Amendment history

Version no. / Issue date / Amendment details / Author
1.0 / 11/2010 / Initial release / TAMS HR
1.2 / 08/2012 / Amended to include social media use; TAMS dress standards. / TAMS HR
1.3 / 11/2012 / Incorporated ACTPS Code of Conduct; Amendments to reflect Director-General approval required for alcohol consumption/carriage; inserted amendment history; updated to accessible formatting; minor amendments flowing from changes to the Public Sector Management Standards. / TAMS HR
1.4 / 6/2014 / Updated references to reflect new Enterprise Agreements. / TAMS HR

Table of Contents

Amendment history

Table of Contents

ACT Public Service Code of Conduct

ACTPS Employee Values

ACT Public Service Signature Behaviours

Summary of the TAMS Code of Conduct

Reporting a breach of the Code of Conduct

Message from the Director-General

1. Introduction

Why do we have a TAMS Code of Conduct?

What is the basis for the TAMS Code of Conduct?

2. Applying the TAMS Code of Conduct

Who does the TAMS Code of Conduct apply to?

When does the TAMS Code of Conduct apply?

What are my responsibilities under the TAMS Code of Conduct?

What happens if I act inappropriately?

Reporting a breach of the TAMS Code of Conduct

3. The TAMS Code of Conduct and your obligations

Act with Integrity

Decision making

Conflict of interest

Gifts and benefits

Outside employment (commonly known as a second job)

Public comment

Media liaison

Communicating with members of the Legislative Assembly

Internet and email use

Social media

Confidentiality of information

Disclosure of information

Selection processes

Be Accountable

Know the law and the policies that apply to your work

Responsiveness and diligence

Record Keeping

Be Respectful

Show respect for others

Supervise employees responsibly

Bullying and harassment

Be Professional

Act professionally

Work to the best of your ability

Work safely

Impairment from alcohol or drugs

Smoke Free Workplaces

Expectations of Dress Standards

4. Where to get further help to understand your responsibilities

APPENDIX A – Section 9 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994

General obligations of public employees

APPENDIX B – Table Summary of the TAMS Code of Conduct

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ACT Public Service Code of Conduct

The Commissioner for Public Administration launched the ACT Public Service (ACTPS) Code of Conduct in October 2012. The ACTPS Code of Conduct establishes Employee Values and Signature Behaviours that define the ACTPS as an organisation. Through the Territory and Municipal Services Directorate (TAMS) Code of Conduct, the Directorate has built upon the ACTPS Code of Conduct by detailing how we conduct ourselves in meeting these standards.

ACTPS Employee Values

Respect– in the ACTPS means treating others with the sensitivity, courtesy and understanding we would wish for ourselves, and recognising that everyone has something to offer. It means thinking “would I be happy if this was happening to me” and rests on a foundation of fundamental decency in our dealings with colleagues and clients alike.
Integrity – in the ACTPS means being apolitical, honest, dependable, and accountable in our dealings with ministers, the Parliament, the public and each other. It means recognising achievement, not shirking uncomfortable conversations and implies a consistency in our dealings with others.
Collaboration – in the ACTPS means actively sharing information and resources, working together towards shared goals and asking “who else do I need to talk to to get this right”. It means actively seeking opportunities for breaking down unhealthy silos and relies on genuine engagement with colleagues in the ACTPS and with the broader community.
Innovation – in the ACTPS means asking “but why”, actively seeking out new and better ways of doing what we do (as well as better things to do), and not settling for how it has always been. It means empowering colleagues at all levels to raise new ideas and necessitates sensible and thoughtful engagement with risk.

