Vigo Parish Council ~ Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 17th July 2017




Present: / Cllr Pat Banks (in the Chair); Cllr Sue Connor; Cllr John Goodban; Cllr Roland Graves; Cllr Jim Haslem; Cllr Alan White; Mrs Joanne Glass (Clerk)
In Attendance: / Mr & Mrs --- (Parishioners)
1] / Apologies for Absence
Cllr Mike Germain (VPC); Cllr Colin Talboys (VPC); Cllr Andy Woolway (VPC); Mr Adam Holloway (MP); Cllr Bryan Sweetland (KCC); Cllr Lesley Boycott (GBC); Cllr Derek Shelbrooke (GBC); Mr Paul Agley (Highview Services); Ms Mandy Cason (Community Warden); PCSO Kirsty Lowe.
2] / Declarations of Interest
3] / Questions from the Press and Public
Mr & Mrs --- wanted to speak to Parish Council Members regarding Anti-Social Behaviour in the village, especially around The Bay and School Car Parks.
The Clerk stated that she had asked the PCSOs to visit the area in the evening when there was more activity going on, but no response had been received.
It was noted that the nuisance bikes were especially an issue in The Bay, and loud music / rubbish were issues in the car parks.
It was agreed to activate the Community Trigger – Mr --- was to email any crime reference numbers he had to the Clerk – the Clerk would then activate the Trigger.
Some discussion took place regarding the car park lights – it was felt that if they went off earlier, then perhaps there would be less activity in the car park. Council Members agreed with this, the Clerk was to speak to Gravesham Borough Council regarding this one particular light.
It was suggested that “No Litter” or “Be Considerate” signs be erected around the car park – and perhaps the GBC Litter Enforcement Officers could attend – the Clerk was to look into this. It was noted that the car park was owned by GBC.
The proposal for new CCTV was discussed.
  • Chase PCSOs regarding evening visits
  • Activate Community Trigger
  • Request that the car park light is turned off earlier in the evening
  • Put up signage around the car park
  • Speak to GBC regarding Litter Enforcement Officer

[Action: Clerk]
4] / Reports from Gravesham Borough & Kent County Councillors for the Parish Area
5] / Reports from Community Wardens and PCSOs
42: The Clerk had spoken to the Youth Worker (Mr Higgins) regarding the local youths riding bikes in The Bay. Mr Higgins said he would speak to the members of the youth club regarding this matter.
Ms Cason had provided a report in her absence as follows:
There were still issues with off road bikes and nuisance youths around the village, with many complaints being logged. There were also issues with dog fouling. Ms Cason continued to liaise with the appropriate agencies regarding these matters, and was encouraging those who were affected by the issues to report the incidents to the relevant authorities.
Reassurance visits continued to be conducted in Vigo with referrals being made where appropriate.
A Community Awareness Day would be held on Wednesday 26th July at Trosley Country Park (1 – 3pm). Posters would be put up to advertise this event.
The Talk Time and Lego events in the library continued to be popular and well attended.
The Alzheimer’s Group Photography Club was due to start on 20th July at Safeharbour (next to Coldharbour Library), 1030 – 1230.
Ms Cason had noted concern regarding the resignation of one of the sub post mistresses in Vigo. The other post mistress would continue to work but the post office would only be open for three days a week until further cover could be found.
6] / To approve the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 19th June 2017
The minutes were read and agreed, with some minor typographical errors corrected, then signed by the Chair, having been accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.
The Clerk reported that the property details in minute 1247 (May minutes) were correct.
7] / To approve the minutes of the In-Camera meeting held on 19th June 2017.
The minutes were read and agreed, then signed by the Chair, having been accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.
8] / Matters Arising from the Full Council Meeting (s) (not covered under Agenda Items)
COMMUNITY ASSETS: Cllr Graves reported that the Government had enacted changes to the planning rules, which would come into effect at the end of July. These changes would remove the “permitted development rights” for public houses meaning that to change the use or to demolish licenced premises would now require planning permission.
The main reason for the Parish Council wanting to list the pub as an Asset of Community Value was no longer an issue. The only element that an ACV would give now would be the option of buying out the business if the owners tried to sell it without a licence. It was agreed that the Parish Council would not want to entertain this and therefore there is no need to register the pub as an ACV. All agreed.
The Clerk was to update Mr Littley.
[Action: Clerk]
CHAIRMAN’S NOTICE BOARD: This had been ordered, although there had been no further update. The Clerk was to chase this matter.
[Action: ongoing]
TESCO GREEN TOKEN FUNDING. This project would be live during July and August. The scheme had been advertised on the Parish website and the Bargains in Vigo Facebook page.
EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS: The Clerk had forwarded the emergency contact number for Mr Agley to all Councillors.
