PRESENT: Dumo Majombozi; Noxolo Kubheka; Zibusiso Mbhele; Aboo-bakr Benjamin; Nicholas Wayne; Liam Swartz, Pumeza Jwambi; Jacques Geldenhuys; Eunice De Bruin; Jonathan Tripp; Carmen Kennedy; Annaleen Mostert
ABSENT WITH REASON: Quintin Van Staden
GUESTS:Chelsea Prentice (MeerhoffPrimaria)
Mr Majombozi welcomes the council and the guests present.
Approval of previous TSR UK meeting minutes (6 October 2014)
Ms Mbhele motions for the approval of the minutes.
It was then said that members of the TSR are not to forget to send their strengths to Dr B Van Wyk. Mr Majombozi states that the figures at point 6.1 are to change to R2.2m annually and a once-off contribution of R4m for security and pedestrian walkways etc. Mr Majombozi added that, at the end of the first paragraph on the 2nd page, ‘Skoonwinkel’ is to be spelt ‘Schoonwinkel’. In the second paragraph there is to be a change to Prof Van Huysteen.
Mr Majombozi then says that, at 8.2, in the last sentence of the first paragraph the ‘SSVO’ is to change to the ‘SSG’
The minutes are the approved by Ms Kubheka and seconded by Mr Benjamin.
Items from previous TSR UK meeting (6 October 2014)
Mr Geldenhuys says he did sort out the details with his two committees and that his idea is to train with the Juniour Student Support to have everyone on the same page. Mr Geldenhuys also added that his committee is continuing with the idea of a picnic on the Sea Point Promenade and make tickets available at the TSR shop.
Mr Majombozi says that the various Voogde are to inform the TSR of the dates the TSR is able to meet with the first years of the respective residences.
Approval of Agenda
Ms Mbhele motions for the approval of the agenda.
Alterations to the agenda:
5.2 Miss Kubheka to give feedback instead of Mr Majombozi
5.11 Rector’s management team (N. Kubheka)
5.12 Turnstile (N. Wayne)
6.4 Feesweek (A. Mostert)
7.1 Busfund (N. Wayne)
The agenda for the meeting is then approved by Ms De Bruin and seconded by Mr Wayne.
5.1. / TSR UK
Mr Majombozi says the TSR would like to congratulate Prof Wynand for his decades of service to Stellenbosch University and for being the TSR Honorary President for 18/19 years running.
MR Majombozimentions that the welcoming programme is to have interactive sessions with the first years on the 28th January, where various TSR members are expected to assist. Mr Majomboziexplains that the first years will be divided into small groups. The following TSR members are required at the sessions:
Mr Benjamin’s ‘safety’session with SanelBernado
Ms Kennedy to assist Mrs Groenewald with Green/Sustainability
Ms Jwambi Centre for Student Development discussion with Ms Nel.
Mr Majombozi also added that the TSR members are to be involved in the entire program for the Welcoming Day 2015 (22 January 2015).
5.2. / SRc Feedback
Ms Kubheka informs the TSR that the last meeting of the SRc that she attended took place on the 16th October 2014, Ms Kubheka then goes on to explain what happened during the meeting, saying that the PK spoke about establishing a task team to tackle the problem of ‘Why people of colour feel the way they do’ regarding the Amazinkincident. Ms Kubheka then adds that there is also to be a task team setup to find out the Centre for Inclusivity shutting down.
Ms Kubheka says that there was also mention of starting a Matie Identity initiative, with there being an idea for something called Matie Monday. She added that the reason for the Matie Identity initiative is to build a sense of pride amongst SU students. Ms Kubheka then goes on to say that the SRc is to work with Alumni of SU for a bursary fund.
Ms Kubheka says that there was a problem with ‘inclusivity’ regarding the use of different languages during welcoming week and that a memo is to be drafted on the situation. She adds that the 40 facilitator project was also discussed.
