Hello all!
I’m very excited about this month’s special event, “Through the Judges Eyes”!!. Unlike the clinics you may have heard about where riders are invited to participate and have their rounds critiqued in front if an audience, our judges will provide feedback on your rounds in writing for you to take home!! Hopefully you’ll find this additional feedback enlightening!
OHJA Forum: Saturday, June 5th, at the conclusion of the show (5ish?). In an effort to better serve the membership several members from the OHJA board will be available to field your comments, suggestions and concerns directly to board members. These will be presented to the remaining board members at the next board meeting.

Upcoming Special events

June 26 – 27:. Cincinnati Therapeutic Riding & Horsemanship Show. Proceeds from several classes to be donated to CRH. Program riders will participate in a demonstration Saturday morning around 11 A.M. in the schooling ring.
CRH will also be hosting a tack & equipment sale + raffle. Items include gently used Tailored Sportsman & Ariat breeches as well as some nice blankets. If you have items or gift certificates you’d like to donate please let me know. Proceeds from the sale go to the CRH program.
July 24 -25: Holiday on the half year. Trophy selection includes xmas items. Holiday motif decorations on the course.
The Childress Rodgers IEA team will host a mini hunter derby Friday afternoon, July 23 in the schooling ring. Entry fee $35 except IEA member receive a $5 discount. Judge is Laurie Storey. Proceeds from this class to be split w/ ½ going to USHJA zone 5 scholarship fund and 1/2 to the IEA zone 5 scholarship fund. More details in the next news letter.
August 21 -22: Valentine horse show. Lots of red and purple. Valentine trophies
Valentine exchange any one?! The Childress Rodgers IEA team will be selling secret Valentines. These will be delivered to your special friend’s stall on Saturday evening!!
General Info & reminders:
New classes: By request, the KHJA has been added to the schedule in ring 2 on Sunday.
Series Awards: Shows are offered as a series. To be eligible for year end awards you must attend 3 of the 7 shows (May 8 not part of series). Points to count 10, 6, 4, 2, 1, ½, 1st -6th respectively. / General Info cont’d
Stabling: There are stalls available for all shows. Special thanks to all reserving stalls for the summer. Clean your own stall and save $30
Ship Ins: There is NO grounds fee charged for those working off their trailers. Please email/text in advance and let me know you’re planning to attend the show.
To better serve you, please plan to provide entry info 1 week in advance. I don’t need class numbers, just division inof. I’d like to get s sense of where classes are in advance of the show.
Facility Amenities:
Arenas: footing is all weather limestone sand.
Show arenas: 150 x 260. Schooling arena: 150 x 330 divided into 3 sections, one section for each show ring + a small area for lunging.
Food: Complimentary lite snacks and drinks available Friday PM. Concession available Saturday/Sunday 8-4. Food provided by Childress Rodgers IEA team.
Stalls: 96 10X12 Permanent wood w/ sliding doors in shed row style barns w/ overhang. Electric outlet for each stall. Water Hydrants w / hoses located in breezeways.
Wash stalls: 4 indoor, complete w/ hoses & electric. There are also 2 hoses for bathing located on parking side of each barn
Rest Facilities: 4 Port O lets (1 handicapped accessible) cleaned daily
Parking: Gravel parking for trailers/cars convenient to stalls.
Fees: Remain unchanged from last year
Classes: $20. Lead line is $17.
Schooling -$35
Returned check - $25
Shavings - $8
Non Showing horse with stall - $60
Stalls -$ 80 (subtract $30 if you clean/strip at end of show)
Camper Fee - $20/nite. Electric only
Your continued support is appreciated! Without you none of this would have been possible. Thanks!
Look forward to seeing you soon.
Best regards,