
Kansas Programs of Excellence

School Counseling


Congratulations on your decision to apply for the Kansas School Counseling Program of Excellence Award! The information below will guide you as you complete your application.

There are two levels of recognition:

  1. The Kansas School Counseling Program of Excellence Award- This recognition is granted to those schools that score 80% on the application below and have their building administrator sign-off on the assurances page at the end of the application. Successful applicant schools will receive a Program of Excellence Certificate from KSDE at the Fall Counselor Conference.
  2. The Kansas School Counseling Standard of Excellence Award- This recognition is granted to those schools that score 80% on the application below, have their building administrator sign-off on the assurance page and forward examples of the Program Components in a portfolio format to KSDE (i.e. copy of mission statement, personal plan of study, lesson plan, surveys etc.). A panel of trained practitioners will review submitted portfolios. Award recipients will receive a certificate and plaque at the Fall Counselor Conference. The Program Components (and sample items of submission) are:

Program Components / Sample Submission Items
Foundation / Mission Statement
Student Data/Priorities / Statement of how student data is collected and used to drive goal setting.
Resources / Copy of budget, counselor use time, counselor-student ratio, resources action plan.
Student Goals / Statement of targets and goals, copy of personal plan of study.
Guidance Program / Guidance activity chart, sample lesson plans.
Counseling Program / Counseling activity chart, statement describing services, referral log, crisis plan; statement of how the Multi-tiered System of Support has been integrated with the counseling program.
Advocacy / Statement of how school counselors have advocated for system change, School Improvement Team minutes, agenda, etc., statement describing how school counselor(s) have advocated for individual students.
Program Management / Program evaluation/surveys, self-study reports program management activity chart, statement as to how counselors network with community, samples of public relations strategies.
Professionalism / Statement of counselor ethical standards, workshop agendas, job description; coursework handouts.
Implementation Plan / Curriculum maps, calendars, budget, management agreements.

The application deadline is July 1st. Applications are submitted through the KSDE Web Applications Page and reviewed by staff for authenticity and scoring. Buildings must score an 80% total score on submission requirement criteriain order to qualify for the Standard of Excellence.

By submitting your application/portfolio, you are giving the Kansas Department of Education permission to share and reproduce your criteria with appropriate citation given to your school. All criteriaresponses must be from the current academic year. It is suggested that a portfolio containing documentation for the criteria responses be compiled and filed in the building.

