RE Skills KM 1009 – Cut and paste into your own format as required.

Progression of Skills for Religious Education.


/ Pupils will use single elements of communication to express their feelings.
They will begin to understand the feelings of others [matching emotions such laughing]
They may demonstrate an appreciation of stillness and quietness
P5 / Pupils will respond appropriately to simple questions about religious events or experiences.
They will respond to a variety of religious experiences, involving drama, music, lights, food or tactile objects
They may begin to engage in moments of individual reflection
P6 / Pupils will express and communicate their feelings in different ways. They will respond to others in group situations and cooperate when working in small groups. They will listen to and begin to respond to religious stories, poems and music and make their own contribution to celebrations and festivals. They will show concern and sympathy for others in distress. They will start to be aware of their own influence on events and other people.
P7 / Pupils will listen to and follow religious stories. They will communicate their ideas about religion, life events and experiences in simple phrases. They will evaluate their own work and behaviour in simple ways, beginning to identify some actions as right or wrong. They will find out about aspects of religion through stories, drama or music, answer questions and communicate their responses. They will begin to understand that other people have needs and respect these. They will make purposeful relationships with others in group activity


/ Pupils will listen attentively to religious stories or to people talking about religion. They will begin to understand that religious stories and other stories carry moral or religious meaning. They will increasingly be able to communicate ideas, feelings or respond to experiences or retell religious stories. They will communicate simple facts about religion and important people in Christianity. They will begin to realise the significance of religious artefacts, symbols and places. They will reflect on what makes them happy, sad, excited or lonely. They will demonstrate a basic understanding of what is right and wrong in familiar situations. They will often be sensitive to the needs and feelings of others and show respect for themselves and others. They will treat God’s Creation, living things and their environment with care and concern.

Level 1

/ Pupils will recall and respond to stories from the Christian faith and other faiths
They will show an awareness of some aspects of the beliefs, teachings and practices of the Christian faith. They will know some Christian symbols and use some simple, appropriate vocabulary. They will be able to identify aspects of their own experiences and feelings and those of others in response to the beliefs and practises studied

Level 2

/ Pupils will recall and retell some teachings and practices of the Christian faith and other faiths studied. They will know the meaning of Christian symbols, language and vocabulary. They will be able to talk/communicate in simple terms abut their feelings, actions and opinions, ask questions and realise that not all questions have answers.
They will be able to ask questions about what they have learned. They will be able to be still and reflect
Level 3 / Pupils will describe some of the beliefs, teachings and practices of the Christian faith and others faiths studied, using appropriate language and vocabulary. They will be able to recognise some of the ways in which these beliefs and teachings are expressed in language, story and symbol. They will be able to discuss religious and moral issues making a link to their own opinions, personal relationships and views of others
They will describe their own feelings, actions, opinions and values in some detail and comment respectfully on the viewpoints of others. They will be able to be still and reflect
Level 4 / Pupils will describe key beliefs, teachings and practices of the Christian faith and other faiths studied using a range of appropriate language. They will understand what it means to belong to a Christian/other faith community and reflect on how beliefs and values influence our behaviour and lives. They will be able to show respect for others, explain how their own religious feelings, beliefs and opinions may differ from the viewpoint of others. They will be able to be still and reflect more deeply
Level 5 / They will be able to make comparisons between the key beliefs, teachings and practices of the Christian faith and other faiths studied, using a wide range of appropriate language and vocabulary. They will explain in detail the significance of Christian practices, and those of other faiths studied, to the lives of individuals and communities. They will compare the different ways in which people of faith communities express their faith. They will discuss and express their views on some fundamental questions of identity, meaning, purpose and morality related to Christianity and other faiths. They will use different techniques to reflect deeply
Child Speak Level 1 / I can recall and respond to stories from the Christian faith and other faiths
I can show that I know about some aspects of the beliefs, teachings and practices of the Christian faith. I know some Christian symbols and can use some simple, appropriate vocabulary. I am be able to identify aspects of my own experiences and feelings and those of others in talking about the beliefs and practises I have studied.
Child Speak
Level 2 / I can recall and retell some teachings and practices of the Christian faith and other faiths I have studied. I know the meaning of Christian symbols, language and vocabulary. I am able to talk/communicate in simple terms abut my feelings, actions and opinions, ask questions and I realise that not all questions have answers.
I will be able to ask questions about what I have learned. I will be able to be still and reflect
Child Speak
Level 3 / I can describe some of the beliefs, teachings and practices of the Christian faith and others faiths studied, using appropriate language and vocabulary. I will be able to recognise some of the ways in which these beliefs and teachings are expressed in language, story and symbol. I will be able to discuss religious and moral issues making a link to my own opinions, personal relationships and views of others
I can describe their own feelings, actions, opinions and values in some detail and comment respectfully on the viewpoints of others. I will be able to be still and reflect
Child Speak
Level 4 / I will be able to describe key beliefs, teachings and practices of the Christian faith and other faiths studied using a range of appropriate language. I understand what it means to belong to a Christian/other faith community and I can reflect on how beliefs and values influence our behaviour and lives. I will be able to show respect for others, explain how my own religious feelings, beliefs and opinions may differ from the viewpoint of others. I will be able to be still and reflect more deeply

Level 5

I will be able to make comparisons between the key beliefs, teachings and practices of the Christian faith and other faiths studied, using a wide range of appropriate language and vocabulary. I will be able to explain in detail the significance of Christian practices, and those of other faiths studied, to the lives of individuals and communities. I will compare the different ways in which people of faith communities express their faith. I will discuss and express my views on some fundamental questions of identity, meaning, purpose and morality related to Christianity and other faiths. I will use different techniques to reflect deeply