Reproduced by Private Practice Hub Limited

The following may be modified and used for your own purposes.

However, if you pass it on to a colleague please let them know where you discovered it.

Risk assessment table

Risk(s) assessed: Lone workers at ...... outside surgery hours

Hazards / Who is at risk / Likelihood / Risk evaluation/control measures / Further Reading
Patient/Stranger gains access with intention of theft, vandalism, or violence / GPs and Receptionists - Saturday Extended Access
Complementary therapists
District Nurses
Health Visitors
Cleaners / low / Complementary Therapists
Avoid where possible working out of hours and if it is necessary try to arrange appts when another therapist is in the building eg...... works late Tues & Wed until 7pm. The cleaner arrives between 6.00 -8.00pm to act as a ‘ minder’ and escort therapists off the premises
GPs and Receptionists – Extended Access
Duty GP to use room nearest reception to deter aggressors and allow communication/visibility of potential issues by the receptionist
GP and receptionist to lock up together and see each other off the premises and into their cars
Do not admit strangers to building
Ensure your patients are known to you and you have assessed the threat before inviting them for an appt out of hours.
Check patient details with list before allowing patient to enter using door release
Be aware of key staff telephone numbers – list supplied.
Maintain In/Out board and dummy therapist which may deter the intruder
In the event of a break in - Press panic alarm in room, lock consulting room door and wait police arrival. Do not confront intruder.
Contact practice key staff member when possible / Lone Worker Policy
Intruder breaks in using force outside surgery hours during occupation of consulting room and threatens violence / GPs and Receptionists – Extended Access
Complementary therapists
District Nurses
Health Visitors
Cleaners / low / GPs and Receptionists – Extended Access
Duty GP to use room nearest reception to deter aggressors and allow communication/visibility of potential issues by receptionist
GP and receptionist to lock up together and see each other off the premises and into their cars
In the event of a break in - Press panic alarm in room, lock consulting room door and wait police arrival. Do not confront intruder.
Contact practice key staff member when possible / Lone Worker Policy
Patient behaves aggressively or offers violence / GPs and Receptionists – Extended Access
Complementary therapists
District Nurses
Health Visitors
Cleaners / low / GPs and Receptionists – Extended Access
Duty GP to use room nearest reception to deter aggressors and allow communication/visibility of potential issues by the receptionist
GP and receptionist to lock up together and see each other off the premises and into their cars
See dealing with aggressive pts guidelines / Lone Worker Policy
Fire in surgery / GPs and Receptionists – Extended Access
Complementary therapists
District Nurses
Health Visitors
Cleaners / low / Ring 999 for emergency services. Dial 9 for outside line in main reception or use personal mobile
Leave building with patient by nearest exit away from source of fire - closing doors behind you
Contact practice key staff member when possible / Fire procedure posted around surgery
Major Flood in surgery / GPs and Receptionists – Extended Access
Complementary therapists
District Nurses
Health Visitors
Cleaners / low / Attempt to isolate source of leak.
Mains isolation valve is at entrance to car park in pavement
Contact practice key staff member
Power failure throughout building / GPs and Receptionists – Extended Access
Complementary therapists
District Nurses
Health Visitors
Cleaners / low / Vacate and lock building
Contact practice key staff member who will check internal or external cause
Smell of Gas / GPs and Receptionists – Extended Access
Complementary therapists
District Nurses
Health Visitors
Cleaners / low / Do not switch on/off or operate any electrical equipment or light switches.
Ring Emergency Gas
Physical lifting/ladders / GPs and Receptionists – Extended Access
Complementary therapists
District Nurses
Health Visitors
Cleaners / low / Do not carry out high risk activities. If it is essential ensure you are accompanied by another adult.
Locked in room / Complementary therapists
District Nurses
Health Visitors
Cleaners / low / Contact practice key staff or family member or use panic button if fitted in room occupied.
Try to keep a mobile phone with you at all times
Building intruder alarm – false alarm / GPs and Receptionists – Extended Access
Complementary therapists
District Nurses
Health Visitors
Cleaners / medium / Be aware of other clinicians/therapists who may be in the building and communicate you intentions for leaving/setting the alarm
Be aware of the set/unset alarm procedure and the options for setting the system
If a false alarm is initiated ring SECOM on ...... quoting contract number ...... and password provided at your induction
Occupier suffers from epilepsy or condition which causes them to faint/black out / Complementary therapists
District Nurses
Health Visitors
Cleaners / medium / Occupier to be questioned and risk assessed.
Where a condition is identified it is likely to preclude them from being lone workers
Illness or accident / Complementary therapists
District Nurses
Health Visitors
Cleaners / medium / First Aid Kit available on LGF
Or call ambulance in emergency or out of hours service on ......
Dial 9 for outside line in main reception or use personal mobile
Record accidents in accident register in the main office or LGF kitchen

Assessment carried out by ………...... ….. on (date) …20 OCT 09…………………………………………………

Assessment to be reviewed on (month/year) ………………OCT 10………………….. (annual review is recommended)