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Learning experiences

Learning experiences support the educational goals of the subject and align with assessment.

Learning experiences are student-based activities that:

·  provide opportunities to achieve the objectives described in the dimensions of the syllabus

·  occur in authentic, relevant and worthwhile contexts

·  vary in scope and depth, duration and degree of challenge

·  reflect current practice in the wider community

·  suit particular student needs, abilities and interests

·  allow students to work independently and with others

·  encourage students to think and act for themselves.

Learning experiences should provide a balance and variety of activities across the whole course and cater for the school’s context, resources and the unique characteristics of each cohort of students.

Unit of work

The following sample unit of work incorporates the objectives described in the dimensions of the Information Technology Systems 2012 syllabus. The unit of work includes suggestions that schools could choose to follow, and offers flexibility to cater for a wide variety of students and school contexts. The unit of work is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive.

This sample unit of work demonstrates:

·  organisation and development of course content

·  teaching and learning supporting the syllabus

·  learning experiences that support achievement of the objectives described in the dimensions

·  alignment between content, learning experiences and assessment.

Sample unit of work

Unit focus: Website design and development to meet client needs /
Context / Web design
Elements / ·  Theory and techniques
·  Problem-solving process
·  Project management
·  Client relationships
·  Social and ethical issues
Suggested hours / 55
Semester / 2
Dimensions and objectives /
Knowledge and communication / Within the context of this web design unit, the dimension Knowledge and communication refers to comprehending, understanding and communicating the terms, concepts, principles and design processes associated with website design using HTML, CSS and a GUI design interface.
This dimension involves demonstrating IT knowledge through defining, explaining and using web design and programming terms, concepts and principles. Explaining involves communicating a meaning with clarity, precision and completeness and is enhanced by the use of examples drawn from research into websites designed for traditional computers and mobile devices.
Interactive web development terms, concepts, principles and design processes are communicated and documented using appropriate modes, genres and language conventions. “Mode” refers to a system of communication chosen as the way to transmit a message (e.g. written, spoken/signed, visual or auditory). “Genre” refers to accepted categories of texts. Genres have features and patterns that relate to context, purpose and audience. Language conventions refers to accepted language practices developed over time and generally used and understood, for example use of spelling, punctuation and grammar. / By the conclusion of this web design unit, students should:
·  define, explain and use web design terms, concepts and principles
·  communicate concepts, principles and design processes using mode, genre and language conventions.
Design and development / Within the context of this web design unit, the dimension Design and development involves determining the intended purpose, the needs of the client and proposing and testing possible web design solutions. It requires research, analysis, synthesis and ongoing testing related to the process of design and development and the associated documentation.
“Analysis” refers to dissecting client needs and scenarios to ascertain and examine constituent parts and/or their relationships.
“Synthesis” refers to assembling the results of the analysis into a coherent, unique and/or complex web solution.
“Solutions” to the design challenge are enhanced by progressive development and testing of components through the design process to refine the web solutions. / By the conclusion of this web design unit, students should:
·  analyse client needs, purpose and scenarios to inform the design plan
·  synthesise information to design solutions
·  develop and test components to refine solutions. /
Implementation and evaluation / The dimension Implementation and evaluation focuses on the quality of the web solution. The quality and effectiveness of the solution is to be evaluated against the client needs and the defined criteria formulated during the design and development phase.
This dimension examines the use and refinement of the developer’s skills throughout the design and development phase to present a web solution.
It involves reflection on actions taken, design and development contexts, inputs, processes and products applied through all stages of planning and development. Evaluation refers to assigning merit according to criteria. / By the conclusion of the course of study, students should:
·  use technical skills and resources to present a web solution
·  evaluate the solution against the defined criteria using the contexts, inputs, processes and products (CIPP) model of evaluation.
Subject matter /
Theory and techniques
·  Website development using industry standard software