5.3. / Faculty Meeting
Ms De Bruin says that there was mention of an increase of inflation to 5.7%. She also says that there are also to be an increase in the number of students by 2.9% for 2015 and that the student fees increased as well from 5.7% to 9%.
Ms Kubhekasays she enquired about the fees and wanted to know why the increase in the fees was not effectively communicated to students of Tygerberg campus. She went on to say that students would want to want to at least know about it. She also says that there was an email sent out regarding fees for 2015 after her enquiry. Ms Kubheka also added that JC from the SRc was in consultation with the fees department too.
Miss De Bruin mentions that she will follow up this in the next faculty meeting
Miss De Bruin would like to congratulate Dr.Louw as the new 1st year co-ordinator
5.4. / Societies Council
Mr Tripp informs the council that treasure training was successful.
He mentions that the Tygerberg Gospel Choir and ACTS needed loans from the TSC.
He says that this year the societies will be promoting online sign-ups during bekendstelling.
Tygerberg Societies are successfully in the Matie diary. He adds that is, unfortunately only displaying Stellenbosch campus societies and that he will sort out the matter as soon as possible. Mr Tripp also mentions that the societies’ lunch is to take place during O-week and that he is to follow up on the progress made so far.
The TSR also will have a stall on 22 January
Societies bekendstelling is scheduled for 2-6 February 2015
5.5. / Policy Unit
No feedback
There will be a meeting scheduled for the end of January 2015
5.6. / PK
Mr Van Staden was not present.
5.7. / Voogde
Ms Mbhele says most of the times for the TSR visits to the various campus residences are sorted and that the voogde just need to make sure there are no any clashes and to confirm venues
(23 Jan) Huis Francie: 7:00 O-saal
Hippo: 9:00
Kerkenberg: 8:30
(28 Jan) Meerhoff: 12:00
Ms Kubheka says that it would be preferred if all the TSR members could make the visits to the residences, however if a member is not able to make it they are to contact her.
5.8. / TSR Tuesday
The first TSR Tuesday will take place on 20 January 2015
5.9. / RFP Tender
Mr Wayne says that, originally Mr Majomboziand Mr Benjamin were to follow the whole tender process. Mr Wayne and Miss Mbhele then took over the process.
Mr Wayne says the applicants for the tender were FEDICS, C3, Royal catering, WP Catering, Capital and Feedem. Mr Wayne says that they were given points according to a score sheet where various factors were taken into account. Price per meal was the most important factor in terms of affordability to the student and was weighted 45%.
Mr Wayne then says that FEDICS were impressive with regards to their price per meal, which was very competitive between applicants (up to R10 differences between FEDICS and some of the other applicants). Fedics therefore were awarded the contract based on their highest ranking of cumulative points.
Mr Wayne then added that he is aware of the students’ point of view surrounding FEDICS and expressed this to the tender committee board. He says that FEDICS price per meal allows for many students to be able to afford 3 meals a day, which would not be possible with many of the other applicants.
Mr Wayne then says that each tender had to provide a plan for a Halaal kitchen; FEDICS was able to fulfil this requirement.
Mr Wayne says that Mr Howell headed the tender process and took note of the student interests.
Mr Benjamin then poses the question as to who should make the announcement of the successful applicant. Mr Benjamin says that it would not be appropriate for the TSR to make the announcement seeing as the process was mainly dealt with by commercial services. It was also said that the contract with FEDICS is not finalised and that Mr Howell is looking for some input from students. Mr Benjamin then says that a date for the feedback session can be set once the announcement is made.
Mr Majombozi then goes on to say that the TSR represents the students and not the university. He says that the TSR should not feel ashamed of the outcome. Mr Majombozi then asks whether there is or was a task team put together to decide on the contents of the contract to which Ms Kubheka replies that there was no task team appointed. Mr Majombozi says that it needs to be followed up and that they need to consider getting student input as far as possible. / Follow up on possible task team for FEDICS contract conditions etc.
