Safeguarding Children Information Update

Conference Roundup: Updated 18th June 2016

How safe are our children? 2016
21st and 22nd June 2016 London £199

This conference will provide child protection professionals with the opportunity to debate, question and share insights about the latest strategies, policies and programmes to prevent child abuse and protect children.

It will also be the launch event for the How safe are our children? report 2016 - which assesses how effective UK child protection is at protecting children fromabuse and neglect.

No child should have to suffer abuse or neglect and as social care, health, education and criminal justice professionals it is you who best understands the issues the sector faces. We want you to be part of the debate.

This will be your chance to gain insight into the latest safeguarding and child protection research and to examine the innovative solutions being used in the UK and globally to tackle the issues which are most prevalent in our society today.

The conference will bring together politicians and experts speakers for two days of discussions that we hope will help shape the child protection sector of 2016 and beyond. You might be interested in this event if you are a:

§ social worker.

§ service provider or practitioner.

§ education professional; head teacher, school safeguarding lead, nursery school teacher.

§ health professional including; doctor, nurse, school nurse.

§ local authority worker, policy advisor, researcher, local safeguarding board representative.

§ criminal Justice professional, chief constable, police, CEOP.

§ professional or volunteer within the voluntary, community or faith sectors

Learning from Experts-by-Experience: working with parents who have mental health problems and understanding how to develop inclusive practices in child protection

27th June 2016 Leeds £33- £180

Experts by experiences and the practitioners who work with them talk about child protection from the perspective of parents and children who have gone through mental health and safeguarding systems.

Parents share their own experiences of abuse and neglect; and their experiences of having serious mental health problems including hearing voices/ seeing visions, being suicidal and using self-harm.

They provide insight intowhat it is liketo experience having children removed, living apart from their childrenand about the fear of having their children removed.

They draw on their different identities to talk about how professional understandings about race, gender and sexuality, for example, significantly impact on how mothers and fathers are made sense of in child protection.

Children's testimony will also be shared.

The aim is to draw on lived-experience to inform the development of sensitive and inclusive safeguarding practices that respond appropriately to the diverse needs of children who live with parents who have mental health problems.

This day will be relevant to practitioners at all levels, including their supervisors and managers, in all key agencies and organisations working in the safeguarding children arena. This includes practitioners who provide assessments, conduct investigations, provide placements or offer support, counselling or therapy.

Mental Health Support in Schools

28th June 2016 London

£250 - £575 + VAT

This conference is timed to coincide with the Government putting children and young people’s mental health as a key priority, with a commitment to invest £1.25b in children’s mental health services over the next 5 years.

Following the recommendations of the Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Taskforce’s ‘Future in Mind’ report, this conference provides you with the opportunity to learn how schools can work together with the NHS, voluntary sector and local authorities to improve the provision, commissioning and delivery of services.

Key topics to be covered include:

§ An update from the pilot to develop more effective partnership working between schools and CAMHS

§ Considering different models of mental health provision in schools including peer‐to‐peer support, in‐school counselling, mindfulness and ‘whole‐school’ approaches

§ Overcoming stigma and teaching pupils and staff about mental health awareness

§ Improving identification, referral and treatment processes

Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation

29th June 2016 London

£250 - £575 + VAT

One year on from the publication of the statutory guidance on Working Together to Safeguard Children, this conference provides a forum through which to explore the latest developments surrounding CSE.

The OCC’s 2 year inquiry into CSA in the family environment is now fully underway and the government is expected to announce the findings of their consultation into the statutory definition of CSE. Benefit from practical guidance on how to proactively develop, build upon and improve early intervention and safeguarding activity.

As the government also launches a new inspection framework to assess how agencies work together to identify, support and protect vulnerable children and young people, put your questions to HMIC on the new joint targeted area inspections and the Independent Inquiry into CSA.

Key topics covered include:

§ Interventions aiming to prevent CSA

§ Combating CSE and abuse online

§ Providing greater support to victims of CSE

Transforming ChildMental Health:Innovation and Impact

6th July 2016 London

£249 - £459 + VAT

This conference will enable you to:

§ Hear the government’s update on implementing the Future in Mind reforms, changes in commissioning, and plans to increase workforce skills

§ Understand the prevalence of children and young people’s mental health problems and current state of provision

§ Intervene effectively with young people at risk of self-harming

§ Hear about improving perinatal mental health and early attachment

§ Spot the signs and respond appropriately to young people with eating disorders

§ Hear how services provide early help to young people with moderate emotional and behavioural diffculties; and provide support to those at risk of entering care

§ Hear how special and mainstream schools support children to build resilience, understand their emotions and run peer mentoring programmes

§ Learn about the whole-system programme to improve mental health for under-25s across Birmingham

§ Hear how young people can infuence and shape their own support, service design and strategy

§ Learn about the successes and challenges of talking therapies

Protecting Children and Young People in the Digital Environment

14th July 2016 London

£250 - £575 + VAT

This conference comes amidst new Government measures tosafeguard children onlineand consultation onprotecting children from online pornography.