Components /


/ Indicator Focus / Program Criteria Documentation Examples / Notes /

Program Assurance Check Off

1.Assurances Page / Last item on application / Located on Assurances Page.
  1. Foundation
/ 1.1 / Mission Statement / 2.Mission Statement / The school counseling mission statement should support the school mission statement / Counseling program has developed a Mission Statement.
__ Yes __ No
1.2 / Advisory Council / 3.Roster
5.Minutes / The purpose of the advisory council is to provide advice and counsel concerning the development and implementation of the comprehensive program. It is an excellent opportunity to engage community stakeholders and ensure diversity, enthusiasm and empowerment. / The counseling program has formed and utilized an Advisory Council.
__ Yes __ No
1.3 / Current Educational Reform Initiatives / 6. MTSS
7. Career Clusters Model/Personal Plans of Study
8. KS. Comprehensive School Counseling Program
9. College and Career Ready Standards (Common Core)
10. Social-Emotional Character Development Standards / To prepare students for the 21st Century schools need to implement existing reform measures. / The counseling program has integrated and implemented current educational reform measures.
__ Yes __ No
2. Student Data / Priorities / 2.1 / Student Achievement Data / 11.Student Achievement Data Charts
12.Personal Plans of Study / Student achievement data reflects NCLB, Kansas and local assessment requirements. / The counseling program collects, analyzes and interprets student achievement data.
__ Yes __ No
2.2 / Student Choices Data / 13.Student Choices Data Charts
a) QPA Building Report
b) AYP Report
c) NCLB Discipline Report
14.Personal Plans of Study / Student choice data reflect those choices that are related to high achievement such as attendance, turning in homework, student behavior, and course enrollment. / The counseling program uses data to drive student centered decision making.
__ Yes __ No
2.3 / Guidance Data / 15.Guidance Indicator Data Chart
16.Guidance Indicator Priority List
17. Survey data and analysis. / The guidance indicators are based on the Kansas School Counseling Standards and Indicators. / The guidance program uses data to drive guidance program decisions.
__ Yes __ No
2.4 / Counseling Data / 18.Counseling Needs Data Chart
19.Counseling Needs Priority List
20. School Counseling Needs Survey / The counseling indicators are based on the Standards and Comprehensive Program. / The counseling program uses data to drive guidance program decisions.
__ Yes __ No
3. Resources / 3.1 / Budget / 21.Program Resources Data Chart
22.Resource Targets & Results
Counselor-to-Student Ratio
Counselor Time-Use
Professional Development
23.Resources Action Plan / These indicators reflect a good faith effort toimplement components of the KS. Comprehensive School Counseling Program. It is understood that much of this is a local option but at the very least the indicators are discussed and addressed. / The counseling program has addressed the resources indicators and has in good faith adopted the Comprehensive School Counseling Program.
__ Yes __ No
3.2 / Private Office or Area
3.3 / School Resources
3.4 / Community Resources
3.5 / Counselor Time-Use
3.5 / Ratio
3.6 / Support Staff
Professional Development
Resources Targets
Resources Action Plan
4. Student Goals / 4.1 / Achievement / 24.Achievement Data Targets & Results / Student goal indicators are those data driven decisions that ensure personal, social, academic and career success for students. / The counseling program works with students in developing sustainable, measureable, attainable, relevant and timely student centered goals.
__ Yes __ No
4.2 / Educational Choices / 25.Personal Plans of Study
4.3 / Guidance / 26.Guidance Data Targets & Results
4.4 / Counseling / 27.Counseling Data Targets & Results
5. Guidance / 5.1 / Student Guidance Activities / 28.Guidance Activity Chart / Guidance lessons may be delivered by a variety of providers including counselors, teachers, and community members
Consider current guidance lessons such as SAT Prep, Freshman Orientation, etc.
It is expected that schools will strive to address all 3 domains of the Comprehensive Program- personal-social; academic and career.
Lesson plans should align with the Kansas Comprehensive School Counseling Curriculum / The counseling program has integrated the KS. Standards into its’ curriculum and addresses all three domains: personal-social; academic and career.
__ Yes __ No
5.2 / Agreement with Goals
5.3 / Standards and Indicators / 29.Standards and Indicators Checklist
a) Counseling Standards
b) College and Career Ready
5.4 / Guidance Lessons / 30.Academic Lesson Plans & Results Reports
31.Career Lesson Plans & Results Reports
32.Social/Personal Lesson Plans & Results Reports
33. Personal Plans of Study
6. Counseling / Student Counseling Activities / 34.Counseling Activity Chart
6.1 / Individual & Group Counseling / 35.Statement describing counseling services provided / Individual and group counseling in the school setting is usually short term in nature. School counselors do not provide therapy. / The counseling program includes the following:
  1. Individual and group counseling
  2. Consultation
  3. Referral
  4. Crisis response
  5. MTSS model
  6. College and Career Readiness
__ Yes __ No
6.2 / Consultation / 36.Statement describing consultation services provided / Consultation occurs when school counselors assist a third party (parent, teacher) in working with a student, and does not work with the student directly.
6.3 / Referral / 37.Exhibit Options
Referral resource list
Referral form
Referral procedures statement
Referral log
Narrative / Referrals occur when school counselors connect students and/or parents (at their request) to services not provided by the school counselor such as medical screening, psychological testing, or therapy.
6.4 / Crisis Response / 38.Statement of counselor role in the crisis response plan / Information and sample plans are found on the KS. Safe Schools Resource Center web page :(
6.5 / Student Assistance Team/Early Intervention / 39.Statement of the counselor role with the student assistance team and or early intervention strategies / Schools are encouraged to adopt the MTSS model.
7. Advocacy / Student Advocacy Activities / 40.Student Advocacy Activity Chart
7.1 / Systemic Change Advocacy / 41.Statement describing how school counselors have advocated for systems change / Examples include a) advocating to change an over-used suspension policy, b) advocating for extra-help programs / The counseling program advocates for school improvement, reducing the achievement gap and individual student social and academic growth.
__ Yes __ No
7.2 / School Improvement Team / 42.Exhibit Options
SIT Roster*
SIT Minutes*
SIT Agenda *
Statement describing school counselor role with the SIT
* showing the name of at least one school counselor
7.3 / Achievement Gaps / 43.Statement describing how school counselors have advocated for closing achievement gaps
7.4 / Individual Student Advocacy / 44.Statement describing how school counselors have advocated for an individual student
8. Program Management / Program Management Activities / 45.Program Management Activity Chart / The counseling program is effectively and efficiently managed; networks with community, and adheres to local, state and federal regulations and guidelines.
__ Yes __ No
8.1 / Program Design / 46.Program Design Self Study
8.2 / Counselor Effectiveness / 47.Counselor Effectiveness Self Study
8.3 / Counselor Time-Use / See Resources Tab (Component 3.5)
8.4 / School Counseling Calendar / See Implementation Tab (Component 10.1)
8.5 / School Networking / 48.Statement describing networking activities with the school faculty / Examples: Participation on school committees, attendance at faculty meetings
8.6 / Community Networking / 49.Statement describing networking activities with targeted community members / Examples: Attendance at community meetings, participation on community boards, participation with community service clubs, presentations to community organizations
8.7 / Rules & Regulations / Ad Astra Assurances Page
8.8 / Public Relations / 50.School Counseling Program Brochure
51.Exhibit Options
Presentation handout
Newspaper article
School counselor website
Email group list
9. Professionalism / 9.1 / All practicing school counselors are Kansas Licensed School Counselors / Ad Astra Assurances Page
Copy of Ks. License / Application will be cross referenced with Licensed Personnel Report. / The counseling program is coordinated by a licensed school counselor who seeks professional development; networks professionally; adheres to ASCA Ethical and KSDE licensure standards and works within the scope of an established job description.
__ Yes __ No
9.2 / Program Coordinated by a Licensed School Counselor / Ad Astra Assurances Page / Required by Kansas 21st Century Accreditation
9.3 / Job Descriptions / 52.Job Descriptions
9.4 / Professional Associations / 53.Exhibit Options
Copy of membership card
Copy of association communication
9.5 / Professional Development / 54.Exhibit Options
Conference agenda or handout
Workshop agenda or handout
Course registration
District school counselor in-service
Summary of professional literature
Distance learning syllabus or handout / Both internal and external in-service opportunities.
9.6 / Professional Networking / 55.Exhibit Option
Local counselor meeting agendas
Listserv posting
Discussion board posting / Collegiality as demonstrated by participation in local counselor meetings, listserv discussions, or chat rooms
9.7 / ASCA Code of Ethics / 56.ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counseling; licensure standards
Ad Astra Assurances Page
10. Implementation Plan / 10.1 / School Counseling Implementation Plan / 57.Monthly Program Activity Calendar (including activities of all counselors) / The KS. Comprehensive School Counseling Program (available on the School Counseling Home Page:
is an excellent resource for planning program implementation.
Also available on the site is the school counseling curriculum mapping toolkit. / The counseling program has integrated and implemented the KS. Comprehensive School Counseling Program.
__ Yes __ No
58.Weekly Counselor Activity Calendar (for each counselor)
59.Individual Counselor Management Agreement
60.Annual Budget

