Un viaje para explorar un país hispano

Setting. Imagine that you are planning to guide a group to your country this summer. As a tour guide, you need to research the following content areas to become the expert your clients paid for.

Action. First, take some time to read the assignment. Next, meet in your country groups to assign responsibilities. There are 3 required categories: cuisine, culture and current events. Assign one of these categories to each person in your group. The fourth member of your group will choose one of the optional categories. As a group, you will prepare a display for the World Language Culture Fair.


Group member responsible for this information:

Source of this information:

  • What are the 3 most typical foods eaten in your country?
  • Here’s a site/some sites you can find information and pictures of these foods:
  • We have attached a recipe for ______to this assignment for approval from the teacher
  • Include two pictures of cuisine & the recipe for the food you are making on your tri-fold board.


Group member responsible for this information:

Source of this information:

  • What are the languages & dialects spoken there?
  • Find one image that shows traditional fashion and one that shows modern fashion. Group member responsible: ______Source:
  • Is there a traditional form of dance? If so, what is it called? Who performs it?
  • Is there a modern form of dance? If so, what is it called? Who performs it?
  • What are two behaviors in US that aren’t acceptable in that country or vice versa?
  • What are 3 slang words (not swear words) or proverbs they use there (in Spanish with English meanings)?

Current Events

Group member responsible for this information:

Source of this information:

  • Find an article about a major current event in two of the following categories that happened in the

last 3 months: politics, sports, society, life & arts

Category ______Event

Category ______Event

  • Should you expect to see any effects of these events on your trip? If so, in what way(s)?

Religion (optional)

Group memberresponsible for this information:

Source of this information:

  • What are the different religions represented in your country (include proportions)? Make sure you include one graphical representation of this.
  • What percentage of the citizens is very devout?
  • Are politics and religion commingled in your country? How and why? Give one example.
  • How active are the religions’ participants? What evidence do you have of this?
  • Are there any historical events tied to religion in this place? If so, which ones?
  • How do the different religions coexist? (Peacefully? Is there friction?) Give evidence.


Group memberresponsible for this information:

Source of this information:

  • Choose the most important national holiday and tell us what they celebrate, when, why, and how.
  • There is a picture of this at this web address:
  • On your trip this summer, will you see this holiday? If so, what will you see?

Music (optional)

Group member responsible for this information:

Source of this information:

  • Choose the most famous form of traditional music
  • What are its origins?
  • What instruments do they use?
  • Find one current or popular performer/group/band that you like from your place.
  • What is the name of the person/group/band?
  • What type of music are they famous for?

Places of Interest (optional)

Group member responsible for this information:

Source of this information:

  • For your first place of interest, research a major city. City name:
  • What are the not-to-miss museums, monuments, restaurants, parks, etc? (5 things)
  • For your second place of interest, choose somewhere off the beaten path. It can be a city, town, beach, etc. Place name:
  • Why go there? What makes it unique?
  • For your third place of interest, choose a historical site. Place name:
  • Why is it important?
  • History of site

Crafts/Artisanship (optional)

Group member responsible for this information:

Source of this information:

  • What are the 3 most typical crafts or handiwork in your country?
  • Here’s a site/some sites you can find information and pictures of these crafts:
  • Include two pictures of typical crafts in your country on your tri-fold board.

Requirements for Cultural Fair Presentation/Display

The following items should be present on your display. All group members are expected to help with additional items. Use this checklist to stay organized.

Complete project in English

Timeline (hung from front of display table)

Government: share the current leader’s name and her/his political party along with 4 important facts about your country’s government

Include the 3 required categories on this sheet as well as one optional category

Please assign someone to bring the cups/napkins/serving utensils/etc. that you will need to serve your dish. That person is ______.

Map of world with your country colored/highlighted

Carefully read rubric for summary of all requirements

Clearly state the name of your country on your board


  • Pare down the information in each category when assembling your display. You should have quality, brief bits of information so that your potential customers aren’t put off by your cluttered, messy display. Bullet points are welcome.
  • You will have a chance to evaluate yourself and your group members on the effort everyone puts into the project. To get the highest point value, everyone will have to contribute equally.
  • Do not plagiarize!

Timeline Requirements

Using the BBC website, put together a timeline of your country that meets the following requirements:

  • The timeline should include twenty of the most important events from past to present.
  • The timeline can span thousands of years, but must span no less than 50 years.
  • Each event should include a short (1-2 sentences) explanation of what happened and the dates involved.
  • The timeline will be presented on two sheets of 8 1/2 X 11 papers. The timeline should be presented formally and typed (not hand-written).
  • Site your source on the bottom of your timeline.