EMITTAcademy Support Team Minutes

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

4:15 p.m.

Jefferson High School, Library

I.Welcome and Call to Order 4:20 by Chairman John Ekberg

II. Welcome to new members and/or guestsGuest: Lindsey Nelson, EMITT Team Leader

at Auburn High School New members: Jack Ryan, Estwing Manufacturing; Zach Oakley,

Rockford Airport; and Dan McKee, Rockford Toolcraft

III.Approval of or Adjustments to Agenda Fabtech added to Action Items

IV.Follow-Up on Previous Items

A. Relay For Life, September 19, 6 p.m.-6 a.m.Guest presenters: Allyson Utech,

Nicole Frazer, and Lucas Clevenger

  • Requests:Form a team, register online ( walk during the event
  • Donate online: buy a luminaria to remember someone, sponsor a team, or make a tax-deductible donation
  • Eat at one of the three restaurants sponsoring the Relay to help raise funds:

Potbelly, Sept. 9, 4-8

Granite City, Sept. 20, 9 a.m.-10 p.m. (mention that you want the 10% donation to Relay For Life)

Lonestar, Sept. 25, 11 a.m.-10 pm. (bring flyer sent with these minutes).

B. CCRC/AST Handbook with focus on Needs and Successes This form, found in the handbook, will be used to express needs of the academy that cannot be fulfilled at the AST level. These needs will then go to the CCRC and, if

not fulfilled at that level, to the Alignment Rockford governing board.

V.Action Items

A. Reaffirmation or election of officers (Chair, Co- or Vice Chair, Secretary):

John Ekberg and Doug Waldeier will serve as Chair and Vice Chair. A secretary is still needed.

B. Location of meeting: Library unless we need equipment not available

C. Membership review, pruning, and gap analysis: All pathways have at least one representative, except automotive. Please let Judy know if you know someone in the auto maintenance field who might be willing to serve on the team. Jill would welcome someone in furniture/cabinet making. Jack Ryan recommended DLM Manufacturing and will get Judy a contact name. Team decided to keep all names on the mailing/invitation list, even if

individuals do not attend.

D. Benchmarks and AST Involvement in meeting them: Reviewed the updated benchmarks and ways in which AST members can contribute to their


E. Academy Expo: Oct. 15, BMO Harris CenterContact Alignment Rockford if you

want a booth and have yet to register

F. Fabtech: John Ekberg is getting more information from Audrey at FMA to

how students can attend the Fabtech event in Chicago on Nov. 9-12. He will forward what he learns to Judy and Jill.

VI.Teacher Reports and Requests (Outcome: Requests met or referred to CCRC)

A. Introduction of new staff to the academy: John Rossato, Academy Principal, and

Amy Cusimano, Academy Counselor

B. New Academy Common Planning Time: Wednesdays, 12:10-1:00, in room 211.

Let Jill Jennings know if you would like to attend ()

C. Requests: Both Jill and Mike Polen would like someone to come into their Intro. to Industrial Tech. classes to discuss and coach blueprint reading and handboard drafting.Please let Jill know if you are able or you know someone who would be good for thisrequest (see e-mail above).

Jill is also interested in getting students more hands-on experience in welding. Ideas from the team: Lincoln demonstration trailer, Dupek, trip to or swap classrooms with Auburn High School’s welding lab. John Ekergwould like to have a demonstration trailor that could go to all schools for some acquaintance with such trades as welding.

David Bardwell invited AST members to Guilford High School next Saturday, from 9-12, for the FTC Robotics kick off.

VIII. Data Report: John Rossato reported that EMITT currently has 331 students and is the second largest academy at Jefferson.

IX. Adjournment: 5:30 p.m.

The EMITT Academy develops innovators with the skills to design and build better communities.

Next Meeting

November 10, 4:15 p.m.