Filename:ACTHRIA.doc Written by: J. Ciccotosto (033198) Edited by: D. Mains (010400)
Protocol:ACTH Radioimmunoassay
Include the following sets of tubes in each assay
Total Tubes (n=4).Take 100 l of hot mix and put into the longer plastic (12x75 mm) tubes, cap, and save to count next day.
Minus Ab (n=3)Take 3 by 100 l aliquots of hot mix BEFORE adding the antibody.
Minus Cold (n=3)Take 3 by 100 l aliquots of hot mix and process as per sample tubes.
Std Curve (n=10)Ranges from 20 pg to 10,000 pg.
Sample tubesDetermine the amount of sample per assay (between 100 to 200 l) and then bring volume of sample to 200 l with RIA buffer. Do up to 5 sets of serial 1:2 dilutions.
Hot Mix
Reagent / stock / final / dilution125I-ACTH(1-39) / 105 cpm/tube / 104 cpm/tube / 0.1 l per tube
Rabbit IgG / Neat / 2 l/tube / 1/50
Before adding Ab, take 3 by 100 l aliquot samples for Minus Ab tubes.
Ab Kathy / 1:10 / 1:15,000 / 1/1,500- Add the hot mix to the remaining tubes.
- Incubate all other samples overnight at 4 0C for at least 12 hrs. (Ab Kathy benefits from going 24-30 hours).
- In the morning, add GAR (50l, diluted 4 l of Biogenesis stock plus 46 l of RIA buffer per tube) to all tubes and incubate at 4 0C for another 2 hrs.
- About 40 min before the end of the 2 hours with GAR: Turn on the centrifuge and Lock the door and spin for 30 min so that it cools to 4 0C.
- After the 2 hr incubation (should see cloudiness in tubes), add 1 ml of RIA buffer to all tubes.
- Put tubes into blue racks and spin at top speed (about 2700 rpm) for 30 min.
- Using a pasteur pipette, aspirate supernatant from each tube (careful not to aspirate the pellet. If pellet is aspirated, put back into tube and spin tube again).
- Place the plastic tubes into glass tubes. It is easiest for calculations if you count tubes in the order Totals : -Ab : -Cold : Standard : Samples
- Count in gamma counter using the RIA (2 min) program. Transfer the data set to a floppy disk and import into Excel on the calculations computer.
- Calculate the assay using the Excel RIA (Packard) program.
10Ci stock (Amersham). There are 2 types, Tyr2 or Tyr23 iodinations.
10 Ci = 10 Ci x 2x106 cpm/Ci = 20x106 cpm
Dissolve radioactive sample in 200 l of (1% Acetic Acid/0.1% Triton X-100)
Final concentration is 105 cpm/tube. There need about 0.1 l trace ACTH per assay tube.
ACTH(1-39) standard curve
Stock concentration is 10 g/ml. Dissolved in 0.1 % Acetic Acid, 0.1% Triton X-100.
Standard Curve in each assay ranges from 20 pg to 10,000 pg.
To set up the standard curve, label tubes 1 to 10 (see table below).
To tube #1, add 198 l of RIA buffer. To tubes #2 to 9 add 100 l RIA buffer.
To tube #1, add 2 l stock standard (10 g/ml) and mix well.
Then take 100 l from tube #1 and add to tube #2.
Repeat serial dilution to tube #10 and then discard 100 l after the last tube, #10.
Tube # / ACTH (pg)1 / 10,000
2 / 5,000
3 / 2,500
4 / 1,250
5 / 625
6 / 313
7 / 156
8 / 78
9 / 39
10 / 20
KathyDirected against the CT of ACTH. This antibody sees ABI, ACTH, g-ACTH, and CLIP but NOT intact POMC. A stock of 1:10 is kept in the refrigerator. Assay final concentration is often 1:15,000 (higher sensitivity with 1:25,000 and longer incubation times).
RIA Buffer (1L)
50 mM NaPi, pH 7.6, 0.1% Triton X-100
NaH2PO4...... 6.9 g
Triton X-100...... 1ml
Water...... 999 ml
Adjust to pH 7.6 with 10N NaOH
Chemical / Vendor / Catalog #125I-Tyr2-ACTH(1-39), 10 Ci / Amersham / IM.216
125I-Tyr23-ACTH(1-39), 10 Ci / Amersham / IM.183
Triton X-100 / Biorad / 161-0407
Sodium Phosphate, Mono (NaH2PO4) / J.T. Baker / 3818-05
Goat Anti Rabbit / Biogenesis
hACTH(1-39) / CIBA
Assay Date:______Assay Number:______
Total Number of samples = ______
A. Total Hot Mix Volume 100 l x ______samples= ______l
Label [125I-ACTH(1-39)] (105 cpm/l Stock; 103 cpm/tube final)
B. Label activity date:______0.1 x______samples=______µl
C. Rabbit IgG (2l/tube)2 x______samples=______µl
Volume (B+C)=______µl
D. RIA BufferVolume A-(B+C)=______l
Before adding Ab, take 3 by 100 l aliquot samples for Minus Ab tubes.(-300 l)
Final Vol=______l
Ab_KathyStock (1/10) final (1/15K) 1/1500 x samples=______l
Add 100 l to each tube. Incubate all other samples overnight at 4 0C for at least 12 hrs.
Ab reaction time Start: ______Stop: ______Total Time: ______
GAR (3l/tube)4 x samples=______µl
RIA buffer46 x samples=______µl
Add 50 l of diluted GAR to each tube. Incubate at 4 0C for at least 2 hrs.
GAR reaction time Start: ______Stop: ______Total Time:______
ACTH RIA procedures
- Count the 4 Total Tubes on the gamma counter.
- Incubate all other samples overnight at 4 0C for at least 12 hrs.
- In the morning, add GAR (50l) to all tubes and incubate at 4 0C for another 2 hrs.
- Turn on the centrifuge (Lock the door) and spin for 30 min so that it cools to 4 0C.
- After the 2 hr incubation (should see small white pellet), add 1 ml of RIA buffer to all tubes.
- Put tubes into the blue centrifuge racks and spin at top speed (about 2700 rpm) for 30 min.
- Using a pasteur pipette, aspirate supernatant from each tube
(careful not to aspirate the pellet. If pellet is aspirated, put back into tube and spin tube again).
- Place the plastic tubes into glass tubes and get gamma counter ready for counting samples.
- Before counting tubes, change the longer barrels on the gamma counter with the shorter barrels.
- Calculate the assay using the Excel RIA program.
Eipper/Mains Protocol Manual