§ Take away practical advice from award-winning schools on safeguarding young people from prevalent risks such as cyberbullying and CSE

§ Greater understanding of Government’s consultation on protecting children and young people from pornography

§ Gain insight on partnership working with schools to help identify perpetrators of online crime and prevent CSE

§ Examine approaches to tackle sharing of indecent images through mobile apps and addressing issues such as sexting

§ Participate in an interactive discussion with experts to explore ways to protect children from the risks posed by social media and online gaming

§ Adopt robust measures that effectively tackle the radicalisation of young people through the internet

Safeguarding Against Extremism:
Preventing Hate and Protecting Freedoms within Universities and Colleges

14th July 2016 London £195 - £395 + VAT (discount if booked before 24th June 2016)

This symposium will provide the education sector, government ministers, the police, LAs and criminal justice agencies with a vital opportunity to co-develop a framework whereby such legislation can be viably enacted.

It will also allow members to address the difficulties associated with simultaneously safeguarding against both violent extremism and a censorious educational climate.

Delegates will:

§ Analyse the government’s renewed strategy for countering extremism within Higher Education Institutions, discussing ways to promote the fundamental values of individual liberty, mutual tolerance and respect.

§ Understand the new expectations of schools, universities and colleges and how institutions can best comply with thePreventduty.

§ Explore ways to maximise multi-agency working to share information and improve public safety.

§ Examine how to improve staff training and practices to better identify, engage, and protect students at risk of radicalisation.

§ Discuss how to build relationships with local communities to promote cohesion and inter-faith relationships.

Redefining CSE: Safeguarding Children and Young People from Abuse

7th September 2016 London

£195 - £395 + VAT (discount if booked before 5th August)

This interactive seminar is an opportunity for all professionals involved in child safeguarding to hear from UK’s leading experts about the latest developments in CSE.

By the end of the session, delegates will have gained an improved understanding that will equip them with the necessary skills and tools to protect children from CSE.

Working Together to Tackle FGM

14th September 2016 London

£235-£295 + VAT (discount if booked before 8th July)

As part of the latest 2016-2020 strategy to prevent end violence against women and girls, the Government have provided £80m pounds worth of funding, new multi-agency statutory guidance and a number other resources.

Hear from the FGM Unit, HO and get practical guidance on a more effective multi-agency response to FGM.

Key issues to be addressed:

§ Government strategy on FGM & your responsibilities

§ Effective working between health professionals, children's services, police and others

§ Identifying victims of abuse and getting the first response right

§ Improving engagement with communities & community groups

§ Pursuing perpetrators: overcoming the challenges of gathering evidence

§ Understanding the cultural sensitivities whilst tackling the crime

§ Staff training

§ Good practice case studies of identifying and supporting those at risk

§ Promoting information sharing

§ Working with survivors

§ Ensuring a victim-centred approach

Child Protection in Education

15th September 2016 London £279 - £469 + VAT

This conference will provide an update on your new legal safeguarding obligations and child protection law.

§ Clarify the impact of the latest‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’guidance for 2016/17

§ Prevent: Know your latest obligations, what training is required and how to deliver ‘Prevent’ in practice

§ E-Safety: Clarify your responsibility to monitor students internet use and spot early warning signs

§ In-depth sessions covering CSE, FGM, forced marriage and honor based violence.

Children Missing Education

29th September 2016 London

£250 - £575 + VAT

§ Examine how to meet your statutory duties and develop measures to prevent children disengaging from education.

§ Gain practical guidance on tracing and monitoring vulnerable children.

§ Hear from the DfE on the latest policy being developed to address CME

§ Take away practical guidance on how to engage with children from vulnerable and immigrant backgrounds

§ Develop measures and processes that tackle unauthorised school absences

§ Gain insight on the role of police and how to collaborate to improve the safeguarding of vulnerable children

§ Establish strategies that ensure robust methods of tracing and information sharing to effectively identify children at risk from missing education

Children's mental health and wellbeing - integrating services, improving provision and the role of schools

11th October 2016 London 210 + VAT

With Government plans to spend £1.25 on improving children’s mental health services over 5 years, this conference will bring together key stakeholders and policymakers to discuss priorities for children’s mental health. It takes place in the context of the Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Taskforce’s report,Future in Mind, which outlines how the NHS, schools, voluntary services and LAs can better integrate mental health provision.
Attendees will consider:

§ steps to improve teachers’ awareness of mental health issues in school

§ a newblueprintfor schools on counselling services

§ implementation of renewed guidance and mental health lesson plans and the piloting of Heads of Wellbeing, responsible for staff training, educating parents and promoting wellbeing

§ the role of PSHE education in improving children’s understanding of mental health and wellbeing

Conference to mark the 25th Anniversary of ‘Child Abuse Review’

‘Evidence–Informed Practice, Practice-Informed Research’

18th November 2016 Birmingham £75 - £180

The structure of the day will include:

§ An optional pre-conference breakfast meeting for delegates on how to get published in ‘Child Abuse Review’

§ An opening plenary session setting the theme

§ Two parallel sessions in the morning and two in the afternoon on the following themes:

o  Child sexual exploitation

o  Neglect

o  Domestic violence

o  Translating research into practice

§ A closing plenary and celebration of 25 years of Child Abuse Review.

Each parallel session will include one invited keynote lecture, a number of short presentations from submitted abstracts, and a plenary discussion.

We invite you to submit an abstract for an oral presentation or a poster at the conference within one of the four key themes.

Theclosing date for submission of abstractsis Thursday 30 June 2016 and successful notifications will be made by Friday 29 July 2016.