Ancient Order of Hibernians

Colonel Thomas J. Cunningham Jr. Division

“Faugh A Ballagh”

CALENDAR OF EVENTS—June - October 2017

June 7 Officer Meeting @ O’Faolain’s @ 7 pm

June 10 AOH State Quarterly – Richmond – Mgsr. Kelly Division

June 14 June Meeting – 7:30 pm @ Belmont Greene

July No meetings or events scheduled – enjoy your summer with family!

July 28 Annual Poor Man’s Golf Outing & BBQ – Sterling Park golf Course – 2 to 7:30 pm

Aug 2 Officer Meeting @ O’Faolain’s @ 7 pm

Aug 9 August Meeting – 7:30 pm @ Belmont Greene

Aug 26 Ballyshaner Festival – Alexandria - 10 am to 7 pm

Sept 6 Officer Meeting @ O’Faolain’s @ 7 pm

Sept 13 September Meeting – 7:30 pm @ Belmont Greene

Sept 16-17 Trip to Ireland ticket sales at St. Theresa after all of the Masses

Sept 22-24 Bi-Annual AOH State Convention – Virginia Beach

Sept 24 – Oct 2 2017 – Division Trip to Ireland!

I ask all Brothers if you haven’t already done so, to come by the meeting in September to secure and purchase and/or sell 10 raffle tickets towards our annual raffle to be held in mid-October. For cost purposes, I do not plan to mail tickets out and not get them sold. Rather, I’d prefer that you come by and enjoy some Irish “Good of the order” and pick up some tickets. Our meeting attendance has been averaging about 25 this past year – good but not great – we haven’t seen some of you in years – you know who you are! Come by and share some fraternity with your Hibernian Brothers….. Slainte’

Oct 4 Officer Meeting @ O’Faolain’s @ 7 pm

Oct 7-8 Trip to Ireland ticket sales at St. Joseph after all of the Masses

Oct 11 October Meeting – 7:30 pm @ Belmont Greene

Oct 14-15 Trip to Ireland ticket sales at OLOH after all of the Masses

Oct 21-22 Trip to Ireland ticket sales at OLOH after all of the Masses

Oct 26 ½ Way to St. Patrick Party and Raffle Drawing @ O”Faolain’s – 6:30 to 10 pm.