Stage 1 and Stage 1b Interim Measures

Community Newsletter – May 2018

A message from the Lord Mayor

I am pleased to present an update for the Wynnum Road corridor upgrade Stage 1 and 1b projects.

The Wynnum Road corridor is a key arterial road for Brisbane’s eastern suburbs and carries more than 56,000 vehicles per day.

Stage 1 of the project will see Lytton Road between Latrobe Street and Canning Bridge in East Brisbane, widened from four to six lanes by 2020 to help cater for existing and future traffic demands along this busy corridor. Stage 1b will provide interim measures to improve traffic efficiency and safety along the corridor between Canning Bridge and Riding Road in Norman Park.

Both projects are part of my commitment to more than 90 road improvement projects to take real action on congestion, by focusing on a range of solutions to improve the existing road network, getting residents home quicker and safer.

Stage 1 will provide long overdue safety improvements by widening traffic lanes to the appropriate standard, removing unsafe right turns and upgrading the Heidelberg Street intersection. Stage 1b will also improve safety by removing right turns into side streets and improving the Norman Avenue intersection. Between January 2013 and December 2017, there were 103 recorded accidents in the Wynnum Road corridor between Latrobe Street and Riding Road, including 91 incidents requiring medical treatment or hospitalisation.

Works are now underway for Stage 1, with construction activities on the northern (river) side of Lytton Road the focus for 2018. Residents and motorists will have already noticed an

increased presence onsite by the contractor, Fulton Hogan, and changes to traffic conditions in the area including the closure of Eskgrove Street, the removal of right turns from Lytton Road and the reduced speed limit of 40 km/h.

Works within Mowbray Park will start early this month. This will include relocating a number of palm trees and three fig trees within the park after months of detailed planning and ongoing preparation works to ensure their long-term health throughout and following the relocation process.

Maintaining the character of Mowbray Park is important to Brisbane City Council and the relocation of these trees, along with the installation of up-lighting under feature trees and the war memorial, new LED lighting along pathways, and the planting of additional fig trees along the park frontage to recreate a boulevard effect, is all part of the wider Mowbray Park masterplan.

Following detailed design release for Stage 1b in November 2017, Council has progressed with the planning of early works and the land acquisition process in preparation for construction starting in early 2019. I look forward to delivering these important road upgrade projects for the community and providing crucial safety improvements to one of Brisbane’s busiest road corridors.


Graham Quirk

Lord Mayor

Wynnum Road Corridor Upgrade Stage 1 Interim Measures – Latrobe Street to Canning Bridge, East Brisbane

Stage 1 construction update

Works are now well underway in preparation for the widening of Lytton Road between Latrobe Street and Canning Bridge from four to six lanes (providing a new lane in each direction).Construction activities will be focused on the northern (river) side of Lytton Road for the rest of this year where the following works will be undertaken, weather permitting:

  • earthworks and ground preparation works • relocating three large fig trees and six palm trees within Mowbray Park
  • relocating an additional five smaller fig trees from Mowbray Park to other areas within Brisbane.
  • removing five medium fig trees in Mowbray Park that front Lytton Road. New figs trees will be replanted in this location as part of the upgrade to maintain the boulevard effect
  • relocating and upgrading some of the public utility services, such as water and sewer mains, gas and power services
  • upgrading and installing new stormwater drainage
  • constructing the new intersection on Lytton Road, between Scanlan Street and Laidlaw Parade
  • constructing the two new lanes along Lytton Road, including the indented bus bays, kerb and channelling, and some permanent and temporary road line markings
  • constructing the new designated off-road bike path between Mowbray Park and Laidlaw Parade, and the separate pedestrian footpath
  • constructing a pre-cast concrete boundary fence along the northern side of Lytton Road, from east of the Heidelberg Street intersection towards Canning Bridge • private property reinstatement works.

Following the completion of these works, road traffic will shift to the newly constructed lanes, allowing works to commence early next year on the southern side of Lytton Road.

Stage 1b interim measures update

Stage 1b works will complement the works being undertaken as part of Stage 1 by providing interim measures to improve traffic efficiency and safety along Wynnum Road, between Canning Bridge and Riding Road.

As part of this stage, some partial land acquisitions are required from private properties on the northern side of Wynnum Road, near the Norman Avenue intersection. Council is continuing to work with property owners throughout the acquisition process.