·  Features and functions of websites and associated files including templates and cascading style sheets
·  Development of audio, video and animation content
·  Current trends in web development for mobile devices
·  Documentation requirements for Design Proposal and Evaluation Report
·  HCI design considerations for usability and accessibility
·  Principles and theories relating to use of navigation mapping, storyboarding, wireframing, HTML, CSS.
Problem-solving process
·  Phases of the DDE problem-solving process
·  Role of the components of the Design Proposal including the 3-option design model
·  Creation of a website using HTML and CSS programming
·  Use of a GUI web development interface
·  Testing web functionality before and after posting to a live web server
·  Completing an evaluation using CIPP model.
Project management
·  Quality-assurance practices
·  Project management considerations including scope, time, cost, quality risk, human resources, physical resources and other constraints
·  Use of project management software to develop a Gantt Chart.
Client relationships
·  Client needs analysis developed through an interview or question/ answer email conversation
·  Questioning and active listening techniques for conveying and clarifying information
·  Techniques for obtaining and responding to client evaluation and feedback
·  Developing communication strategies that meet client expectations
·  Contractual obligations between client and developer.
Social and ethical issues
·  Digital rights management
·  Intellectual property
·  Accessibility and equity issues
·  Historical, current and future trends in web development
·  Globalisation
·  Disaster recovery planning.
Learning experiences to select from /
·  Using a selection of websites, identify and define a set of web design concepts and principles.
·  Use appropriate software to develop technical skills in creating a website and its components.
·  Analyse how websites are built using HTML and CSS. Develop a presentation which summarises your analysis.
·  Use a web-based form to submit a client request using a FormMail server.
·  Explain the benefits and constraints of developing a website for a mobile platform.
·  Analyse the past, current and future trends in web development for mobile devices. Synthesise the information into a magazine article for IT users.
·  Analyse a variety of client-based scenarios to identify the client’s needs and how these could inform the design proposal. Synthesise this information into a list of recommendations which could be presented to an appropriate audience.
·  Identify the contractual obligations between the client and the contractor which assist with effective communication.
·  Develop and test a range of audio, video and animation components for web solutions using relevant industry standard software.
·  Using Project Management software, e.g. Gantt chart, prepare a timeline which highlights the key phases of a project.
·  Identify and define the quality assurance techniques that would be applicable to a website development project.
·  Evaluate the design and development of different web solutions using collaborative discussion tools, e.g. journal, blogs, forums.
·  Identify a set of website usability and accessibility standards derived from the W3C web tutorials.
·  Analyse the ethical issues relating to copyright and intellectual property of web resources.
·  Analyse an existing client design brief to identify the ethical issues involved in designing and developing a website.
·  Identify the key elements of a Creative Commons Licence and Agreement and analyse how they could be applied to a client scenario.
·  Compare and contrast a variety of disaster recovery solutions, e.g. testing servers, backup programs, cloud storage and offsite physical storage.
·  Using an existing design plan, design concept roughs and mock-ups to present to a client. Test components of your design solutions and refine where necessary. Document your modifications and refinements using a variety of testing strategies, e.g. alpha and beta testing.
·  Evaluate a completed website project against the CIPP model of evaluation, with teacher guidance.
Possible Assessment A /
Dimensions / Knowledge and communications
Design and development
Implementation and evaluation
Assessment technique / Product — Project
Assessment conditions / Group project
6 weeks duration
Class and own time
Access to all paper-based or online resources
Assessment tasks / Product — Group Project
·  Design, develop and evaluate a website containing a variety of content, both static and animated, in response to a client’s requirements. An external client is to be used for this project.
Possible Assessment B /
Dimensions / Knowledge and communications
Design and development
Implementation and evaluation
Assessment techniques / Supervised written — Combination of Short response, Extended written response and Practical response
Assessment conditions / Supervised written — exam
1.5 hours duration
Online assessment using computers
No access to personal paper-based or online resources
Assessment tasks / Supervised written — exam
·  Exam to be held at the end of semester covering complete semester’s material.
Resources /
·  http://lynda.com
·  http://adobe.com
·  Natcoll Textbooks
·  Guided Computer Tutorials
·  Adobe in a Classroom

Queensland Studies Authority | 5