SSA Science - Summer of 2017

Viking P.R.I.D.E.

Teacher: Mrs. GoodnightContact:

About the class:

This is a science course directed towards credit recovery. This class will include independent work in forms of note-taking, worksheets, virtual labs, tests/quizzes, and projects. To succeed in this course, you must devote your in-class work time to the science tasks assigned to you and work hard. All CHS Student Handbook rules and regulations apply for this course.


A = 93 & above, A- = 90 up to 93, B+ = 87 up to 89, B = 83 up to 86, B- = 80 up to 82, C+ = 77 up to 79, C = 72 up to 76, C- = 70 up to 72, D+ = 67 up to 69, and D = 60 up to 66

Grades will be weighted using the following percentages:

0.5 credit retrieval

Note-taking = 25%

Classwork (worksheets/packets) = 25%

Virtual labs/Projects = 50%

1.0 credit retrieval

Note-taking = 10%

Classwork (worksheets/packets)= 20%

Virtual labs/Projects = 35%

Homework = 35%


Class will be held from July 5th to July 28th (18 days), Monday through Friday. Attendance to class without tardy is vital to your success in passing this course. Missing one day equals missing 4 hours of work (like missing 4 days of regular school classes). The daily schedule will be written on the board at the front of the classroom.

0.5 credit vs. 1.0 credit:

If you signed up for a 0.5 credit (one semester), you will be required to complete all of the in-class work daily. If you signed up for a 1.0 credit (2 semesters), you will be required to complete the in-class work daily as well as additional homework every night. This additional homework is always due the day following its assignment and no additional time will be provided to you to work on these assignments in the classroom environment. Expect at least 2+ hours of homework per night.

Computers usage:

You will be asked to use the surface tablets daily. You may not use these tablets for social media, music, watching videos, etc. These tablets are for classroom appropriate use only. Some of the work you will be asked to do may have audio included, you may use your own headphones or headphones can be provided for you. If there is a time when you have completed all of your course work before the end of the day, you are to put the tablet away and may read a book, etc.


Each activity you will be asked to complete for this course will have all of the information you will need to complete the given assignment within the activity program itself. Cheating entails using the internet in such a way to find the answers without using the specified program to find the answers. Some examples include: Typing the questions into Google or another search engine and taking your answers from there. Obtaining an answer key of an activity/worksheet, etc., and copying down the answers from the answer key is prohibited. Penalty for cheating is a zero on the entire assignment in which the cheating occurred, as well as administration and parent/guardian notification of the incident.

Cell phones:

Cell phone usage within the classroom and class time is prohibited. Cell phones are to be turned off and stored in a purse/backpack, etc. for the entirety of the class; this includes any down-time you may have after completing your in-class work for the day. Cell phones will be confiscated if such an action must be taken. If this is a reoccurring issue, administration will be involved and the consequences could become escalated.