Students may choose to earn up to 50 points extra credit by completing one of these assignments.

1.  Interview a Psychologist, Psychiatrist, or Counselor. Student will create ten interview questions, spend thirty minutes interviewing someone in the field, then write a two to three page essay summarizing his/her experience. The person to be interviewed and the questions must be approved by your instructor prior to the project. Two students may work on this together.

2.  Design a Field Trip to an Agency. Student will visit and investigate an agency offering counseling. Suggestions include mental health, psychiatric hospital, drug and alcohol treatment center, child and adolescent treatment center, social service agency, shelter home, county jail. A two to three page essay describing the functions and treatments of the agency and your personal reflection of your experience is required. Two students may complete this project as a team, and prior approval by instructor is required.

3.  Clinical File, Focus on Research, Human Diversity Piece. Each chapter in our text contains special features related to Applied Psychology. Student may choose one of these pieces and write a three page essay. The essay must include a summary of the piece, three questions for consideration, and a personal response to the material presented.

4.  Web Site Activity. The web site www.psychology.wadsworth.com that accompanies our text contains many suggestions for learning. An activity from any of these sections may be submitted for extra credit: Psych-in-the-News, Psych Simulations, Cog Lab, Online Experiments and Studies, Try It Yourself, What’s Your IQ. You may also consider the disc Psych Now for an activity. Instructor must approve assignment before submission for credit.

5.  American Psychological Association and American Psychological Society.

Students may research these two professional organizations and answer the questions

on the handout provided by your professor. Ask for the handout for this assignment.

6.  Creative Project: Any student may create his/her own project that specifically relates to General Psychology. Present your idea to your instructor for approval.