The Board of Education of the Truth or Consequences Municipal School District met March 13, 2014at 180 N. Date St., T or C., NM 87901 Board Room.


Jay Johnson, President

Denise Barrera, Vice-President

Rita Ortiz, Secretary

Angela Rael, Member-arrived at 7:25PM

Brett Smith, Member


Dr. Craig Cummins, Superintendent

Hank Hopkins, Director of Human Resources

Melissa Robinson, Principal TCES/SEC

Patti Nesbitt, Principal HSHS


Celina Martinez, Administrative Assistant

Adriana Wolf, Incoming Business Manager

Dr. Robert Vise, Director of Student Achievement

Kenny. Griffis, Maintenance Director

Raybella Schnyder, Curriculum Coordinator

Dr. Barbara Pearlman

Tyson, Rush

Stacy Rush

Miguel Apodaca

Karen Cummins

Cheryl Baca

Mike Torres


Chuck Wentworth




A.CALL TO ORDER at 6:35p.m.

Jay Johnson, present

Denise Barrera, present

Rita Ortiz, present

Angela Rael, absent-arrived at 7:25PM

Brett Smith, present


Mr.Johnson led a moment of silence.


Mr. Johnson led the salute to the U.S. Flag and the salute to the New Mexico State Flag.


Craig Cummins recommended the Board approve the March 13, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Agenda. Motion to accept recommendation made by Denise Barreraand seconded by Brett Smith. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

F. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – February 13, 2014 RegularBoard Meeting Minutes

Craig Cummins recommended the Board approve the February 13, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. Motion to accept recommendation made byBrett Smith and seconded byRita Ortiz. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


  1. NEA Report – Dr. Barbara Pearlman-Negotiations started and going amazingly well. Revised contract will be presented at May’s board meeting. Testing going smoothly.
  1. Classroom Technology-Raybella Schnyder-Update on robotics class students had a great time doing the inventory of the first shipment. IPADS have been purchased for elementary, special education department and we have 4 carts with 25 IPADS for core departments at the high school. Training has begun for high school staff, Mr.Mrs. Rush gave a demonstration one of many apps available to use in classroomsetting. Discussion: This is new technology for the district and we are all in the learning process.
  1. Business Manager Report-Adriana Wolf was introduced as incoming business manager.
  1. Student Data Report – Dr. Robert Vise –SBA testing going smoothly.
  1. Construction Projects Update – Kenny Griffis –Lots of activity in the building. Polishing and staining of concrete has been completed. Roofing should start next week.No change orders to date.
  1. Personnel/Student Report – Hank Hopkins–Lisa Montoya has retired and Kristie Powell will take over as cafeteria manager.
  1. Discuss CES contract with Jive Communications for district wide voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) telephone services and bandwidth proposal for 100mg bytes district wide-Mike Torres-With new elementary school coming on there is also the need of improving phone system. Current system will not work in the new building. District is looking at JIVE Communications, Inc. for telephone and WI-POWER for internet service (100mgbytes). Discussion: Jay- We need to make sure systems will provide all services needed before purchasing.




Craig Cummins recommended the Board approve payment of bills as presented. Motion to accept recommendationmade by Denise Barreraand seconded byBrett Smith. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


Craig Cummins recommended the Board approve budget adjustments as presented. Motion to acceptrecommendation made by Brett Smithand seconded by Rita Ortiz. THEMOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


A.Approve a retainer with school law firm Walsh, Anderson, Gallegos, Green & Trevino, PC.Craig Cummins recommended the Board approve retainer with Walsh, Anderson, Gallegos, Green & Trevino, PC.

Motion to accept recommendation made by Denise Barrera and seconded by Brett Smith. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Discussion: Brett- Where is firm located? Albuquerque, NM; Rita- Please explain the cost of services. Retainer of $1,000.00 per year unlimited phone calls and any specific matters will be billed at hourly rate of $200.

B.Approve spring 2014 contract with Interquest Detection Canines. Craig Cummins recommended the Board approve contract with Interquest Detection Canines. Motion to accept recommendation made by Brett Smith and seconded by Denise Barrera.THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.Brett-Shared his concerns regarding canines visiting schools. Teachers- Having canine services in the schools is a deterrent and prevention measure,also leaves us to focus on our mission to teach and have students graduate. Jay-No problem with canines visiting schools, law enforcement must accompany canine handler during visits. We need to protect district and students. Hank- When visits are scheduled we will make sure SOR is present. Board would like a review of canine detection visits at June’s meeting.

C.Approve amendment to the 2013-2014 Open Meeting Act Resolution which revised the date of the April 2014 Board Meeting. Motion to accept recommendation made by Denise Barrera and seconded by Brett Smith.THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

D.Approve agreement to add asset management software to the existing Follett Destiny platform. Craig Cummins recommended the Board approve agreement to the existingFollett Destiny platform.Motion to accept recommendation made by Brett Smith and seconded by Rita Ortiz. THE MOTION CARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. Discussion- There was an audit finding, asset management inventory was not documented properly. Mike-District will start inventory scanning with the technology departmentwhich will take several months to complete.Once this is accomplished warehouse personnel will be in charge of inventory scanning.

E.Approve an out of state professional development trip to San Antonio, TX for the National Migrant Education Conference on April 5-9, 2014. Craig Cummins recommended the Board approve professional development trip. Motion to accept recommendation made by Brett Smith and seconded by Denise Barrera. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

F. Approve Memorandum of Understanding with Family and Youth, Inc.Craig Cummins recommended Memorandum of Understanding. Motion toaccept recommendation made by Brett Smith and seconded by Denise Barrera.THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

Discussion: We need a policy or guidelines regarding MOU’s.

G.Approve 2014-2015 contracts with Judd Bradley Photography.Craig Cummins recommended the Board approve the 2014-2015 contracts. Motion to accept recommendation was made by Brett Smith and seconded by Angela Rael. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

H.Approve an out of state activity trip for JROTC to Layton, Utah, April 2-6, 2014. Craig Cummins recommended the Board Approve the out of state activity trip. Motion to accept recommendation was made by Denise Barrera and seconded by Rita Ortiz. THE MOTION CARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY.

I. Approve School Bus # 21,1999 International, Vin#1HVBBABN7XH685394,License Plate # G76666 as surplus property and authorize the administration to sell/dispose the bus. Craig Cummins recommended the Board approve the School Bus #21 as surplus property and dispose/sell. Motion to accept recommendation made by Brett Smith and seconded by Angela Rael. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


J.Approve donations $250.00 HSHS Girls’ Basketball from Moose Lodge. Craig Cummins recommended the Board approve the donation. Motion to accept recommendation made by Brett Smith and seconded by Angela Rael. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Thank you!


A. Limited Personnel Matters, per §10-15-1-H (2,) in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, NMSA 1978 regarding Superintendent’s evaluation and contract. Motion made to enter Executive Session made by Denise Barreraandseconded by Rita Ortiz.Roll Call was taken to enter Executive Session at7:50p.m.

Roll Call:

Jay Johnson - Yes

Denise Barrera - Yes

Rita Ortiz - Yes

Angela Rael - Yes

Brett Smith - Yes


A.Brett Smith made a motion to return to open session at 9:25p.m. and motion was seconded by Rita Ortiz.Let the records showper §10-15-1- H(2,) no action required. Action will be taken at April’s Board Meeting.

Roll Call:

Jay Johnson, present

Denise Barrera, present

Rita Ortiz, present

Angela Rael, present

Brett Smith, present


Denise Barrera motioned to adjourn at 9:28 p.m. Motion seconded by Brett Smith.MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.





Date: April 17, 2014