Fiona Stanley Project – How to genially splash money on walls. - By Lion Jean-Marc Authelet.

This projet started back in October last year when Lion Bob showed the members an article indicated that Fiona Stanley Hospital was seeking funds for the purchase of paintings foor their Neonatology Unit. As nobody knew about this, and prior allocating funds, it was decided to send Lions Bob and Brian W. on a mission, being finding more information about the project idea and report back to the Club.

As usual for Bob and Brian, this was acted professionally and in no time, we had a good idea of the project: it was the purchase of “paintings” from the renowned WA artist Wendy Binks. Now, it was not the usual painting on canvas (oil painting) or paper (watercolour painting) as we know them. It is a revolutionary printer that “paint” directly on the wall; as these paintings are in a hospital environment, this method is extremely clean and avoid the accumulation of dust, bugs, etc – and you do not want this in an area with pre-born babies.

By that time, the Club decided to go ahead with the project, funds were allocated and th lady in charge of this project at Fiona Stanley nurse unit manager Allison Martin was advised our Club was behind her and she could seek for quotes. It didn’t take long before we had news, we agreed on the costs and the paintings went ahead.

And what a result!: a myriad of little and big emus appeared in the rooms, corridors and offices – around 400 of them splashed on 91 paintings: some in pyjamas, with crutches, other little ones in incubators, and a lot of silly but lovely ones – a real treat for all parents, kids, visitors and the staff.

It is a fantastic project well completed – we are very proud of us and it is definively funds well spent. This will give immense plea sure and entertainment for a lot of people for many years to come.

The printing equipment Checking the blood pressure

A bit of fresh air In pajama’s

Where is my heart? A little baby!

Wendy Binks and President Jean-Marc Authelet in front of “The Incubator”

President Jean-Marc Authelet presented a cheque of $18,000 to Dr. Janine Spencer

(Left to right: PDG Bob Thomson, Allison Martin and Sec Brian Davis)

In the Department of Health – Fiona Stanley Hospital website is the below article:

Artwork brightens rooms for kids and families

Artist Wendy Binks and Jean Marc Authelet from the Bull Creek Lions Club with one of the artworks installed on 3A and 3B.

April 26, 2016

Patient rooms in paediatrics and neonates now feature bright and engaging artwork, thanks to the generosity of Fremantle artist Wendy Binks and the Bull Creek Lions Club. After chance meeting between Paediatrics Nurse Unit Manager Lynda Deacon and Wendy, the artist was quick to offer to donate images from her well-known Stripey the Emu series, and to create custom pieces for Fiona Stanley Hospital. Wendy even incorporated items from the wards, such as medical equipment and the hospital pyjamas, which children could recognise. A significant donation from the Bull Creek Lions Club has enabled a total of 89 images to be installed throughout wards 3A and 3B using a high-tech computerised painting machine, which spray-painted the images directly onto the walls. The Wendy Binks artwork is a wonderful addition to the community artwork which features in the corridors and treatment rooms of paediatrics. In addition to bringing colour and fun to the children’s areas of the hospital, the images provide a method of distraction when kids are unwell and require procedures such as blood tests.