Eastern PA Chapter Meeting

Friday, September 16, 2016

Attendees: Michelle Alldred, Myra Bastone, Julie Brita, Elise Buskirk, Beth DePietropaolo, Terry Devine, Tony Emanuele, Pamela Heinly, Linda Horning, Dawn Jenkins, Terry Kasher, Christine Kunsman, Christine Lachmanowicz, Kathy McNally, Brian McNeil, Pam Miskovsky, Kim Nesbitt, Lou Niggel, Nancy O’Donnell, Robert Rayca, Patti Schular, Audrey Strickland, Raquel Syvertson, Vanessa Taggart, Pat Whoriskey, Tricia Wieder, Shannon Williams, Gregory Valenti, Blair Crowding

A.  Welcome/New Member Introductions

a.  Vanessa Taggart started the meeting at 9:30

B.  Presentation Greg Valenti on 1099s

a.  Greg gave a presentation on the 1099. He discussed various topics including filing deadline changes for January 2017, where to file, methods of reporting, penalties, etc.

b.  He also provided flowcharts on how to handle missing/incorrect EIN numbers (tin checks)

c.  Some highlights to keep in mind:

i.  1099-Misc Box 7 changes must be filed with the IRS by January 31 (30-day extension available)

ii. Penalties have increased substantially

iii.  Taxpayer advocates are available to help with IRS issues

C.  Networking & Roundtable

a.  Election of Officers

i.  Nominations for President

1.  Elise Buskirk (accepted)

2.  Terry Devine (declined)

ii. Nominations for Vice-President

1.  Vanessa Taggart (declined)

2.  Linda Horning (accepted)

iii.  Nominations for Secretary/Treasurer

1.  Tricia Wieder (accepted)

iv.  Unanimous vote for above officers

b.  Discussed Telecom Vendors and experiences with each

i.  Companies being used Granite, Birch Communications, Alliance Manage Care, Canon Group

c.  Vanessa talked a little about the differences between IFO & IOMA

i.  Primary difference is IFO is a not-for-profit organization

ii. IFO’s new board of directors is trying to rebuild the organization

1.  Third Thursday Webinars

2.  Regional Meetings

3.  Trying to keep costs low and provide quality education/services

d.  Bank account with Santander

i.  Discussed options with the current money because we are charged $7.50 per month just to have the account

1.  Leave money at Santander

2.  Spend the money

3.  Move the money to another bank

ii. Decision was made to move money to Lafayette Ambassador Bank because they will not charge a fee unless we have 200 or more transactions on the account in a month

D.  Presentation by Bob Moran on Change Management

a.  Bob gave an energetic presentation on what is change management and how Wawa handles change.

b.  Some highlights

i.  Change Management is making it easy, being realistic, communicating

ii. Wawa focuses on the people – what will make them nervous, what will get them on board (accepting) of the change

iii.  Key step is to make sure everyone is operating correctly at the currect standard before you can implement change

iv.  Get resisters involved at early stages (test groups, etc). If you can convert them it makes overall acceptance that much easier


a.  February 2017. Location TBD

b.  May 2017 at Lehigh Valley Health Network

c.  August 2017 at Allied Barton

d.  November 2017 at Project Management Institute