December 9, 2012


Brian Walton, Staci Dowdell, Denise Lutz, Luann Todd, Tim Giardina, Paul Johnson, George Paulus, Janet Wermuth, Dave Slovina, Missy Walton

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm at Dairy Queen

Approval of prior minutes:

-Correction for North Boys Report, boys have YET to meet with Molly.

-Luann motioned to approve minutes

-Janet second the motion

-9 yea’s, George abstains

No Public Input

Presidents Report: Tim Giardina:

-Meetings with club/travel teams went well

-Submitted info to IRS and has contacted by phone a few times. Waiting to

Hear back

-Kroger rewards require 501(c)3 number (Janet researched)

Vice President Report: George Paulus

-Christine Miller requested an $80 increase in salary.

-Tim suggested that if we increase for Central girls, that we increase both girls coaches as they currently have the salary.

-Luann motioned to increase Christines salary and amend Norms contract.

They will both earn $3200.

-Denise second the motion

-7yeas, 1 opposed (George), 2 abstain (Tim, Paul)

-George will put together a coaches pay scale guideline proposal

Treasurers Report: Janet Wermuth

-no major expenses have been paid since last board meeting. $150 was paid to Ohio Secretary of State. Central boys Uniforms to be paid .

-All but 1 OSU check has been received.

-After rebates, approx. $7800 profit for PLA.

-Paul will notify families of rebate amounts and balance owed

For registration fees

-3 players earned full registrations

-Paul motioned to carry Staci Dowdells excess OSU

Rebates to 2014. This will pay 2013 in full and apply

Remainder toward 2014

-Dave second the motion

-All yeas

Membership: Paul Johnson

-All forms that have been turned in are entered to date

-23 Central girls (estimated 32)

-26 Central boys (estimated 36)

-14 North girls (estimated 27)

-21 North boys (estimated 45)

-Dan and Jeff may have a few forms

Publicity: Denise Lutz

-no official report

-if items are emailed to Denise, it may take a day or so as she is not able

To view home emails during the day. If an item requires her immediate

Attention, please email to

Fundraising: Staci Dowdell

-Staci has a meeting set up Monday to set up committees for

Meet the team, 30 day raffle, etc (Mon. 6:30)

-Will talk to team moms regarding sponsor levels, etc

-Will touch base with spirit wear company to get totals on

Amounts ordered and our profit

-net needed to fundraise after OSU is approx. $9000

Equipment: Dave Slovina

-turned in the invoice for helmet reconditioning. All helmets passed

(Paul asked for a list of players that have paid the equip. usage deposit)

-Met with a rep to price sideline raincoats. They were more expensive than

Expected but will price some other options. Brian suggested pricing the plain

Rain poncho style as they are usually much less expensive.

-Have a price for coaches shirts at $22.95 (last year $29)

-priced pinnies at $16 each (Budget is $2070. If we purchase 130, will cost

$2177.50 which is over by $107)

-Dave had examples of North and Central logos

-Team Directors will check with respective coaches regarding interest in having

Sideline rain jackets/ponchos available

-Dave will ask the Nike vendor to price waterproof coaches jackets (with the $1000 credit)

-shoulder pads are on the way

-will purchase some multi colored balls for indoor use.

-George asked about game nets….Dave purchased 4

-waiting for balls and paint to go on sale

Central Boys: Brian Walton

-We should meet or exceed our estimates for registration

-27 turned in

-5 expected to turn in soon

-4 playing winter sports but planning to play

-5 maybes

North Boys: Tim gave report for Jeff

-Coaches meeting with Molly soon

-have some registrations to turn in

-Tim will ask about rain coats/ponchos and helmets to get

Picked up

North Girls: Tim gave report for Dan

-Assistant coaches (per Norm) – Norm is meeting with 2 potential

Candidates this week.

Central Girls: Luann Todd

-Shayne turned in his notice

-Christine is alone until her potential assistant moves here

-Tim emailed her to get her application, etc turned in

-Luann has 2 leads for Christine

-We lost a few girls but do have 1 senior now

Old Business: none

-Norm asked about assistants salaries ($1800 for 2, to be paid/divided

As the head coach wishes)

New Business: No new business

Meeting adjourned at 8:13

-Denise motioned to adjourn

-Brian second

-all yeas