To Kill a Mockingbird

Literary Portfolio- Final Project

In place of a final test, you will create a literary portfolio to conclude our

study of Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. You will work

together with a group to complete this project.

The due date is: ______

It will NOT be accepted after that day. Everything is to be typed in Times

New Roman font size 12, unless otherwise specified.

Good luck and have fun!

Your portfolio is worth a total of 300 points. 200 of the points will be an individual

grade (50 points of this individual grade will come from the song lyrics

assignment and another 150 points will come from an individual activities that you

choose). The other 100 points will come from assignments completed as a group.



Front Cover: 15 pts.

-The front cover of your portfolio must include an artistic representation of the

novel (a picture) and it must include the title and author of the book

Inside Pages:

Table of Contents 10 pts.

-Each item in the portfolio must be listed & a page number must be assigned to it

Summary 20 pts

-Your summary must be a general summary of the entire book, but do not give

away all of the ending! Your summary should encourage others to read the

book. This is to be one page (no more, no less), remember ONLY 12 pt font.

Artistic details 15 pts.

-Add artistic and/or creative details throughout the entire portfolio to make the

inside attractive and appealing. You may add borders ,designs, color, stickers,

or pictures. Be creative!

Back Cover: 10 pts.

-On the back cover, include one quote written by your group telling others why

they should read this book. Your quote may be in any font you choose and

needs to be a minimum of 3 sentences.

-Do not put your names anywhere else in the portfolio except on your lyrics


-All group members’ names should be on the back cover. Names should not be

on any other group pages

Mechanics: grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. 30 pts.

- The entire group is responsible for the mechanics throughout the portfolio.

One point will be deducted for each spelling, capitalization, punctuation, or

any other mechanical error (ex. not underlining book titles, not putting a song

title in quotation marks, etc.).

Total group points 100 pts

Each of the following items is to be assigned to a group member:

3 COLLAGES: 75 pts. ASSIGNED TO: ______

-Create a different collage for each of the three main characters: Atticus, Scout,

and Jem. Each collage should include pictures that represent the personality

and interests of the character. There should be minimal white space on the

collage because the pictures and symbols should overlap. On the back of each

collage, write 3-4 sentences that clearly and thoroughly explain why you put what

you did on the front, and how some of the pictures relate to the character (This

part is 3 separate collages, each on 8 1/2 x 11 paper)

Your grade will be based on how well you have done the following:

a) chosen pictures that accurately and creatively represent the character & NOT just pictures from the MOVIE!!!!

b) clearly & thoroughly explained how the pictures relate to the character


Choose six quotes from the book that are meaningful or symbolic of important

issues in the novel. Write the quote, include the page number of the quote, tell

who said it, and then, in 3-4 sentences tell why the quote is important.

Your grade will be based on how well you have done the following:

a) chosen a significant quote & b) written a clear explanation


-Write a diary entry from the point of view of Scout or Jem, written on the day of

the trial. Be sure to include realistic thoughts, feelings, and reactions that she or

he would have had. This entry should be one page ( no more, no less) in any

font you choose.

Your grade will be based on how well you have done the following:

a) included 5 highlighted references to the trial &

b) style- used colorful language and creativity that create the character’s

personal perspective

THEME: 75 pts. ASSIGNED TO:______

Choose a significant theme from the novel and find a famous quotation that

exemplifies the concept. Write out the quotation, then, in 8-10 sentences, write

out your own interpretation of it and support your interpretation with either

personal experiences or incidents from the story.

Your grade will be based on how well you have done the following:

a) accurately identified a theme from the novel and a quote that represents it

b) fully explained how the quote relates to the theme in the book & provided examples


Find two symbols that are important to the development or themes of the novel.

State what the symbols are and explain, in 10-12 sentences, how they are important to the novel. On the page with your explanation, print out or draw pictures of the two symbols.

