Modern Europe Final Exam Review

1. Charles Darwin developed the theory of / ______
2. Who invented the telephone? / ______
3. Who invented the light bulb? / ______
4. Who invented the automobile? / ______
5. What is a textile? / ______
6. Name 2 inventions in the textile industry. / ______
7. What forms of power were used during the Industrial Revolution? / ______
8. What invention allowed factories to move away from rivers and streams? / ______
9. In the cities, most people worked in ___. / ______
10. What were middle class people concerned most about? / ______
11. The belief that certain people are naturally better and more “fit” than others is known as___. / ______
12. Marx believed that all workers (proletariat) would one day _____ against the wealthy owners and middle class managers (bourgeoisie). / ______
13. True or False. Working in the factory was dangerous and the workers were paid little. / ______
14. Where did the Industrial Revolution begin? / ______
15. What invention helped to power boats and locomotives? / ______
16. India provided ___ with a large market and plenty of raw materials. / ______
17. Who adopted Western ideas and weapons so that they would avoid being conquered? / ______
18. Who were the sepoys? / ______
19. Why did they revolt against the British? / ______
20. Name the first modern African nation to defeat a European one. / ______
21. Which European country was the first to conquer land in Africa? / ______
22. The biggest reason that imperialism occurred was because European countries were looking for cheap ______that they needed for the Industrial Revolution. / ______
23. What meeting was held to prevent European countries from fighting over African land? / ______
24. The first modern Asian nation to defeat a European one was _____. / ______
25. Britain took over China as a result of the ______War. / ______
26. Finish the quote: “The sun never sets on the ______.” What does it mean? / ______
27. Name 2 agricultural inventions/innovations. / ______
28. What were the flying shuttle and spinning jenny used for? / ______
29. Who believed that workers would eventually unite and revolt around the world? / ______
30. What is urbanization? / ______
31. What book did Adam Smith write? / ______
32. What did Adam Smith say controlled the economy? / ______
33. What did Marx call the wealthy people in the world? / ______
34. What did Marx call the workers who were oppressed by the wealthy? / ______
35. What was the most significant power source during the Industrial Revolution? / ______
36. Due to the need for new resources for the Industrial Revolution, European countries took over lands in Africa and Asia. This is known as / ______
37. Why else did European countries want colonies? / ______
38. Who came to the aid of Serbia because they felt that they had a duty to defend the Slavs in WWI? / ______
39. When two countries compete to build up their militaries, it is called an ______. / ______
40. The failed German attack plan to avoid a two front war was known as the ______Plan. / ______
41. Before declaring war on Serbia, Austria-Hungary issued them an / ______
42. What war did the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand cause? / ______
43. What new weapons were used in WWI? / ______
44. What are u-boats? / ______
45. Who used them first? / ______
46. Why did Britain enter WWI? / ______
47. What style of warfare was used on the Western Front? / ______
48. Where was the Western Front? / ______
49. What famous ocean liner did a u-boat sink? / ______
50. What Zimmerman telegram was a message from Germany to what country? / ______
51. The Central Powers and Triple Entente were examples of / ______
52. The 3 members of the Central Powers were the Ottoman Empire, Germany, and / ______
53. What do you call a country that refuses to take sides in a war? / ______
54. Who was the President of the United States who developed the 14 Points during WWI? / ______
55. Why wasn't the Treaty of Versailles a good treaty? / ______
56. Why did Russia leave the war? / ______
57. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk allowed which country to leave the war early? / ______
58. In what ways did the Treaty of Versailles punish Germany? / ______
59. What organization was created after WWI to keep peace? / ______
60. What “mad monk” was killed for having a corrupt influence on the Russian monarchy? / ______
61. What did the communists call themselves during the Russian Revolution? / ______
62. Who inspired the philosophy of communism? / ______
63. Between WWI and WWII countries around the world suffered economically in a time period known as the / ______
64. Who became the first communist leader of Russia after the November Revolution? / ______
65. Lenin tried to temporarily retreat from communism in order to rebuild the economy. His plan was called ______. / ______
66. Large farms operated by peasants as a group are called ______. / ______
67. What does totalitarian mean? / ______
68. In order to increase his power and remove rivals, Stalin began the period known as the ______. / ______
69. According to the Five-Year Plans, what was Stalin’s main goal as leader of the Soviet Union? / ______
70. What philosophy did Mussolini create that stresses support for dictators and military power? / ______
71. Mussolini and Hitler tested their weapons out in what war prior to WWII? / ______
72. What event started WWII? / ______
73. What race did Hitler believe was superior? / ______
74. The night in which Jewish synagogues and businesses were destroyed in Germany is known as / ______
75. What is Mein Kampf? / ______
76. The German speaking land in Czechoslovakia was called the / ______
77. What was the turning point in the war between Germany and the Soviet Union? / ______
78. What was the Final Solution? / ______
79. Who were the victims of the Holocaust? / ______
80. The Allied invasion of France on June 6, 1944 that led to Hitler’s downfall was known as / ______
81. Why did Germans overlook many of Hitler’s faults? / ______
82. What were the results of WWII? / ______
83. What Soviet leader killed even more people than Hitler? / ______
84. The constant tension between the Soviet Union and the United States when no direct fighting took place between 1945-1991 is known as / ______
Study the map of Europe. Be ready to identify the following:
(Countries with an asterisk (*) beside it will require you to identify the capital as well)
England*, France*, Spain*, Germany*, Italy*, Russia*, Greece*, Poland*, Austria*, Ireland*, Portugal, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, English Channel, Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean