1. Why should teachers use multiple measures when assessing students?
Select one.
B. / / Measuring reasoning ability requires multiple instruments.
C. / / Measurement of performance and knowledge require different testing procedures.
D. / / Teachers repeat measures to decrease reliability coefficients prior to standardized testing.
2. What are valid reasons for assessing students?
Choose 3 answers
B. / / Ease the adjustment of students in new placements
C. / / Inform decision makers about student behaviors
D. / / Monitor student progress toward a goal
E. / / Identify students at risk for absentee problems
3. What measurement term refers to the degree to which a test measures what it is designed to test?
Select one.
B. / / Validity
C. / / Sensitivity
D. / / Reliability
4. Which of the following statements indicate why testing accommodations for students with disabilities are important?
Choose 3 answers
B. / / Such accommodations enable testing practices to be deemed fair to all students.
C. / / Such accommodations enable most students to be tested.
D. / / Such accommodations serve to decrease the anxiety associated in taking high-stakes tests.
E. / / Such accommodations help ensure that the results will be an accurate indication of student ability.
5. What is the most critical problem that can result from standardized achievement test accommodation?
Select one.
B. / / Accommodation methods cannot be matched with a student’s IEP.
C. / / Accommodation changes the nature of the measurement.
D. / / Students with IEPs have to be included in the test.
6. Which of the following are considered fair and ethical testing procedures?
Choose 3 answers
B. / / Provide non-English-speaking students the opportunity to take mathematics and science exams in their native languages
C. / / Make inferences about reading ability from tests in other content areas
D. / / Exclude low-level students from standardized testing to accommodate for a high minority population
E. / / Identify exemplary teachers by comparing average group scores on exams
F. / / Grade essays without regard for who wrote the essay
7. Which of the following are misuses of state-mandated standardized achievement test scores?
Choose 3 answers
A. / / Compute class grades using standardized test scoresB. / / Compare scores on the exam to in-class quizzes
C. / / Assign students to remedial or accelerated tracks based solely on their scores
D. / / Review the purpose of the exam with students prior to testing
E. / / Discuss error and scoring bands with parents
8. What does an educator determine from examining scores on a criterion-referenced test?
Choose 2 answers
A. / / Whether a student is eligible for accelerated programsB. / / That a student is not doing well in a particular subject
C. / / How a student compares with others in the same class placement
D. / / What specific skill the student should be working on
E. / / Whether a student is in need of supportive services
F. / / How a student compares with other students of the same age
9. What is a common benefit of standardized achievement tests?
Select one.
B. / / Reliability coefficients are very low.
C. / / Scores are comparable across populations.
D. / / Flexible administration methods permit localization to accommodate different types of students.
10. Categorize each assessment characteristic or use as pertaining to either summative or formative assessment.
Select your answer from the pull-down list.
Comprehensive measure of achievement /
Informal /
Continuous feedback to the teacher /
Monitor progress /
11. Classify each strength or weakness as a characteristic of either "constructed response" or "selected response".
Select your answer from the pull-down list.
Limited to presented options /
Requires students to support an argument with multiple lines of reasoning /
Difficulty scoring /
Common on standardized achievement tests /
12. What is the primary purpose of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Exam (WRM)?
Select one
B. / / Screening
C. / / Midterm grading
D. / / Formative assessment
E. / / Educational placement
F. / / Achievement
13. What was Eraut’s major criticism of using reflection?
Select one.
B. / / Reflection requires too much collaboration between students.
C. / / Sometimes decisions need to be made quickly, and there is not time for reflection.
D. / / Reflection is not easy to define for elementary students.
E. / / Some students may not have the skills to appropriately use reflection.
14. What are two major purposes of reflection?
Choose 2 answers
B. / / Help individuals self-correct behaviors and ideas.
C. / / Increase the comfort level of students.
D. / / Communicate more efficiently in the classroom.
E. / / Express ideas to students with greater clarity.
F. / / Empower learners to take ownership of ideas.
15. Match each change in body and brain development with the corresponding age range.
Select your answer from the pull-down list
Increases in hormonal levels occur, resulting in a growth spurt. /
The child's body grows much more slowly relative to other periods of life. /
The brain continues to develop faster than any other part of the body, up to 90% of its adult weight. /
Males generally become taller than females and develop deeper voices and characteristic patterns of facial and body hair. /
The body quadruples in weight and the brain triples in weight. /
Increased strength and heart and lung capacity give the child endurance to improve performance in swimming and running. /
The growth that occurs during these years usually proceeds from the extremities to the torso and may be uneven. /
16. Which of the following statements describe the way a child goes up and down steps at the end of early childhood?
Choose 2 answers
B. / / Steps twice on each step, first with one foot, then the other.
C. / / Takes halting, uneven steps.
D. / / Alternates feet about every third step.
E. / / Sometimes steps alternating feet, stopping every few steps to regain balance.
F. / / Takes coordinated, even steps.
17.Which statement is true about the beginning of a child’s growth spurt?