This will enable Council to increase the capacity of the right-turn lane at the Norman Avenue intersection and indent the bus bay on the northern side of Wynnum Road, improving traffic flow and safety at this intersection.

While construction works have already started on Stage 1, the majority of construction activities for the Stage 1b interim measures will be undertaken next year. However, some early works for the Stage 1b interim measures will be undertaken this year, such as relocating public utility services in preparation for the upcoming construction activities.

Planned access changes to Gillan Street, Norman Crescent and Overend Street, and morning peak-time changes to on-street parking between Bennetts Road and Hipwood Street for the new bus jump lane will not come into effect until early next year, when construction works for the Stage 1b interim

measures start.

Road access changes to improve safety Stafford Street, Northcote Street, Walter Avenue and Eskgrove Street

Planned access changes to Stafford Street, Northcote Street and Walter Avenue to improve safety along Lytton Road have now come into effect. These streets are now permanently left-in/left-out only. This means that right turns from Lytton Road into Stafford Street, Northcote Street or Walter Avenue and turning right out of these streets onto Lytton Road are no longer permissible.

The intersection of Eskgrove Street and Lytton Road has also been permanently closed, with alternative access via Scanlan Street or Laidlaw Parade.

Council understands residents who used these streets have to alter their travel routes to accommodate these changes, which are a key feature of the Wynnum Road corridor upgrade – Stage 1 project and an important part of improving safety and traffic flow along Lytton Road.

New traffic management measures to help improve local access to these streets will be implemented as works progress, including:

  • construction of a new signalised intersection on Lytton Road, between Scanlan Street and Laidlaw Parade, which will include pedestrian and cyclist crossing points (anticipated late 2018) and the option for westbound traffic to perform a u-turn to travel eastbound (anticipated mid-late 2019).
  • construction of a new u-turn at the intersection of Wynnum Road and Norman Avenue for eastbound traffic to turn around and travel westbound as part of the interim measures for Stage 1b (anticipated mid-2019).

Safety first

For the safety of workers and motorists, the speed limitthrough work areas has been reduced to 40 km/h.

Temporary traffic management arrangements, including signage and access controls, are in place and variablemessage signs located along Lytton Road will providecommuters with information about any detours or potential delays.

Directional signage and access controls will also guide andsafeguard pedestrians and cyclists around the works.

Please slow down and follow all traffic directions.


Due to the nature of the works and the high volume of traffic on Lytton and Wynnum Roads, night works are required throughout the project.

These works help to minimise traffic disruptions and ensure the safety of motorists and workers while the works are underway.

Council will be working closely with the contractor to minimise construction impacts on the local community as much as possible and will continue to keep residents informed of construction activities in their area. Council appreciates your patience and cooperation while these works are underway.

The Wynnum Road corridor is an important route in Brisbane’s road network, providing access between suburban and commercial catchments in the eastern suburbs, the Central Business District (CBD) and beyond. This upgrade is a key part of Council’s commitment to reduce traffic congestion, improve travel times and improve safety for all road users.

Timing for both projects

Timing / Details
Early 2018 / Stage 1 – construction started (northern side of Lytton Road)
Mid-late 2018 / Early works for Stage 1b
Late 2018 / Stage 1 – prepare to switch works to southern side of Lytton Road
Early 2019 / Stage 1 – traffic switch Stage 1b – works start
Early 2020 / Both stages complete

For more information

To find out more about this project, you can:

•phone the project team on the new dedicated hotline - 1800 572132 (during business hours)

•phone Council on (07) 3403 8888 (outside of business hours)


•visit and search for ‘Wynnum Road corridor upgrade Stage 1’

•write to: Wynnum Road corridor upgrade Stage 1 City Projects Office, Brisbane City Council GPO Box 1434, Brisbane Qld 4001

To see a translated version of this newsletter, please visit brisbane.qld.gov.au and search ‘Wynnum Road corridor upgrade’.

查阅本资讯简报的简体中文译本,请登陆brisbane.qld.gov.au/zho并搜索“WynnumRoad走廊升级”。查閱本資訊簡報的繁體中文譯本,請造訪:brisbane.qld.gov.au/chi並搜索“WynnumRoad走廊升級”。이소식지의번역본을보시려면,brisbane.qld.gov.au를방문해서‘Wynnum Road corridor upgrade’ 를검색하시기바랍니다.