EX302Page 1 of 5
Dec 2009
Module Description
Title / OAA and SwimmingCode / EX302
Level / 3
Credit rating
(points) / 20
Prerequisites / To be able to swim in shallow and deep water
Type of module / Taught
Aims / The aims for this module are set into the context of the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications and they relate to the SEEC level descriptors for level 3 study. This module aims to:
- promote students’ knowledge and understanding of the nature and purpose of Outdoor and Adventurous Activities (OAA) and swimming activities as part of the National Curriculum for Physical Education (NCPE).
- enhance students’ knowledge, understanding and application of learning and teaching strategies in OAA and swimming which are appropriate to promote the learning of children at key stage 1 and 2.
Learning outcomes / In relation to the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications and the SEEC level descriptors for level 3 study, by the end of the module students should be able to:
- reflect critically upon the distinctive nature and purpose of outdoor and adventurous activities and swimming and their relationship to other aspects of the physical education curriculum (LO1);
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the OAA and swimming programmes of study and level descriptors in the National Curriculum (LO2);
- apply knowledge of appropriate learning and teaching methods which promote children’s learning in OAA and swimming (LO3);
- reflect critically upon strategies for inclusion of children irrespective of learning needs, gender or culture into mainstream lessons (LO4).
Content /
- The nature and purpose of OAA and swimming in the PE curriculum.
- OAA and swimming programmes of study
- Risk assessment in OAA and swimming.
- Teaching strategies and styles in OAA and swimming
- Progression in OAA and swimming, from KS1 to 2 to 3.
- Planning, performing and evaluating in OAA and swimming.
- Lesson planning.
- Observation, analysis and evaluation of techniques and skills in OAA and swimming.
- Practical performance of selected OAA and swimming techniques and skills
Learning and teaching strategies / Taught sessions include:
- Staff led lectures
- Student led presentations
- Discussions – pair, groups, whole group
- Question and answer sessions
- Problem solving – individual, pair, group
- Student practical work – solo, pair, group
- Staff led teaching scenarios
- Student led teaching scenarios
- Guidance on planning, organisation and management
- Reviewing government documents / directives
- Observation of pupil work
- Guidance on video observation, analysis, feedback and assessment
- Guided reading and note taking
- Written work
- Practical demonstrations
- Observation, analysis and feedback of live performances
- Use of a range of ICT to enhance teaching, professional preparation, learning and performance
Non-contact time will require one hour each week of swimming theory for the ASA Award.
Learning support / Books:
AfPE (2008) Safe Practice in Physical Education and School Sport, Worcester, Coachwise Publications
Balazik, D. (2006) Outdoor and Adventurous Activities, Coachwise publications
McNeill ,C., Martland, J. & Palmer, P. (2005), Orienteering in The National Curriculum, (3rd Edition) Doune, Harveys
Midura, D. & Glover, D. (2005) Essentials of Team Building: Principles and Practices, Coachwise publications
Newstrom, J. & Scannell, E. (2007) The Big Book of Team Building Games: Quick, fun activities for building morale, communication and team spirit, Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill
Noble, J. (2004)Swimming Games and Activities A & C Black Publishers Ltd
OFSTED (2007) Reaching the key two standard in swimming, November 2007, Reference 070023Shibli, S. (2008) Executive Summary - Everyday Swim: Making waves in participation?Sport Industry Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University
OfSTED (2000). Swimming in Key Stage 2: an inspection report on standards and provision, London, HMSO
Stidder, G. (2006) A Developmental Approach to teaching Outdoor and Adventurous Activities in Schools, Physical Education Matters, (1) Autumn, 2, pp 13 – 16.
Stidder, G. (2006b) ‘Developing junior and primary school teachers subject knowledge in Outdoor and Adventurous Activities through TOP outdoors training’ Primary Physical Education Matters (1) Winter, 3, pp iv - viii
Electronic sources (accessed April 2009)
ASA (2008) The ASA School Swimming Strategy 2009-2013
DCMS.( 2008) Massive sport reform to spearhead 2012 legacy plans. Available from
Swimming charter (PE/SC), DfES, 2003.
Assessment task
/ Assessment will be in the context of the University of Brighton Assessment Policy and the Faculty Code of Practice in Assessment, and students will be required to complete the following tasks:Task 1 (100% of the final mark)
3000-word essay exploring the place of either OAA or swimming in the KS 1 and 2 curriculum.
This task will be marked on a percentage basis.
Task 2:
(This task will not contribute to your final mark but its completion / submission is required to secure your assessment result. Non-submission / unsuccessful completion of this task will therefore result in referral in, or failure of, the module.)
A work file reflecting upon strategies for inclusion of children irrespective of learning needs, gender or culture into either OAA or swimming lessons at KS1 and 2.
This component will be marked on a Pass / Fail basis.
The overall mark for the module will be determined by the mark for task 1.
(Students must select alternative activities for the two assessment tasks.)
Referral task: Rework original assessment(s)
Assessment criteria / General criteria for assessment are framed by the SEEC descriptors for level 3 Against specific criteria, credit will be awarded for:
Task 1
- critical reflection upon the distinctive nature and purpose of outdoor and adventurous activities or swimming and its relationship to other aspects of the physical education curriculum (LO1);
- demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the OAA or swimming programmes of study and level descriptors in the National Curriculum (LO2);
- application of knowledge of appropriate learning and teaching methods which promote children’s learning in OAA or swimming (LO3);
- critical reflection upon strategies for inclusion of children irrespective of learning needs, gender or culture into mainstream lessons (LO4).
Brief description of module content and/or aims for publicity (maximum 80 words) / This taught module focuses on the teaching and learning of OAA, swimming and related activities in the National Curriculum. A student-centred teaching approach, through the processes of planning, performing and evaluating is used to develop practical knowledge and understanding. In order to take a full part in this module students will be required to swim. The learning and teaching strategies within the module will enable weak swimmers to improve their performance in the pool.
Area examination board to which module relates / Physical Education AEB
Module team/authors/co-ordinator / Gary Stidder and Jon Binney
Normal module duration / Two semesters (1 and 2)
Site where delivered / Eastbourne
Date of first approval / June 2009
Date of last revision / N/A
Date of approval of this version / December 2009
Version number / 2
Replacement for previous module / N/A
Route for which module is acceptable and status in that Route / BA (Hons) Primary Education with QTS – Physical Education Subject Study – required
Course(s) which module is acceptable and status in course / BA (Hons) Primary Education with QTS - required
School home / School of Education
External examiner(s) / TBA