Select one.
B. / / Most boys begin their growth spurt by the start of fifth grade.
C. / / Most boys begin their growth spurt by the start of fourth grade.
D. / / Most girls begin their growth spurt by the start of fifth grade.
18. Which of the following statements are true of puberty?
Choose 2 answers
B. / / Almost all girls begin menstruation by age 13.
C. / / Most girls reach their adult stature by age 16.
D. / / Girls generally begin puberty by age 11.
E. / / Pubic hair growth is completed for most girls by age 12.
19. Various theories on the social development of children emphasize the importance of adult and child interactions.
Match each description with the corresponding science or theory.
Select your answer from the pull-down list.
associated with satisfying biological needs. /
An animal is born with a set of fixed action patterns such as imprinting. /
Infants are programmed to behave in ways that will keep adults nearby. /
Infants are born with biological drives that must be gratified. /
Infants will develop trust as a result of satisfactory nurturing. /
Emotional development is observed in a series of progressive stages. /
20. Psychologist Erik Erikson described the search for identity as the primary task and crisis of adolescence. On the basis of Erikson’s research, James Marcia identified statuses from in-depth interviews with adolescents.
Match each description with the corresponding identity status from the list.
by parents and society. No definite commitments have been made to occupations
or ideologies. The adolescent is in the midst of an identity crisis. /
The adolescent prematurely establishes an identity based on parents' choices rather
than the adolescent's choices. An identity crisis has not been experienced. /
The adolescent has few commitments to goals and values, and seems apathetic about
finding an identity. If an identity crisis has been experienced, it has not been resolved. /
The adolescent establishes an identity in which clear decisions about occupations and
ideologies have been consciously made. /
21. What is typical of five-year-olds?
Select one.
B. / / Are very dependent on parents and like to remain in close proximity to them.
C. / / Think abstractly and easily relate to the point of view of other children.
D. / / Are quite easily frustrated and frequently have tantrums when things are difficult.
22. Match each trait with the corresponding exceptionality name.
Select your answer from the pull-down list.
Demonstrates low intellectual functioning (IQ) and poor adaptive skills. /
Hearing disability precludes successful processing of linguistic information through audition, with or without a hearing aid. /
Has average IQ with below average ability to listen, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations. /
Does not comprehend or use language well for communication, regardless of the mode (spoken, written, etc.). /
Needs a variety of augmentation devices to successfully perform auditory tasks.
23. What are symptoms of autism in children?
Choose 4 answers
A. / / Frequent bitingB. / / Repetitive hitting of head
C. / / Repetitive rocking
D. / / Impaired social interactions
E. / / Highly adaptive
24. Families of children with atypical development often need specialized resources to provide extra support
for the unique challenges they face.
Match each supportive resource with the corresponding type of need.
Select your answer from the drop-down list.
a meaningful academic intervention plan. /
Network of organizations that creates or finds extracurricular
activities in which disabled students can participate. /
Assistance from schools and community organizations to provide
training and opportunities for peer-to-peer interaction. /
Respite provider or plan to intermittently relieve parents
of ongoing care needs. /
Medicaid, Social Security, or therapeutic services provided
by school employees rather than private therapists. /
25. Why may students of lower socioeconomic status perform poorly in school?
Choose 5 answers
B. / / Their parents are less likely to expect high achievement in school.
C. / / They are less likely to visit museums or other educational locations.
D. / / They often have less experience following directions.
E. / / They often have fewer learning materials in the home.
F. / / They are less likely to have a parent at home when they return from school.
G. / / Their parents are less likely to be able to help them with homework.
26. What is a likely impact of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?
Select one.
B. / / Normal vision, but difficulty recognizing words
C. / / Repetitive motor mannerisms - e.g., hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole body movements
D. / / Average or better ability, health, vision, hearing, and intelligence, but still unable to learn things as easily or quickly as most other students due to a severe inability to stay on task or pay attention
E. / / Precocious reading ability or a fascination with letters, words or numbers, coupled with significant problems in language, learning, and social skills
27. Which of the following defines the theory of learning modalities?
Select one.
