend an away day once or twice a year, to work on future plans.
The Charity Commission states that the Board of Trustees is responsible for “controlling the management and administration of the charity.” This includes setting and approving all policies and monitoring work methods, progress and expenditure to ensure that SCAS runs according to the terms of the grants which finance it and according to Charity and Company Law.
Induction and mentorship is provided for all new trustees.
Nominations for the Board need to be returned by the 1st March 2018 .Elections will take place at the AGM on the 17th March 2018