Your grade will be based on how well you have done the following:

A)  Accurately chosen the two symbols & illustrated or included a picture of them

B)  Clearly & thoroughly explained how the symbols are important to the book


Using Dr. Seuss’ Sneeches as an example from class, find an example of literature that also examines the pervasive and ignorant nature of racism in this novel. Identify the parallels between the two books, how does this understanding agree or disagree with your own personal beliefs regarding gender, justice, and racism.
Your grade will be based on how well you have done the following:

A)  Identify parallels between the two books with examples

B)  Reflect on personal beliefs

C)  Clearly and thoroughly explain how understanding the nature of racism can prevent mistake in society.


Harper Lee does not provide a title for each of her chapters. What title would you provide for each chapter? List two important events from the chapter that would be evidence to support your choices. Feel free to be creative, chapter names can increase interest and anticipation for events yet to come.

Your grade will be based on how well you have done the following:

A)  Provide evidence of organized thought when naming the chapters this includes creativity

B)  List the importance events as evidence in the naming process


Research and examine the south at different times; Post Civil War, Jim Crow South and the Great Depression include information about Emmet Till, Jim Crow laws, and Scottsboro Trials. How did this influence behavior in the south and their future? Create a time line show the progression of laws and various events in the south leading up to the time of the book and the trial of Tom Robinson. What challenges did any black man on trial face in the name of justice in a heighten racial atmosphere?

Your grade will be based on how well you have done the following:

A)  Produced a quality time connecting events up to the time of the book and a connection to “real life” and “book life”

B)  Show an understanding of the challenges of seeking justice in a heightened racial atmosphere.


After watching the film you will write a film analysis of the book verse the film. Choose 4 or 5 out of the following qualities to use as a basis of your film analysis. The film analysis will be limited to one page; no more, no less. Remember typed in 12 point font.

A)  Setting (Geographical, Historical, Social Milieu) Is the setting what you pictured in your head? Same? Different? Explain in detail.

B)  Atmosphere (Mood) – Does the mood of the film equal the mood of the novel? Explain in detail.

C)  Cinematography (Camera Placement and Movement; Lighting; Color; Focus; Frame Composition, etc.)

D)  Lighting (Realist; Romantic; Expressive; "Dark"; "Surreal")

E)  Pace (Fast-Paced; Slow-Paced; "Meditative"; "Poetic") What did you think of the pace of the movie as compared to the pace of the novel? Explain in detail.

F)  Suspense – Did the suspense equal or does it surpass that in the book? Explain in detail.

G)  Sound (Realistic; Expressive; Simple vs. Multi-Layered) and Music (Soundtrack vs. Source) – does it work with the movie – add to the action – is it what you imagined in your head.

H)  Editing--Cutting for Continuity; Cutting Within a Scene; Cross-Cutting (Parallel Editing); Metaphorical/Symbolic Cutting – Did they leave out important events which could have added to the movie.

I)  Characterization (Complexity, Development, Believability) Acting (Professional/Non-Professional; Realistic; Stylized/Symbolic) How did it compare to the image you had in your head of the characters?

J)  Plot (Story, Subplots, Drama) – Does the plot equal that in the novel?

K)  Narrative Structure (Straightforward vs. Complex; Flashbacks) Point of View - How does the film equal the narrative structure of the novel?

L)  Conflict – Does the film equal that of the novel?

M)  Themes (Issues, Ideological Conflicts, Lessons Learned) – Do the theme of this film match that of the novel?

Your grade will be based on how well you have done the following:

A)  Represented the chosen elements of the film analysis

B)  Ability to show differentiated understanding that is gained from only watching the film verse only reading the novel. Showing how the two either work together or contrast one another.



SONG LYRICS: 50 points

-Write (copy) lyrics to a song that detail a theme of the novel. After writing the lyrics, write an 8-10 sentence paragraph explaining why the song you have chosen reflects a theme of To Kill a Mockingbird and tell which theme it reflects.

Clean lyrics only! Please put your name on your song lyrics & your explanation page.

Your grade will be based on how well you have done the following:

A)  Chosen lyrics that appropriately relate to a theme in the novel

B)  clearly explained the connection between the theme and your song lyrics (*it is not clear if you do not state what the theme is in your explanation!)
