Assessment Task Database of Chapter Terms

Outcomes to be addressed

At the end of this project it is expected that a student can:

H1.1 Apply an understanding of the nature and function of information technologies to a specific practical situation

H1.2 Explain and justify the way in which information systems relate to information processes in a specific context

H2.2 Develop solutions for an identified need which address all of the information processes

The project plan

The task will involve using information processes to introduce the concepts of a relational database.

Collecting the data

Data needs to be collected to complete two tables. One table will hold terms and definitions and a second table will hold the topic areas. An example of the data that could be collected for terms and definitions is shown:

Organising the data

The data needs to be organised by classifying terms according to the topic area. Suggested topic areas to use in the database may include:

You may expand or change the topic areas.

Analysing the data

Analysis will involve deciding codes for each topic area so that relationships may be established when the database is designed. Some suggested codes could include:

• FF – Flat file database

• RD – Relational database

• HM – Hypermedia

The entities will be Topic Area and Definitions.

To complete the analysis, carry out the following steps.

1 Describe the entity relationship for this database by referring to the diagram.

2 Determine the attributes for each entity.

3 Write a data dictionary for each table.

Storing and retrieving

1 Open a new database.

2 Create two tables called Topic Areas and Definitions.


3 In design view, enter the field names and their properties for each table:

4 Enter the data into the tables and/or design a form for data entry.

5 Establish the relationship between the two tables.


1 Write a query to extract the topics, terms and definitions from the tables.

2 Write three queries to extract terms and definitions for each topic area.


Design a report to display this data and link the report to a word document.

Transmitting and receiving

Send the report using email as a file attachment to me before the due date.

List of Words


  1. Absolute referencing
  2. Active listening
  3. Aliasing
  4. Alphanumeric
  5. Analog
  6. Analysing
  7. Animation
  8. Application
  9. Artificial Intelligence
  10. ASCII
  11. Attribute
  12. Automation
  13. Backup
  14. Bandwidth
  15. Barcode
  16. Baud Rate
  17. Boolean
  18. Boundary
  19. Broadband
  20. Bus topology
  21. Byte
  22. Cache
  23. CAD
  24. CAM
  25. Cell-based animation
  26. Checksum
  27. Coaxial
  28. Composite key
  29. Compression
  30. Context diagram
  31. Copyright
  32. Data
  33. Data accuracy
  34. Data dictionary
  35. Data encryption
  36. Data integrity
  37. Data mining
  38. Data redundancy
  39. Data security
  40. Data validation
  41. Data warehouse
  42. Database
  43. Database administrator
  44. DBMS
  45. Decision table
  46. Decision tree
  47. Design tools
  48. Direct conversion
  49. Distributed database
  50. E-commerce
  51. Economic feasibility
  52. Encoding
  53. Encryption
  54. Entity
  55. Environment
  56. Ergonomics
  57. Ethernet
  58. Ethical Issues
  59. Expert System
  60. Feasibility study
  61. Feedback
  62. Fibre-optics
  63. Field
  64. File server
  65. Firewall
  66. Flat file database
  67. Foreign key
  68. Form
  69. Format
  70. Full-duplex
  71. Gantt chart
  72. Gateway
  73. Half-duplex
  74. Handshaking
  75. Hierarchical
  76. HTML
  77. HTTP
  78. Hypermedia
  79. Hypertext
  80. Hub
  81. Implementation
  82. Intranet
  83. Java
  84. Javascript
  85. Key
  86. Knowledge base
  87. LAN
  88. Logical operator
  89. Lossy
  90. Machine-centred
  91. Macro
  92. Mail server
  93. Metadata
  94. Microwave
  95. Morphing
  96. Multimedia
  97. Node
  98. Noise
  99. Normalisation
  100. Operating system
  101. Optical disk
  102. Organising
  103. Packet switching
  104. Parallel conversion
  105. Parallel transmission
  106. Parity bit
  107. Parity checking
  108. Participant
  109. Path-based animation
  110. Phased conversion
  111. Pilot conversion
  112. Pixel
  113. POP3
  114. Primary key
  115. Primary storage
  116. Print server
  117. Privacy
  118. Protocol
  119. Prototype
  120. Query
  121. Query language
  122. Random access
  123. Raster scan
  124. Real time
  125. Record
  126. Refreshing
  127. Relational database
  128. Relational operator
  129. Relative referencing
  130. Relationships
  131. Requirement report
  132. Report
  133. Resolution
  134. Ring topology
  135. Router
  136. Sample size
  137. Sampling rate
  138. Satellite
  139. Schedule feasibility
  140. Schema
  141. Schematic diagram
  142. Search engine
  143. Sequential access
  144. Secondary key
  145. Serial transmission
  146. Secondary storage/ memory
  147. Server
  148. Simplex
  149. Simulation
  150. Star topology
  151. Storyboard
  152. Switch
  153. Synchronous transmission
  154. SQL
  155. System flowchart
  156. System analysis
  157. TCP/IP
  158. Table
  159. Techical feasibility
  160. Teleconferencing
  161. Template
  162. Test data
  163. Token ring
  164. Top-down design
  165. Transmitting
  166. Tuple
  167. Tweening
  168. Uploading
  169. Users
  170. URL
  171. User manual
  172. User-friendly
  173. Vector graphic
  174. WAN
  175. Web browser
  176. Web server
  177. Work station
  178. WWW
  179. ZIP disk
  180. ZIP drive