Do it For Real Volunteer Application
First Name: / Surname:Address (with postcode):
Primary telephone number: / Alternative telephone number:
Date of birth: / National Insurance number:
Please note: we only use National Insurance numbers to check that you have not applied before.
We will contact you by email or phone using the contact details that you have provided. If this is not suitable (for example, if you have any special needs or you need us to contact you through another person of your choice), please let us know.
1. Please tell us why you want to support social entrepreneurs and what you expect to gain from working with us (Maximum 200 words)
2. Please outline how you will support social entrepreneurs and why you think it will work in your area, or with the social entrepreneurs you want to work with. (Maximum 200 words)
3. What is your long-term goal for effectively supporting social entrepreneurs within your area? (Maximum 200 words)
4. What experience, expertise, skills and knowledge will you bring? (Maximum 200 words)
5. What support will you need from UnLtd to enable you to effectively support social entrepreneurs? (Maximum 200 words)
Please provide the names and addresses of two referees. Referees should know you and support your venture. Referees can be a community worker, a teacher, a doctor or someone else who has an important position within the community, but they must not be related to you. We have the right to contact the people you name as your referees, but we may not do.
Referee 1First name: / Surname:
Job title:
Address and postcode:
Contact number: / Email:
How do you know this person?
Referee 2
First name: / Surname:
Job title:
Address and postcode:
Contact number: / Email:
How do you know this person?
How did you hear about us?
Please select one option from the list:
UnLtd staff member / Please give details:Partner organisation / staff member / Please give details:
Another UnLtd Award Winner / Please give details:
Another organisation / Please give details:
UnLtd website
Another website / Please give details:
Leaflet or poster
Marketing email/mailshot
Social media
Other / Please give details:
Thank you for completing the expression of interest form. Please e-mail the form to:
Data Protection
I confirm that, as far as I know, all the information on this application form is true and correct. I understand that you may ask for more information at any stage of the application process or when the venture is running.
UnLtd may share the information you provide with selected partners. We will only do this to help us run, fund and research activities for social entrepreneurs. Please see our privacy policy at
If you are submitting this form by email please type your name or otherwise sign below.
Your signature: / Date:Equal opportunities
All our staff, clients, partners, suppliers and any other people we work with must follow our equal opportunities policy and not discriminate against anyone for any reason.
Please help us monitor this policy by giving us the following details. We will use the information we ask for on these sheets for statistical purposes only, and it will not form part of your application assessment. We will separate this sheet from your application form when we receive it. Please answer all questions.
Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability that has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months? If so, please give details below.
Yes – please give details below / No / Prefer not to sayIf you are based in Northern Ireland, please tell us which community you belong to by ticking the appropriate box below.
I am a member of the Protestant communityI am a member of the Roman Catholic community
I am not a member of either the Protestant or the Roman Catholic communities
Prefer not to say
Please ti
Tick the box or boxes that best describe your ethnic background.
English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish, British / IrishGypsy or Irish Traveller / Any other white background
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups
White and black Caribbean / White and black AfricanWhite and Asian / Any other mixed or multiple ethnic background
Asian or Asian British
Indian / PakistaniBangladeshi / Chinese
Any other Asian background − please describe
Black, African, Caribbean or black British
African / CaribbeanAny other black, African or Caribbean background
Other ethnic group
Arab / Any other ethnic group − please describePrefer not to say
Please tick one box which best describes your main current employment status.
Employed: Part-time / Employed: Full-time / Self-employedUnemployed / Student / Retired
Looking after home or family / Long-term sick or disabled / Prefer not to say
Other (please give details)
Please tick one box that best describes your highest level of qualification.
No qualificationsGCSEs (grades D-G), NVQ Level 1, Foundation Diploma, Foundation Welsh Baccalaureate
GCSEs (grades A*-C), O Levels (grades A-C), NVQ Level 2, Intermediate Apprenticeship, Higher Diploma, Intermediate Welsh Baccalaureate
A Levels (grades A-E), AS Levels, IB, NVQ Level 3, Advanced Apprenticeship or Diploma, Foundation Diploma (Art and Design)
Foundation Degree, Vocational Qualifications Level 4/5, Higher National Certificate, Higher National Diplomas, Diplomas of Higher Education
Honours Degree (BA or BSc Hons), Degree without honours, Vocational Qualifications Level 6, Graduate Certificate or Diploma
Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma, Master’s Degree (MA, MSc, MBA, MPhil), Integrated Master’s Degree (eg MEng), PGCE, NVQ Level 5
Doctorate (eg PhD, DPhil, EdD, DClin Psy), Vocational Qualifications Level 8
Other qualifications, including foreign qualifications
Prefer not to say