BUS STOP TIMETABLE: This had now been replaced.
The Clerk had sent a list of public conveniences to Cllr Germain as requested.
COUNCILLOR PATCHES: The Clerk had not yet sent out the “patches map” and check list to Councillors, but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT: Mr Agley had hoped to speak to Cllr Talboys about this matter, but had not been able to. It was agreed that Cllr Graves would look at the Partnership Agreement that had been made between VPC and Vigo Services, with a view to updating it for the use of Highview Services. The Clerk was to send the Vigo Services agreement to Cllr Graves and Mr Agley.
In the meantime, it was agreed by all Council Members present to extend Mr Agley’s current contract by one year, to 31.03.2019, to give adequate time for a potential Partnership Agreement to be considered fully. There was provision in the current contract to extend it for one year.
It was noted that Mr Agley had not had a pay increase since he started his contract. It was noted that the current contracted stated “The price for subsequent years may be adjusted to reflect inflation during the preceding year, at the discretion of Vigo Parish Council.” This had not happened as yet, but it was agreed by all Members that this would be considered and budgeted for the year beginning 01.04.18. All agreed. The Clerk was to update Mr Agley.
[Action: Clerk]
BROWNIE FLOWERBED: The Clerk had not photographed the Brownie flower bed as it was not currently in bloom. However, the Clerk had sent an article to the Journal Editor for the September / October edition.
9] / Services (Trees / Grass / Grounds Maintenance)

a) Tree Policy

SURVEY OF TREES LESS THAN 15 METRES FROM PROPERTIES IN VIGO. The Clerk had the completed maps for all areas of the village, but Cllr Talboys had not been available for the Clerk to pass the maps on.
[Action: ongoing]
DELIVERY OF NEW TREES: The Clerk submitted an article regarding the new trees to the journal editor – it would go in the September / October edition. It was noted that many trees had been removed / damaged. The Clerk would ask Mr Agley to check the trees that had been planted and report on how many had survived thus far.
[Action: Clerk]
TREES PLANTED BY RESIDENT TO THE SIDE OF 9 THE COVERT: These trees had not survived. The Clerk would write to the resident should they plant more trees in the future.
SILVER BIRCH TREES TO THE REAR OF 25 FERNDOWN. This work had now been carried out.
TIMBERBANK: The resident had contacted the Clerk as they were concerned about the centre tree on the side of their house. A large branch had broken off recently. Mr Agley reported that this twin stemmed Chestnut had dropped a limb, which had been cleared. Mr Agley suggested that a crown reduction should be carried out in the Autumn. The Clerk would make a note of this and update the resident.
[Action: Clerk]
HIGHVIEW: The resident was concerned about two trees which appear to be dead at the rear of the property. Mr Agley confirmed that there was a dead rowan and a dead cherry, but that work to remove them could wait until the Autumn / Winter. The Clerk would make a note of this and update the resident.
[Action: Clerk]
CROFTSIDE: It was reported that there were 3 dead silver birch trees on the resident’s land to the side of this property. The Clerk had not yet written but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
TREE STUMPS OUTSIDE SCHOOL GATE: Mr Agley had taken 3 hours off as time in lieu in respect of this work (agreed with The Clerk in advance).
TIMBERBANK: UNAUTHORISED TREE WORK: The resident at this property had employed a tree surgeon to carry out work on the land adjacent to their property – this was Parish Council land, and the trees were the responsibility of the Parish. It was noted that the resident did have the right to cut back any branches overhanging their property, but the tree surgeon had removed limbs right back to the trunk. The Tree Surgeon claimed this was for the benefit of the tree. The Tree Surgeon was fully qualified and insured. However, the Parish Council noted that they would always inspect any overhang reported, and carry out any necessary work. The Clerk had written to the Tree Surgeon and the resident regarding this matter. The Tree Surgeon had responded to say that he would check with the Parish Council in future, and to apologise for carrying out work without permission.
The Clerk was to write an article for the journal, asking residents to report overhanging branches to the Parish Council, and not to carry out any work themselves.
[Action: Clerk]
HIGHVIEW: Resident was concerned regarding lower branches of trees to the rear, which were overhanging the garden. There were also broken branches hanging down, and reports of children playing and swinging from the low branches. Mr Agley had inspected this and agreed that some work would be carried out over the winter. The Clerk was to update the resident.
[Action: Clerk]
b) Grounds Maintenance
212 – 224 HIGHVIEW: The Clerk had written as agreed.
BRAMBLES ENCROACHING THE SPINE PATH: These had now been reduced.
CROFTSIDE OVERHANGING VEGETATION: It was noted that there were brambles overgrown onto the footpath to the side of 1 Croftside. This had been reported to Kent Highways.
