Thursday 22nd October 2009

24-26 Arthur StreetBELFAST

List of Attendees

Seamus Murray Charity Commission Northern Ireland

Roy McGivern Charity Commission Northern Ireland

Jane Ryder Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator

Jane Hobson Charity Commission EnglandWales

Rosie Chapman Charity Commission EnglandWales

Nigel DaviesCharity Commission EnglandWales

Terry Dunne Dept of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs

Andrew Edwards HM Revenue & Customs

Ann Collins CCNI (Record of meeting)

1.Welcome, Matters not on Agenda, & Updates

Mr Murray welcomed all to the Charity Commission for Northern Irelandoffice in Belfast. He was pleased to have got to this point and grateful for the support, assistance received and the willingness from all to provide guidance and information.

Previous agreedminutes were noted.

Each jurisdiction provided an update on significant policy and legislative developments not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

2. Impact of Recession on Charitable Sector

CCEW have published a checklist for charities to structure trustee discussion of issues affecting them in the current economic climate. They have also published the results of a third economic survey examining the impact of the recession on the charitable sector. The findings have shown a decrease in income from grants and fundraising aligned with an increase in demand for services. Forum members discussed the role of charity regulators in improving efficiency and encouraging collaboration amongst charities. JR speech to Open Meeting on 6th October, which addresses this from OSCR perspective, is on OSCR web site

3. Public Benefit outcome of reviews sharing lessons and approaches

CCNI has launched consultation on its draft public benefit guidance. This will run to the end of November 2009. Forum members discussed the issue of a consistent approach to public benefit across jurisdictions. OSCR will convene a meeting in November to discuss specific issues arising from application of the public benefit test in Scotland.

4. Accounting Standards Board proposals & SORP seminars

OSCR presented a paper on the future of the UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP) in the context of the charity sector. The UK Accounting Standards Board's consultation paper was discussed and it was agreed that regulators should provide individual responses by the closing date of 1/2/10. The Joint SORP making body will also be sending a response. Regulators will also comment on ASB's definition of public benefit in the consultation document.

5. Protocols for Signposting and mutual referrals to guidance

Regulators discussed the benefits and difficulties of preparing joint guidance or of referring to material prepared by others. The Forum TOR will be revisited with a view to including a relevant statement of intent about circulating material in draft for comment.

6. International Charities implications for monitoring and control

OSCR's paper was circulated and discussed along with HMRC's guidance on payments to overseas bodies. Forum members discussed the potential risks for regulators from overseas activities and how these could be managed. CCEW advised that the operational compliance staff would be available to discuss with other regulators and HMRC. CCEW circulated copies of its booklet on the CCEW International Programme.

7. Vetting & Barring Scheme role as regulators and experience of operation in other jurisdictions

CCNI has been listed as a supervisory body under new legislation to protect vulnerable adults and children. Other regulators to check position in their jurisdiction. A matter to be reconsidered at a future meeting.

8. Update on Charitable Incorporated Organisations

Developments in E&W were discussed with the CIO due to be available in the first half of Spring 2010. The Scottish Government has established a working group to consider developments and consult on an appropriate model for Scottish CIOs. CCNI has a target date of October 2010 for introduction of CIO's but this will be dependant on progress in other jurisdictions.

9. Location and date of next meeting

Dublin March 2010