Israel’s History: “In Adam” - Church’s Story: “In Christ”

Moreover the Law entered that the offense might abound.

But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more,”

Romans 5:20

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In Adam MosesIsrael’s History Israel’s Sinful Climax: The Murder of Christ

- disobedience- “the Law entered” Rm.5:20 - “that the offense might abound” Rm.5:20 - “But where sin abounded,…” Rm. 5:20

- death- Exodus event / Mt.Sinai - The Law could not give the life it promised. - Israel was the location of the most heinous crime.

- condemnation - Baptized into Moses (ICor. 10:2) - Without Christ, it’s a Law of sin and death

- Adam’s offense - Israel’s many offenses

initiated the condemnation climaxed in the death of Christ.

throughout Israel’s history. This may be what Paul meant that justification

came “from many offenses” (Rm.5:16)

5ch. 6 ch. 7 ch. 8

In Christ The Church’s New Identity The Church’s New Law The Church’s Inheritance

- “...grace abounded - Baptized into Christ (Rm.6:3-5) - Old Law only brought death (Rm.7:10) - spiritual life in this age (Rm.8:10)

much more.” Rm.5:20 - United to His death & resurrection - Old Law magnified sin (Rm. 7:25) - resurrection life later (Rm.8:23)

- obedience - A greater exodus than Moses’ - Old Law’s powerdiedin Christ’s death (Rm7:4,6) - glorification like Jesus (8:17,30)

- life - Old Law is renewed in Christ’s resurrection. It is now - Creation will have a exodus (8:21)

- justification “the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus” freeing Jewish

believers from “the Law of sin and death” (Rom.8:2)

- The new “Law of the Spirit of life” gives the church life,

which is now “fulfilled in us” (Rm.8:4). Thus we “submit

to God’s Law (Rm.8:7), which is the “Law of Christ”(Gal.6:2),

and of this Law we are a “doer”. (Rm.2:13) Since Christ

is the Law’s “goal” (Rm.10:4); we “establish” the Law. (Rm.3:31)

- Christ’s obedience to death, and resurrection- In Christ, the church will inherit glorification,

initiated the justification that the church resurrected bodies, and the redemption of allcreation.

now experiences under His reign, thus ending - The church “conquers” (8:37) the world; in contrast

Adam’s reign of condemnation upon the church. to Old Israel who could not fully conquer their land.

(see Rom.8:1 – “now no condemnation”)

Troy, I used to draw a big circle representing all of Adam’s fallen humanity, and then a smaller circle within it, representing Christ’s new humanity.

(All this to illustrate Romans 5) But I think Paul is think more linear, or redemptive historical. Adam’s reign of condemnation

continued during the Law and Israel’s history, ending when Jesus suffered that Adamic condemnation. Through Jesus’ obedience to death and His resurrection,

the reign of His justification and life are now being experienced by God’s people which Old Israel never had beforehand, under Adam’s old lordship. This

linear logic of Romans 5-8 squares up with what Paul says about Justification in Galatians. (They didn't have it under the Law, we have it now in Christ, though

it was experienced by Abraham and promised to come through his Seed.)

Wright may have said all this, but it was not this simplistic and clear through all his wordy and flowery language.

Troy, I used to draw a big circle representing all of Adam’s fallen humanity, and then a smaller circle within it, representing Christ’s new humanity.

(All this to illustrate Romans 5) But I think Paul is think more linear, or redemptive historical. Adam’s reign of condemnation

continued during the Law and Israel’s history, ending when Jesus suffered that Adamic condemnation. Through Jesus’ obedience to death and His resurrection,

the reign of His justification and life are now being experienced by God’s people which Old Israel never had beforehand, under Adam’s old lordship. This

linear logic of Romans 5-8 squares up with what Paul says about Justification in Galatians. (They didn't have it under the Law, we have it now in Christ, though

it was experienced by Abraham and promised to come through his Seed.)

Wright may have said all this, but it was not this simplistic and clear through all his wordy and flowery language.

Troy, I used to draw a big circle representing all of Adam’s fallen humanity, and then a smaller circle within it, representing Christ’s new humanity.

