1 / Introduce course.
What is growth and how do we measure it? / Heinemann pgs 155 – 158
Joe’s centile chart / 1)  Discuss the difference between growth and development. Make notes.
2)  Discuss and explain centile charts in your own words. Use the / AO1
2 - 6 / Look at main milestones for each key stage and P.I.E.S / Heinemann pgs 158 – 183.
Lonsdale pgs 66 – 74
CGP pgs 64 – 72.
Folens A2 109-115
Baby It’s You video / 1)  Lonsdale pg 66 – what are the main types of development (Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social). Explain each in your own words.
2)  Key stages 0-1 year (break down into 3 monthly blocks 0-3 months, 3-6 months, etc), 1 – 3 years, 3 – 5 years, 5 – 8 years.
3)  Lonsdale pgs 67 – 68, CGP pg 64, Heinemann pgs 163 – 166, Folens A2 pg 109 Physical development – choose 3 key milestones for physical development for each key stage and put into a table.
Key Stage / Physical / Intellectual / Emotional / Social
0 – 3 months / Reflexes – grasp, walking.
Can track objects.
3 – 6 months
4)  Heinemann pages 155 – 168 – write in detail about the development of walking.
5)  Lonsdale pgs 69 – 70, CGP 70 – 72, Heinemann pgs 168 – 175 & 178 – 179, Folens A2 pgs 112 - 114 Intellectual development – as 3 above.
6)  Using Heinemann write in detail about language development.
7)  Cognitive development – Heinemann pgs 175 – 178, write about cognitive development in detail.
8)  Heinemann pgs 181 – 182, Lonsdale pg 71-72, CGP pgs 66-67, Folens pg 114 Emotional development – as 3 above
9)  Heinemann pgs 179 – 183 write about emotional development (particularly bonding) in detail.
10) Heinemann pgs 181-182, Lonsdale pgs 73-74, CGP pgs 68-69, Folens pg 115 Social Development – as 3 above.
11) Heinemann pgs 179 – 183 write about social development in detail. / AO1
7 / Compare child’s development to the norms. / Work for AO1 / 1)  Choose a child over the age of 8 (can be yourself and this is the easiest)
2)  Create 4 tables for each area of development by breaking up A01 work.
Key Stage / Physical / Age child did this. / Any variations?
0 – 3 months / Reflexes – grasp, walking.
Can track objects.
3 – 6 months
3)  Complete all four tables (P.I.E.S) and give a conclusion for each one which explains and gives reasons for any variation to the norms. / AO2 c
8, 9,10 / Factors which have affected the development of the child / Heinemann pgs 183 – 194
Folens pgs 116 - 122 / 1)  Pg 194 – brainstorm the factors which affect the development of the child then use pages 183 – 194 to briefly explain what each factor means and identify those which have affected the child to be studied between the ages of 0 – 8.
2)  Choose 4 factors to write about in detail – use extra photocopied sheets from Folens to do this to look at the effect on the child and how it influenced their development – needs to be detailed for top marks. / AO2 a, b.
11/12 / Theories of play – Categories of play. / Heinemann pgs 207 – 209
Folens A2 pg 128 / 1)  Theory 1 – Categories of play – discuss as a group the main categories of play, the activities involved and how this effects a child’s development.
2)  Students need to write in their own words using the two textbooks about each category of play, find pictures off the internet of activities for the category and reference these as they go, then use the effects column to say how this category of play effected the child they are studying. (See Lauren Burgess work for e.g.) / AO3
13/14 / Theories of play / Heinemann
Folens A2 / 1)  Choose one other theory and do the same – suggest either “How play influences cognitive development” (Heinemann pgs 196-197 or “Stages of play” Heinemann pgs 209-210.
15 onwards / Learning Aid / Toy sheet
Heinemann pgs 212 – 216
Websites – Early Learning Centre etc. / 1)  Planning the learning aid – use toy sheet to identify what types of factors to take into account when planning and page 212.
2)  Use toy table on toy sheet to research toys for particular ages on the internet and skills that they develop.
Age / Skills / Toys (inc pictures from internet)
0 – 6 months
3)  Decide on what age child to make toy for, and what type of skills to develop using research and previous notes on the child’s development (AO2 and AO3).
4)  Write aims and outcomes for learning aid using pg 212 and e.g’s of previous coursework. Then explain method of making toy, resources, safety aspects and design. In spare time – need to make the learning aid – give about 2 weeks to do this or if wished they can have a couple of lessons to make toy using dept resources.
5)  Evaluation of the toy – pgs 214 – 216. Design an evaluation questionnaire for yourself and parent to complete against your aims and outcomes. Child must use toy and you must make comments from watching them use it. Use evaluation information to conclude benefits to the child.
6)  Recommendations for improvements – using all planning, aims and evaluation, give realistic improvements you could make given more time, better materials etc. / AO4