Review for Wave Test Name:

Ch. 17

1.  A wave is moving ______

2.  A wave moves through a ______

3.  Mediums can be ______, ______, or ______

4.  A wave that vibrate perpendicular to the energy motion is ______

5.  A wave that vibrates parallel to the energy motion is ______

6.  A wave that vibrates in circles compared to the energy is ______

7.  An example of a transverse wave is ______

8.  An example of a longitudinal wave is ______

9.  An example of a surface wave is ______

10.  In the above picture, how many waves are shown? ______

11.  What is the frequency of this wave? ______

12.  If the wavelength in the above picture is 1 m, what is the speed of the wave?

(remember speed = ______x ______)

13.  When you look at yourself in a mirror, the light waves are bouncing off. This is called a ______.

14.  When two ends of a slinky have a wave started on the same side at the same time, they will collide to make a ______wave. This is called ______interference.

15.  When two ends of a slinky have a wave started on opposite sides, they will collide and make a ______wave. This is called ______interference

16.  When we put the tuning fork on a box, the sound resonated in the box. This means it got ______. The wave must have increased the ______

17.  The ______effect causes the sound of a horn to be ______pitch as it approaches and ______pitch as the car is going away

18.  Using a spring, show the difference between a wave with increased and decreased amplitude. This would cause a light to be ______and a sound to be ______

19.  Using a spring, show the difference between a wave with an increased wavelength and a decreased wavelength. This would cause a light to be a different ______and a sound to be a different ______

20.  The speed of a wave is ______in a given medium. When a wave enters a different medium, the speed changes cause the light to ______. This is called ______. (ex. pencil in a beaker of water)

21.  Light waves travel ______than sound waves

22.  An amplifier connected to an electric guitar makes the sound ______which means the wave ______increases.

23.  A tuning fork with a shorter tine vibrates ______than a longer tine. This produces a ______pitch.

24.  Wave A below is a ______wave

25.  Wave B below is a ______wave