Sunday August 13th. (Set up from 8:30am ready for 10am start)
SECTION A: Contact details
Contact name:
SECTION B: Stall details.
(Market Street Stall £50; End Market Street Stall £60;Pitch for Own Stall £20*)
Market Street Stall:Y / NEnd Market Street Stall: Y / N
Providing own stall: Y / NStall Size (if own stall):
Description of Products:
If a Food Outlet, which Local Authority are you registered with:
If there are any requirements you need from us, please indicate below: (Eg the orientation of your market street stall etc)
I agree to the Terms and Conditions overleaf and enclose payment of £Your signature(s):
*Unless you are a commercial business for which the pitch hire is £75. If unsure please contact us.
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Terms and Conditions:
- If you hold Public Liability Insurance Cover please enclose a copy of your certificate with your Booking Confirmation Form.
- Food outlets are required to display a current Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Certificate (or equivalent certification from the Local Authority with whom you are registered) at the event and appropriate fire extinguishers. Please note that you may be subject to a spot check on the day. The operation of any food business/stall must comply with the Food Hygiene England Regulations 2013 and the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974. In addition please indicate which local authority you are registered with. This is only applicable to food sold for consumption on the day. Please note stalls offering high risk foods, e.g. burgers/meat products, sandwiches, etc must have appropriate hand wash and sanitising facilities in place.
- If you are selling food and are not registered with a local authority you are required to register and have been inspected by your Local Authority. Please register with Worcestershire Regulatory Services 01527 548234 ,which is free of charge.
- If you are running an activity on your stall for members of the public to participate in please enclose a risk assessment and copy of public liability insurancewith your Booking Confirmation Form.
- If you require a market street stall please enclose payment of either £60 for an end stall (please note these are limited and issued on a first come first served basis) or £50for a mid stall. Fees are non-returnable. All cheques to be made PAYABLE TO: Worcester City Council. Stall space consists of overhead, side and rear cover for approx 10ft x 7ft space. Uncovered trestle and 1 chair supplied. Your payment also covers free stallholder parking, event steward support (set-up and take-down).
- If you are providing your own stall there is a pitch hire charge of £20 and you will be limited to an allocated 3m x 3m plot. There will be a charge for larger stalls.
- The event finishes at 5pm, please note that you will not be allowed onto the site to take down your stall until after 5pm when it is safe to do so.
- Please return the completed form and payment by 26thMay to: Worcester Show Committee, Cleaner and Greener, Worcester City Council, Warndon Depot, Pershore Lane, Worcester, WR4 0AA.You will receive a confirmation letter confirming your booking, detailing set up and take down times and directions.
- The event committee will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to your personal belongings, takings, goods, produce or any other loss or injury you may incur, sustain or suffer.
If you have any questions please leave a message for Lisa Smith, Community Engagement Team on 01905 752974 and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively email .
- Thank you for your support for this event -
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