ACTPublic Service Signature Behaviours

In demonstrating respect...
  1. We take pride in our work
  2. We value and acknowledge the contribution of others
  3. We relate to colleagues and clients in a fair, decent, caring and professional manner
In demonstrating integrity...
  1. We do what we say we’ll do and respond appropriately, especially when the unexpected occurs
  2. We take responsibility and are accountable for our decisions and actions
  3. We engage genuinely with the community, and manage the resources entrusted to us honestly and responsibly
In demonstrating collaboration...
  1. We work openly and share appropriate information to reach shared goals
  2. We actively seek out other views when solving problems and value and act on feedback on how we can do things better
In demonstrating innovation...
  1. We look for ways to continuously improve our services and skills
  2. We are open to change and new ideas from all sources

Summary of the TAMS Code of Conduct

The ACT Territory and Municipal Services Directorate (TAMS) Code of Conduct sets out the standards of behaviour expected of all TAMS employees to meet their obligations as detailed in the ACTPS Code of Conduct and Public Sector Management Act 1994.

The TAMS Code of Conduct expands on the Employee Values and Signature Behaviours established by the ACTPS Code of Conduct, prescribing how TAMS employees must conduct themselves.

Reference to specific linkages between the TAMS Code of Conduct and ACTPS Employee Values of Respect(1), Integrity (2), Collaboration(3), and Innovation (4) is made with these numbers.

As TAMS employees, you are expected to:

act with integrity (2)

be accountable(1,2,3,4)

be respectful(1,2,3,4)

be professional(1,2,3,4)

These behaviours are summarised below, andapply to all dealings with Ministers, customers, the community, supervisors/managers and colleagues.

Act with Integrity (2)

Acting with integrity is about behaving ethically at work and in all your dealings with people. You act with integrity by:

  • making fair and transparent decisions;(2)
  • reporting any suspected fraud, corruption or criminal conduct to your supervisor/manager;(2)
  • telling your supervisor/manager about any personal interest, beliefs or opportunities to benefit in a matter that could influence your ability to perform your duties and responsibilities, including any gifts you receive at work;(2)
  • never using your position improperly for personal gain or to gain an advantage in your private life, including favours for family and friends;(2)
  • making it clear if you make public comments about work matters that these are your personal views;(2)
  • using government information and communication technology appropriately, including any email and internet use;(2)
  • accessing information only when it is part of your job; and(2)
  • releasing official information only when authorised or it is already publicly available.(2)

Be Accountable (1,2,3,4)

As a TAMS employee, you are accountable to your colleagues, supervisors/managers, the Director-General and the ACT Government for your actions. You demonstrate accountability by:

  • having a working knowledge of the laws and policies that apply to your work;(2)
  • carrying out any lawful and reasonable directions you are given;(3,4)
  • providing advice that is honest; (3,4)
  • being open about reporting mistakes, and dealing justly with others when mistakes are made;(1,2,3,4)
  • arriving and departing work at the times specified or agreed by your supervisor/manager, and notifying of any planned or unexpected absences; (1,2)
  • ensuring that money and resources are used properly and not wasted;(1,2,3,4)
  • not taking or misusing any government property; and(1,2,3,4)
  • maintaining records and securing them appropriately. (2)

Be Respectful (1,2,3,4)

TAMS is committed to delivering services and creating workplaces where people are respected and diversity is embraced. You show respect to others by:

  • treating people with courtesy, honesty and fairness;(1,2,3,4)
  • respecting different values, beliefs, cultures and religions;(1,2,3,4)
  • working cooperatively and respecting the contribution of the people who work with you;(1,2,3,4)
  • not harassing, bullying, intimidating or unlawfully discriminating against other people; and(1,2,3)
  • reporting any incidents of harassment or bullying by the public or another colleague, including acts of violence, aggression or intimidation, to your supervisor/manager.(1,2,3,4)

Be Professional (1,2,3,4)

You will always try to act professionally and in a manner that builds the reputation of TAMS. You demonstrate professionalism by:

  • dealing with individuals and groups fairly, effectively and impartially;(1,4)
  • working to the best of your ability;(1,2,3,4)
  • working safely and reporting all workplace health and safety incidents to your supervisor/manager;(1,2,3,4)
  • maintaining a clean and tidy appearance and wearing a uniform/Personal Protective Equipment if required;(2,3)
  • representing TAMS appropriately; and(2,3)
  • avoiding conduct that could damage the reputation of TAMS.(3,4)
  • Note:The above principles are also summarised in table form at AppendixB.