2009-2010 Kansas Ad Astra School Counseling Award Workshop Series


The school principal agrees that:

1.Sound school counseling programs can be designed to have a positive impact on student achievement objectives as defined in the local School Improvement and Achievement Plan for Kansas.

  1. Sound school counseling programs can be designed to have a positive impact on the following required components of the local School Improvement and Achievement Plan for Kansas:

a.Parental participation in the school

  1. Safe and disciplined learning environment
  2. Encouragement for the Academic Honors Diploma and Core 40 (high school)
  3. Attendance
  4. Cultural competency

The school principal agrees to:

1.Support the School Counseling Program and advisory team as they work through the following steps designed to transform the existing school counseling program to a comprehensive, developmental, and accountable program:

  1. Create a School Counseling Advisory Team
  2. Create a vision and mission for student success
  3. Collect, analyze, and establish data targets for the following types of data fields:

academic achievement data

student choice data (enrollment patterns, attendance, discipline referrals, etc.)

guidance indicator mastery data

  1. Analyze barriers to implementing a sound school counseling program and develop strategies to address those barriers
  2. Design a comprehensive, developmental, and accountable school counseling system that meets local needs
  3. Support the implementation of existing educational reforms with the comprehensive school counseling program
  1. Provide time for the School Counseling Advisory Team to make one thirty-minute presentation to the faculty for the purpose of introducing the comprehensive school counseling program.
  2. Allow the School Counseling Leadership Team to conduct at least one survey with the faculty regarding, a) the design of the school counseling program, and b) ways in which the faculty could give real-world applications to their academic content related to academic, career, and citizenship development.
  3. Allow the School Counseling Leadership Team to conduct one survey with the student body (or in a large school, a representative sample of students) regarding student counseling needs and the current student mastery of targeted guidance indicators.

The School Counseling Leadership Team agrees to:

1.Convene a broad-based School Counseling Advisory Council consisting of teachers, students, parents, business representatives, community members, and at least one building administrator. (Note: Schools may use an existing broad-based committee for this purpose.)

2.Facilitate several meetings with the School Counseling Advisory Team (4-6 monthly meetings are recommended for the first year. The process could also work with two longer meetings. After the first year, two meetings a year are recommended).

  1. Complete tasks between training workshops.
  2. Establish local school counseling goals and monitor data in the following areas:

academic achievement data

student choice data (enrollment patterns, attendance, discipline referrals)

guidance indicator mastery data

5.Follow ethical standards as published by the American School Counselor Association


School NameSchool Counselor SignatureDate

Submit by July 1, 2013______

Principal SignatureDate

Directions for submission:

  • Complete the check off list and submit it electronically to KSDE (both Program and Standard of Excellence Awards)
  • Complete and sign the assurance page and return a copy via mail to Kent Reed, KSDE (both awards).
  • For the Standard of Excellence Award submit the portfolio to Kent Reed, KSDE.