MHRA Research Scholar in the Modern European Languages 2017-18

This scheme is designed to give support to scholars in their early postdoctoral phase who have not yet obtained a full-time academic post. The prerequisites are a completed doctorate in the field of Modern European Languages (excluding English) and affiliation to a UK university department. Doctoral projects may include any aspect of modern and medieval European languages, literatures, and cultures with the exception of linguistics or language pedagogy.

Conditions of the award

The award provides some funding to recent PhDs who are revising their thesis for publication. Recipients will be expected to produce, within 12 months of taking up the award, a manuscript of publishable quality or a minimum of three articles of publishable quality.

The support of the MHRA will be acknowledged in the publication(s) produced on the basis of the work carried out during the period of the award. Applicants should have completed a doctorate within the last three years, and have an affiliation to a UK university.

The Association intends to make up to two awards of £11,500 each for the academic session 2016-2017. Awards are for one year only.

Application and Assessment Procedures

Electronicapplications and supporting documentation should be sent via attachment to to arrive not later than Friday7thApril 2016.Please mark your submission ‘Application: MHRA Research Scholarship’ in the subject line.It is intended to announce awards by the end of April 2016. The start date is 1 October 2017.The Research Scholarship officer, Dr Anne Holloway, will be delighted to answer any queries from applicants or those providing supporting statements:

Documentation required:

Candidates should submit the following:

  • Application form (max. 2 sides of A4, 11pt)
  • Application form includes a Publication plan (max. 2 sides of A4, 11pt), including comment on the following
  • chapter outline or outline of articles
  • any proposed changes by comparison with the thesis
  • proposed publisher(s) or journal(s)
  • potential readership
  • details of similar studies already available
  • timetable

Candidates should ask their supervisor to submit a reference in support of their application, together with the Examiners’ Report.

Candidates should further ask the Head of the Department/School to which they propose to be affiliated to submit a statement setting out what benefits the department is able to offer the candidate, for example:

  • suitable working space
  • mentoring
  • access to the institution’s training courses
  • opportunities to engage with the research community
  • paid teaching or research opportunities compatible with preparing a thesis for publication
  • match funding

In assessing applications the awarding committee will consider in particular the following criteria:

  • The scholarly value of the projected monograph or articles, measured in terms of scope; intellectual rigour; and the extent and quality of the foundations it is likely to lay for future scholarship
  • Strength of the reference and examiners’ report in supporting the above claims
  • Evidence of the department’s commitment to the applicant’s career and personal development

Appointment of a Research Scholar and Disbursement of Awards

Feedback is not a feature of the Research Scholarship scheme, and the Association is, regretfully, unable to enter into correspondence regarding the decisions of the awarding committee. Please notethat by applying to this scheme, applicants undertake to accept the terms under which applications are assessed.



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