Attention: Principals
Head Teacher Creative Arts
Visual Arts Teachers
Photographic and Digital Media Teachers
Visual Design Teachers
Re: Riverina Visual Arts Camp 2016
Students are invited to apply to attend the annual Riverina Visual Arts Camp.The Camp will be held at the Riverina Institute of TAFE NSW, Wagga Wagga Campus from Tuesday 11 October to 13 Thursday October 2016. Residential full-time students will arrive at Borambola Sport and Recreation Centre, 1980 Sturt Highway, Wagga Wagga at 5:30pmon Monday 10 October for room allocation and dinner at 7:00pm.
The camp is being offered to interested and talented Visual Arts students from years 8-11. You may know of students who may wish to nominate. Students will enhance their knowledge and skills in Visual Art through a wide variety of experiences and workshops, which are the focus of the camp.
There are 55places available (35 full-time residential and 20 day students)and it is anticipated that 25 of these will approximately be from years 8 and 9, and 30 from years 10 and 11.Schools should select students on their ability and enthusiasm in Visual Arts. Places will be awarded on a first in basis. Any applications received by the due date that are not selected in the first 55 places will be kept on a reserve list in date order. In the event of a place becoming available, the student will be contacted immediately at the email address provided on the online application.
The following documentation is included in this 4 page letter:
a)Information for staff, school, parents and applicants including:
- Information, application and payment process
- Student online application process with link to online form
- Contact Teacher Return Form with Student List and Workshop Choices
b)Information booklet
Please copy and distribute the camp information and application forms to students interested in attending the camp.
Closing date for student applications: Friday 26 August 2016
Following the closing date all students will be advised of the outcome via their nominated email address. Acceptance letters including consent and Department of Education Medical Forms and the Borambolaonline Medical form process will be forwarded by email.
Yours sincerely,
Mandi Hatton
Camp Coordinator,Deniliquin High School
Riverina Visual Arts Camp 2016
Information for Parents and Applicants
The Riverina Visual Arts Camp is on again! The 2016 Camp will be held at theRiverina Institute of TAFE NSW, Wagga Wagga Campus fromTuesday 11 October – Thursday 13 October 2016. Students travelling from outside Wagga will arrive Monday 10 Octoberat approximately5:30pm at Borambola Sport and Recreation Centre, 1980 Sturt Highway, Wagga Wagga for room allocation and tea at 7:00pm.
Students will participate in a dynamic range of workshops. This is a great opportunity for students to learn in a purpose built arts venue from tertiary tutors who are also practicing professionals in their field.
There are 55 places available to students from years 8-11, who show talent and enthusiasm in Visual Arts. It is anticipated that 25 places will be given to students in years 8 and 9, and 30 places to students in years 10 and 11.
Payment ofthe camp fee, either $350for full-time residential attendance or $200 for day onlyattendance, will be required at time of online nomination. Payment can be made either in full, or instalments of your choice and may now be made via Pop Deposit Credit. If you wish to pay using this method please contact Lisa Wishart at Deniliquin High School on (03) 5881 1211.
- Link for online payments:
When making payment please ignore the following fields:
Student registration number
Class Year
Ref. or Invoice Number
Choose the ‘Other’ payment option and click NEXT.
Other payment options include cheque and money order (both of which should be made payable to Deniliquin High School and sent to Mandi Hatton at Deniliquin High School with the student name attached).The final student list will be submitted to TAFE on Monday 5 September 2016.Students who withdraw after Friday 16 September 2016 will forfeit all monies paid (unless circumstances are deemed exceptional by the panel). A $50 fee will apply to students who withdraw prior to this date.
Day Only attendance: Includes tuition, materials, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.These students must be able to organise their own transport to and from Wagga TAFE and have suitable accommodation in Wagga Wagga.
Residential attendance: Includes tuition, materials, breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, supper and accommodation at Borambola Sport and Recreation Centre, evening activities, transport to and from Wagga TAFE.
Students should make workshop selections and rank their preferences online.
A team of Department of Education teachers will supervise students.Please note:Consent and medical forms will be emailed to students in the Confirmation of Acceptance Package and must be signed by parent, student and Principal.
What’s New?
- A new residential venue! This year the camp will be held at Borambola Sport and Recreation Centre, 1980 Sturt Highway, Wagga Wagga and students will be transported by bus to TAFE daily.
- Student applications are going online! Please follow instructions and click on the link to apply for the camp. It is expected that all students who apply will be accepted. A confirmation email will be sent after the closing date, Friday 26 August 2016, and all further correspondence will be via email so please ensure that a current email address is provided.
- The Online Application Process
Simply press ‘ctrl’ and click on the link provided below, enter your details and submit! If you are experiencing any difficulties, please contact Diana Alexander, Arts Coordination Officer on 0269 373 814 or Mobile 0428550202.
Student Online Application Riverina Visual Arts Camp 2016
- Please advise your teacher to add your name and your workshop choices to the list on page 4 of this package. Your teacher then should scan and email the list of students and workshop choices from your school to Mandi Hatton, Coordinator.
You can be promised a week of valuable Visual Arts, educational and social experiences.
Yours faithfully,
Mandi Hatton
Camp Coordinator
Deniliquin High School
Harfleur St, Deniliquin NSW 2710
Ph: (03) 5881 1211
Fax: (03) 5881 5115
Riverina Visual Arts Camp 2016
Please return form by email to:
School: ……………………………......
Name of Teacher: ………………………
Student Nomination List:
Please list the students from your school nominating for the 2016 Riverina
Visual Arts Camp via Online Process (as per information package):
Student / Year / Optional Comments1
Principal’s signature: ………………………. Date: …......
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