(All this to illustrate Romans 5) But I think Paul is think more linear, or redemptive historical. Adam’s reign of condemnation

continued during the Law and Israel’s history, ending when Jesus suffered that Adamic condemnation. Through Jesus’ obedience to death and His resurrection,

the reign of His justification and life are now being experienced by God’s people which Old Israel never had beforehand, under Adam’s old lordship. This

linear logic of Romans 5-8 squares up with what Paul says about Justification in Galatians. (They didn't have it under the Law, we have it now in Christ, though

it was experienced by Abraham and promised to come through his Seed.)

Wright may have said all this, but it was not this simplistic and clear through all his wordy and flowery language.

Troy, I used to draw a big circle representing all of Adam’s fallen humanity, and then a smaller circle within it, representing Christ’s new humanity.

(All this to illustrate Romans 5) But I think Paul is think more linear, or redemptive historical. Adam’s reign of condemnation

continued during the Law and Israel’s history, ending when Jesus suffered that Adamic condemnation. Through Jesus’ obedience to death and His resurrection,

the reign of His justification and life are now being experienced by God’s people which Old Israel never had beforehand, under Adam’s old lordship. This

linear logic of Romans 5-8 squares up with what Paul says about Justification in Galatians. (They didn't have it under the Law, we have it now in Christ, though

it was experienced by Abraham and promised to come through his Seed.)

Wright may have said all this, but it was not this simplistic and clear through all his wordy and flowery language.

Troy, I used to draw a big circle representing all of Adam’s fallen humanity, and then a smaller circle within it, representing Christ’s new humanity.

(All this to illustrate Romans 5) But I think Paul is think more linear, or redemptive historical. Adam’s reign of condemnation

continued during the Law and Israel’s history, ending when Jesus suffered that Adamic condemnation. Through Jesus’ obedience to death and His resurrection,

the reign of His justification and life are now being experienced by God’s people which Old Israel never had beforehand, under Adam’s old lordship. This

linear logic of Romans 5-8squares up with what Paul says about Justification in Galatians. (They didn't have it under the Law, we have it now in Christ, though

it was experienced by Abraham and promised to come through his Seed.)

Wright may have said all this, but it was not this simplistic and clear through all his wordy and flowery language.

Troy, I used to draw a big circle representing all of Adam’s fallen humanity, and then a smaller circle within it, representing Christ’s new humanity.

(All this to illustrate Romans 5) But I think Paul is think more linear, or redemptive historical. Adam’s reign of condemnation

continued during the Law and Israel’s history, ending when Jesus suffered that Adamic condemnation. Through Jesus’ obedience to death and His resurrection,

the reign of His justification and life are now being experienced by God’s people which Old Israel never had beforehand, under Adam’s old lordship. This

linear logic of Romans 5-8squares up with what Paul says about Justification in Galatians. (They didn't have it under the Law, we have it now in Christ, though

it was experienced by Abraham and promised to come through his Seed.)

Wright may have said all this, but it was not this simplistic and clear through all his wordy and flowery language.

Troy, I used to draw a big circle representing all of Adam’s fallen humanity, and then a smaller circle within it, representing Christ’s new humanity.

(All this to illustrate Romans 5) But I think Paul is think more linear, or redemptive historical. Adam’s reign of condemnation

continued during the Law and Israel’s history, ending when Jesus suffered that Adamic condemnation. Through Jesus’ obedience to death and His resurrection,

the reign of His justification and life are now being experienced by God’s people which Old Israel never had beforehand, under Adam’s old lordship. This

linear logic of Romans 5-8squares up with what Paul says about Justification in Galatians. (They didn't have it under the Law, we have it now in Christ, though

it was experienced by Abraham and promised to come through his Seed.)

Wright may have said all this, but it was not this simplistic and clear through all his wordy and flowery language.

Troy, I used to draw a big circle representing all of Adam’s fallen humanity, and then a smaller circle within it, representing Christ’s new humanity.

(All this to illustrate Romans 5) But I think Paul is think more linear, or redemptive historical. Adam’s reign of condemnation

continued during the Law and Israel’s history, ending when Jesus suffered that Adamic condemnation. Through Jesus’ obedience to death and His resurrection,

the reign of His justification and life are now being experienced by God’s people which Old Israel never had beforehand, under Adam’s old lordship. This

linear logic of Romans 5-8squares up with what Paul says about Justification in Galatians. (They didn't have it under the Law, we have it now in Christ, though

it was experienced by Abraham and promised to come through his Seed.)

Wright may have said all this, but it was not this simplistic and clear through all his wordy and flowery language.