5.10. / Juniour Student Support
Mr Geldenhuys says that for the ‘amazing race’ is now a walking tour event to take place on the welcoming day - all TSR members are to be involved. Mr Geldenhuys adds that the tour will be run by HK members, TSR members and EDP 2 students. He says that it is to take place at 11:00 – 14:00 on the 22 January 2015. Mr Geldenhuys says that the TSR members are to go through the document they received regarding the tour.
Mr Majombozi then says that Ms Mostert was not included in the program for the tour. It was then decided that Ms Mostert was to swop with one of Ms Kubheka’s slots.
Mr Geldenhuys also informs the TSR that Ms Jwambi and he were asked to help out with main campus’ welcoming week task team as well, however declined the offer as they had commitments to Tygerberg welcoming programme. Mr Geldenhuys also says that there was a task team for the Tygerberg welcoming week that they were busy with and that EDP students would be assisting with the program.
Ms Kennedy asks whether the tour includes the eco-walk. Mr Geldenhuys says that it does not, however, that they are meeting on Monday 19th January where they can possibly add it to the landmarks.
Ms Kubheka says that it is advised that TSR members take leave for the 22nd January 2015 as the council is required at most of the events. She says that they are to meet in the morning for the setup of the hall for the talk. Ms Kubheka adds that transport to and from Stellenbosch has been arranged.
Mr Geldenhuys then goes on to discuss the food parcels the first years are to receive during welcoming week. He says that had a meeting with Yolanda (Fedics). He says that their meeting was quite successful and that they made a few adjustments to last year’s meal plan. He says that the problem with last year’s plans was that the meals had too many carbohydrates and sugars. Mr Geldenhuys also says that the quantity provided to each residence was an issue in some cases and that they were not able to increase the quantity this year, however, they decided to introduce an option for residences where they can choose from breads and spreads. Mr Geldenhuys says there are to be 3 options available: normal, halaal and vegetarian. He says that the HK’s are to place their orders by Tuesday the 20th January 2015 and that students are to sign for their meals.
Ms Prentice then asks whether the slip for the first years to sign will be provided or whether the residences would need to draw them up themselves. Mr Geldenhuys says that he will email a template to the first year HKs
5.11. / Rector’s management meeting
Ms Kubheka says that the last RMT meeting took place on the 27th October 2014.
She says that they discussed the transport arrangements and student safety during exam time. Ms Kubheka says there was also discussion around the use of Endler Hall for Ser 2015. She says that the SRC wanted to know whether they are still to be charged for the use of Endler Hall and that the SRc was told they will be charged as there are running costs that the university needs to cover.
Ms Kubheka then says that the Centre for Student Counselling and Development was discussed. She says that the SRc was aware that the CSCD Tygerberg is understaffed. Ms Kubheka says that they are, therefore, to appoint an additional staff member. She also asks that Ms Jwambi follow up on the new staff member.
Ms Kubheka says that the Tygerberg Mobility Plan was discussed and that it is basically the same story they’ve been hearing for the past few years. She then say that Mr Majombozi should have some more information at the next meeting / Ms Jwambi to follow up on the appointment of the new staff member at the CSCD.
Mr Majombozi to give some feedback on the Tygerberg Mobility Plan.
5.12. / Turnstile
Mr Wayne goes on to speak about the gate between campus and the hospital.
He says that the TSR 2012/2013 set money aside for the relocation of the gate, but faculty said they should rather upgrade it and postpone the relocation. He says that the cost of upgrading the gate was R70 000 and the TSR contributed R40 000. He thanks theTSR 2012/2013 and that the project was done for the convenience of all the students on campus.
Ms Kubheka says that the previous TSR paid for the actual cost of the gate (R40 000) and all the extra costs of removing the rubble and labour was covered by faculty (R30 000).
Points of Information
6.1. / Media and Marketing
6.1.1 / US Open Day
Mr Swartz says that the US Open Day is to take place on Saturday the 28th February 2015 and that the TSR is to be present on the day.