B. / / Students have preferred modalities that align with teacher modalities.
C. / / Classroom contexts have cognitive modes that promote learning.
D. / / Modalities are ways of learning that depend on cognitive processing capacity.
28. A group of teachers is discussing the effects of the behavioral view of learning and how it is demonstrated in the classroom.
Which of the following might they discuss?
Choose 3 answers
A. / / Reinforcers increase the tendency to a specific behavior.B. / / Reinforcers make students afraid of consequences.
C. / / Generalization results in discrimination of behavior.
D. / / Extinction is an effective method for eliminating a behavior.
E. / / Cues indicate which behaviors are acceptable or not.
F. / / Cues indicate differences between general conditions.
G. / / Discrimination is a transfer of generalization behavior.
29. What behaviors indicate that a teacher is using the constructivist view of learning?
Choose 3 answers
B. / / Students work individually on worksheets which contain addition and subtraction of numbers between 0 and 10.
C. / / The teacher reads a story to the students and various students ask questions about the story to ensure all the students understand it.
D. / / Students work in groups on small parts of a project, developing the skills necessary to complete the larger assignment.
E. / / Students work individually with manipulatives, discovering all of the number pairs that add up to 10.
F. / / The teacher reads a story and asks the students questions to ensure that they all understand the story.
G. / / Students work in groups of four to create a chart which shows the letters of the alphabet and a word that begins with each letter.
30. Which of the following are main principles of the humanist view of learning?
Choose 3 answers
B. / / Locus of control
C. / / Attributions for success
D. / / Locus of success
E. / / Locus of motivation
F. / / Attributions for motivation
31. Which of the following activities demonstrate the social learning theory?
Choose 3 answers
B. / / Students are given complex activities and the teacher checks on their progress during class.
C. / / A student works through a mathematical problem on the blackboard and the teacher explains each step to the class during the process.
D. / / A student works through a mathematical problem on the blackboard and explains each step to the class during the process.
E. / / The students are required to place a star next to their names at the end of each day to indicate how well they worked that day.
F. / / Students are given simple tasks and the teacher checks on their progress during class.
G. / / When forming cooperative learning groups, the teacher includes a student with high levels of motivation and a student with strong academic skills in each group.
32. Why do males typically score higher than females in math?
Choose 2 answers
B. / / Males have a stronger aptitude for quantitative reasoning.
C. / / Females are often discouraged from studying math.
D. / / Females underestimate their learning skills.
33. Answer in terms of Kohlberg’s model of moral reasoning.
Which of the following behaviors signal that increased moral development is affecting a student’s learning?
Choose 3 answers
A. / / Student does not recognize the need for lawsB. / / Student engages willingly in cooperative activities
C. / / Student obeys rules in spite of peer pressure
D. / / Student sees no justification for breaking the rules
E. / / Students obeys rules only to avoid punishment
F. / / Student is motivated solely by self-interest
34. Which of the following are examples of critical thinking exercises a teacher could assign to students reading Snow White and the Seven Dwarves?
Select one.
Choose 4 answers
B. / / Discuss how the dwarves felt when Snow White went to sleep.
C. / / Ask the students to make up a new story of Snow White in which the evil queen gets lost and does not find Snow White.
D. / / List and discuss why some of the dwarves were given such funny names.
E. / / List and discuss why the dwarves could have been angry at Snow White for coming to their house.
35. Match each paragraph with the type of reasoning it demonstrates.
Select your answer from the pull-down list.
Denim jeans are good pants to wear to school. Denim jeans last longer than any other pants do. Many students have three pairs of denim jeans that last the whole school year Denim is very durable for everyday wear. /
There are several expensive cars parked on that street. Expensive cars are usually found in affluent neighborhoods. This is an affluent neighborhood. A lot of rich people live in this neighborhood. /
The students at this school want to go to good colleges. The students are from homes that emphasize the importance of education. The students work diligently, even in study hall. The students get good scores on their SAT exams.
36. Categorize each assignment as requiring either critical thinking or problem-solving skills.
Select your answer from the pull-down list.
The school is implementing a Spanish Immersion program. Reproduce the signs for
the new program. /
Discuss the function of physical setting in two of the novels you studied. What is the
relationship between the stories' events and the locations in which the events take place? /
The straight road between Point A and Point C runs through Point B. The distance from
Point A to Point C is 190 miles. Point B is 1.5 times as far from Point C as it is from
Point A. How far is it from Point C to Point B? /
Attached is a recipe that resulted in a cake which fell when removed from the oven.
Review the recipe and determine why the cake fell. Make the necessary adjustments
to the recipe.
37. Match each description with the corresponding condition.
Select your answer from the pull-down list.