GARDEN WASTE IN WOODS: The Clerk had written a journal article regarding this (September / October journal).
c) Grass Cutting
Nothing to report.
10] / Requests From and Matters Regarding Residents.
ADMERS WOOD PATH: The Clerk had not yet spoken to Hoopers but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
HIGHVIEW GARAGE BLOCK: The Clerk was to find out the details of the owners and write again (letters to go to owners if the property is rented)
[Action: Clerk]
HISTORICAL FLY TIPPING HARVEL ROAD: The Clerk had emailed Mr Alford, but no response had been received.
[Action: ongoing]
CHURCHSIDE: The amount of rubbish had been reduced again. This matter was now to be filed.
LONDIS SHOP (GUTTERING) / RUBBISH BEHIND THE OLD FLORIST SHOP / GENERAL STATE OF THE BAY SHOPS AND FLATS: The Clerk had reported the Fly Tipping to Environmental Health. As a result of one letter sent by GBC to the landlord, the rubbish had now been cleared. The Clerk had emailed Environmental Health to thank them for their assistance. The Clerk was under the impression that the landlord intended to have a new fence erected to prevent further issues.
The Clerk had met Mr Hall and expressed the concerns regarding the state of the flats and shops. Mr Hall reiterated that the flats and shops were let under “fully repairing leases” and that the responsibility for repairs was with the leaseholders. Mr Hall agreed that the state of disrepair was unacceptable and stated he would write to the leaseholders regarding the matter.
The Clerk had emailed Cllr Talboys to ask if Gravesham Borough Council would have the authority to come out and inspect the flats to see if the stairs and bannisters were safe. The Clerk had not received a response as yet.
[Action: ongoing]
RUBBISH ON PARISH LAND AT THE REAR OF BEECHMAST. The Clerk reported that the rubbish had been cleared – it was being put out on a regular basis for collection by the local scrap dealer.
SAAB PARKED ON LAND TO REAR OF CHURCHSIDE. The Clerk had emailed Kent Highways to establish who owned the land where the Saab was located.
[Action: ongoing]
HIGHVIEW CAR PARK ISSUE WITH CAR BEING PARKED OUTSIDE ALLOCATED BAY. No further response had been received from the complainant regarding this. The matter would be filed until further information was received.
HOUSING SURVEY: The Clerk had spoken to the resident to reassure them regarding this matter.
HIGHVIEW: GARDEN WASTE DUMPED OUTSIDE FENCE: The Clerk and Cllr Banks had inspected this and agreed there was an issue. The Clerk had written to the resident to ask that the garden waste be removed.
[Action: ongoing]
DASHCAM FOOTAGE OF FLYTIPPING. The Clerk had asked the resident for the dashcam footage, but no response had been received. As no official complaint had been made, and the council were not aware of this particular episode of fly tipping, this matter would be filed.
The Clerk had been contacted by a Highview resident who was concerned that a tree belonging to him, on his land, had been cut back by his neighbour. The resident appreciated that if the tree was overhanging the neighbour had the right to cut back to the boundary, but this tree had had what was considered to be fairly major work carried out. The resident had spent many years cultivating the tree and was very upset as he felt the tree would take a long time to recover. The Parish Council were sympathetic to the resident but felt that this was a neighbour dispute and not something they would get involved in. The resident could consider contacting GBC as the tree may well have a Preservation Order. The Clerk was to update the resident.
[Action: Clerk]
A complaint had been received regarding a low back van which was being parked in a layby in either Waterlow Road, or Croftside, or on the road in Croftside. The van was taking up two parking spaces. Local residents felt that the van should park in the centre car park in the village as parking was already difficult around Croftside. The Clerk was to ask Ms Cason to speak to the van owner, asking them to be considerate and park elsewhere.
[Action: Clerk]
A Highview resident had complained to the Council regarding poor parking, and issues caused by households having numerous cars. The resident noted that conversations had been held between residents regarding this but nothing had improved. The residents felt that there should be one bay per household so that everyone had the ability to park outside their houses. On occasions vehicles were moved to block two spaces in an effort to save a space for another vehicle in the same household. There were also concerns regarding access for emergency services. Although the Parish Council were sympathetic regarding these issues, it was agreed that very little could be done, as in the past many avenues to resolve the issues had been explored with no real solution found. The Clerk was to ask Ms Cason to speak to the resident regarding this matter. The resident was also advised to speak to Kent Highways as the authority responsible for the roads.
[Action: Clerk]
WEEDS TO THE REAR OF HIGH NUMBER HIGHVIEW PROPERTIES. Cllr Banks had noted that there were overgrown weeds to the rear of 297 Highview – the Clerk would establish who owned this land and write as necessary.