Reporting a breach of the Code of Conduct

You are required to report any suspected breaches of theTAMS Code of Conduct or official misconduct that you become aware of at work. Report your concerns to your supervisor/manager, or seek advice from TAMS Human Resources on (02)62076737 or by email at .

Where fraud or corruption is suspected, you are required to report this to the Senior Executive Responsible for Business Integrity Risk (SERBIR), either directly or through your supervisor/manager. The SERBIR can be contacted on (02)62072645 or by email at .

This summary of the TAMS Code of Conduct is a guide only. To ensure you fully understand your responsibilities, you should read the full TAMS Code of Conduct. Please note that the TAMS Code of Conduct does not replace the legal requirements of section 9 of the PublicSectorManagement Act 1994.

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Message from the Director-General

Working in TAMS, we have an obligation and responsibility to the ACT Government, to the community, to our colleagues and to ourselves to act and behave appropriately. What we do and say at work reflects both our personal values and those of the Directorate.

Every day, as we go about delivering our services, people observe us and comment on our actions and behaviours. I am often reminded that one of the main reasons people enjoy working in TAMS is because of the work environment and the fact that we all work well together. This is something of which we can be proud.

For TAMS, I expect the highest level of integrity andaccountability in everything we do. I expect in our dealings with each other and the community we will continue to show respect and tolerance, noting that sometimes we will face challenges and frustrations. I expect at all times we will act as a professional public service, displaying high ethical standards that set the example to which others should aspire.

These high ethical standards reflect the position in which we have been placed by government and the public to carry out important service delivery functions. Our personal standards of behaviour such as integrity, respect, diligence, and courtesy should be unrivalled. Our ethical behaviour must be reflected by our use of resources in an efficient, effective and ethical way, consistent with the requirements of the Financial Management and Accountability Act1997.

TheTAMS Code of Conduct does several things:

  • It supplements and explains how TAMS implements the ACT Public Service Code of Conduct;
  • It sets out those actions, standards of behaviour and level of professionalism I expect of all staff and identifies those behaviours that will not be tolerated;
  • It should deter conduct that would weaken public confidence in our behaviours while reinforcing our reputation as an organisation that is trustworthy, wellbehaved, responsive and provides value for money;
  • It should promote ethical behaviour and integrity by encouraging staff to fulfil their obligations and responsibilities in the workplace, which will subsequently be reflected in the services we deliver; and
  • It provides guiding principles to assist decision making in the course of our daily work.

Everyone is responsible for adhering to this Code of Conduct. I expect everyone to read it and act in accordance with it. For the supervisors/managers in TAMS I place the additional responsibility of ensuring all your staff understands it.

Both the Government and community need to be confident in our capacity to efficiently, effectively and ethically administer public money and property, provide good services, and work diligently and professionally. These things go to very core of who we are and what we do.

Gary Byles


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1. Introduction

Why do we have a TAMS Code of Conduct?

All TAMS employees are expected to achieve and demonstrate high standards of conduct and work performance to ensure that public confidence in the ACT Public Service (ACTPS) is maintained.

The purpose of the TAMS Code of Conduct is to provide guidance relating to the ACTPS Code of Conduct and section 9 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994 (AppendixA) and refer to other relevant legislation and policies that govern behaviour. It details the standard of behaviour TAMS expects from our employees to comply with legislative and other policy requirements.

As an employee, it is your responsibility to understand your obligations and maintain an awareness of your rights. This document aims to support you to do this.

What is the basis for the TAMS Code of Conduct?