Mr Swartz added that the Open day changed slightly this year. He there is normally just one stall/section for the TSR/Tygerberg campus, however, they are to have shuttles to and from main campus and Tygerberg campus this year. Mr Swartz says the idea is for prospective students/parents to spend more time at Tygerberg.
Mr Swartz adds that there are now to be a few stalls on Tygerbergcampus and that they are to organise tours etc. too. He also says that he is to provide more information closer to the time, however, that the TSR is to diarise Saturday the 28th February 2015.
6.1.2 / Clothing
Mr Swartz says that he ordered green golf shirts using the sizes of the green shirts that the TSR were using. He also says that for uniformity’s sake female members are to wear denim shorts and male members are to wear chino shorts with their green shirts/golf shirts. Mr Swartz says that this is to make the TSR more uniform as well as more approachable.
Mr Majombozi then asks whether the chino/denim shorts are to come out of their pockets, to which Mr Swartz says that TSR members are to buy their own shorts. Mr Swartz then says that members don’t need to buy new shorts if they already have one, even if they are all not the same shade.
Mr Wayne then asks Mr Swartz whether he already has an idea of what the TSR is to wear during the welcoming week period. Mr Swartz then says he is to send an email out with that information.
Mr Swartz also says that there has been a problem with the green shirts for the males and he says that it is not working out, so he is either to use another contact or cancel the idea of green shirts. It was decided that the TSR is to use white shirts instead.
6.1.3 / “Fash Cam” Board
Mr Swartz says that the Fash Cam Board was an idea to boost campus spirit and he says that it was an initiative by 2 girls in campus, unfortunately the project cannot be continued.
He says he is to rather use it as a TSR calendar.
6.2. / Community Interaction Morning
Ms Kennedy says that some of the TSR members will be required to attend the Community Interaction outreaches, depending on the attendance of the various residence HK attendances.
Ms Kennedy says that the Community Interaction morning is to take place on Thursday the 29th January and that there are 6 locations, 3 of which are onsite. Ms Kennedy then says that there was proposals to have Tygerberg Outreach Society (TOS, a new society on campus) present themselves to those on campus while the others are leaving campus.
6.3. / Calendar Dates
Ms Mbhele lists the upcoming important dates:
20th January 2015 is the next TSR Tuesday, 22nd January is the SU Welcoming Day (where the entire TSR is to be present for the whole day and, therefore, need to fill in the yellow leave of absence form), 23rd& 28th January is the visits with the TSR and the various residences (said times to be confirmed with voogde), 29th January is the Community Interaction Morning and the 30th January is vensters.
6.4. / Feesweek
Ms Mostert lists the various fees week events. They are: Meerhoff and Osler Quad Rock, Hippokrates’ Hippobraai, Kerkenberg’sKerkeoke, Huis Francie Van Zijl’s Foam Party and lastly KaasenWyn where the TSR is expected to assist.
Ms Kubheka says it will be compulsory for all TSR members to attend all feesweek events for the first hour. Ms Kubheka also asks Ms Mostert to let the TSR members know what they need to do for the setup, when their shifts are and their role in the VIP event before the actual event. Ms Mostert then says that everyone will need to assist with clean-up afterward.
Ms Mostert says that the bar closes at 00:00 and the event ends at 02:00. Mr Wayne then adds that the TSR needs to maximise use of social network for events.
Points of Discussion
7.1. / Mr Wayne spoke about the transport system, saying that they are to invite one person from each residence to be involved with the decision making. He also adds that there are to be two members of the TSR on the task team/committee too. He says that the group will mainly be there to come up with ideas and decide on the use of the available funds. He adds that they want the transport system to be up and running as soon as possible.
The two members of the TSR to join the committee are Mr Benjamin and Mr Geldenhuys. / Mr Wayne to set up task team
7.2. / Ms Kubheka reminds the TSR that their quarterly reports are due on the 23rdJanuary 2015
Additional points and General
Questions and Varia
Man/Women of the meeting
Mr Geldenhuys was voted Man of the Meeting.
Mr Majombozi adds that he is still to get a floating trophy.

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