Your responsibilities and behaviours as ACT public employees are governed by legislation, agreements and policies, including the:

  • Public Sector Management Act 1994 (the PSM Act) and Public Sector Management Standards 2006 (the PSM Standards)
  • ACT Public Service Code of Conduct
  • Fair Work Act 2009 and Fair Work Regulations 2009
  • Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988
  • Work Health and Safety Act 2011
  • Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997
  • Workplace Privacy Act 2011
  • Relevant Enterprise Agreements
  • ACTPS Respect, Equity and Diversity (RED) Framework.
  • ACTPS Integrity Policy and Code of Ethics
  • Acceptable Use of ICT Resources Policy
  • Director-General Financial Instructions

Section 6 of the PSM Act provides the following ACTPS values and principles:

(a)service to the public;

(b)responsiveness to —

(i)the requirements of the government;

(ii)the needs of the public;

(c)accountability to the government for the ways in which functions are performed;

(d)fairness and integrity;

(e)efficiency and effectiveness.

2. Applying the TAMS Code of Conduct

Who does the TAMS Code of Conduct apply to?

This Code of Conduct applies to all TAMS employees, agents, contractors, labour hire, volunteers and Board appointees, whether permanent, temporary, full-time, part-time or casual.

Employees are those who have obligations under the PSM Act, and include temporary and casual staff. While agents, contractors, labour hire, volunteers and Board appointees are not considered employees, TAMS expects that the principles and behaviours reflected in this Code of Conduct will apply to these people and/or service providers.

When does the TAMS Code of Conduct apply?

You are required to display behaviour consistent with the TAMS Code of Conduct when you are:

  • undertaking any component of your official duties;
  • in the workplace or in a work related context;
  • participating in work related social activities; or
  • able to be identified as a TAMS employee or a representative of TAMS.

What are my responsibilities under the TAMS Code of Conduct?

All employees are responsible for ensuring that their behaviour reflects the standards outlined in the TAMS Code of Conduct. Supervisors/managers will support employees to understand their responsibilities under the TAMS Code of Conduct, demonstrate appropriate behaviours through leading by example and take necessary action when inappropriate behaviour is identified.

Supervisors/managers will ensure that agents, contractors, labour hire, volunteers and Board appointees are aware of their obligations to behave in a manner consistent with the TAMS Code of Conduct.

What happens if I act inappropriately?

Action may be taken where conduct is considered inconsistent with the behaviour expected by the Directorate, as expressed by this Code of Conduct.[1] In determining the action to be taken, the nature and seriousness of the behaviour will be considered.

Supervisors/managers will respond to any allegation of misconduct in accordance with the requirements of the TAMS EA and ACTION EA, your applicable contract, or as otherwise appropriate having regard to the circumstances of your engagement with TAMS.

If there is a suspected breach of section 9 of the PSM Act, the following actions may be taken:

  • an investigation under section H of the TAMS EA and section G of the ACTION EA
  • in cases of suspected criminal activity, referral to the Australian Federal Police.[2]

The consequences for agents, contractors, labour hire, volunteers and Board appointees that display behaviour inconsistent with this Code of Conduct will depend on the nature of the agreement between that person or service provider and the Directorate.

Information on misconduct and discipline procedures is available on the TAMS Intranet and on the Shared Services Customer Service Portal. Alternatively, TAMS Human Resources can provide further information and advice.

Reporting a breach of the TAMS Code of Conduct

You are required to report any inappropriate workplace behaviour, suspected breaches of the TAMS Code of Conduct or official misconduct of which you become aware at work.[3]Report your concerns to your supervisor/manager, or seek advice from TAMS Human Resources on (02)62076737 or by email at .

You have a right to query decisions or actions that impact on your employment. In the first instance, you should raise the matter with your supervisor/manager.Alternatively, contact TAMS Human Resources.

Where fraud or corruption is suspected, this is required to be reported to the Senior Executive Responsible for Business Integrity Risk (SERBIR), either directly or through your supervisor/manager.Persons reporting suspected fraud or corruption are protected under the provisions of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1994.