We have SuperStudents!

Hello Families,

It is with excitement that I announce our next integrated thematic unit…Super Students. This unit is going to utilize a topic that our students know well—Super Heroes—and facilitate deep learning. For the next few weeks the students are going to be working hard on becoming even more Super Readers, Super Writers and Super Mathematicians. Through cool learning activities we are going to place an extreme, “intense”, emphasis on leveled reading, sight word knowledge and math facts.

Oh and by the way…after this 3 week intensive of practicing our super reading, writing and fact knowledge, we will celebrate with a Super Hero Dress Up Day. (More details to come on this.)

I will need your help throughout this unit. Homework is going to look a little different for the next 3 weeks. (I will take care of the spelling units/words while at school.) Homework is going to focus on sight word knowledge and practice, math fact (addition) practice and reading books at each child’s appropriate level.

For the next 3 weeks your child will be receiving a Super Practice Packet on Monday. The packet will not need to be returned until Friday of each week.

By the end of each week your child will be asked to:

·  Read his/her leveled reader(s)/books 4 times (I will provide these books.)

·  Complete 3 of the math fact papers (there are more than 3 in the packet)

·  Practice his/her sight weeks 3 times (For the 1st week please practice Word List A, B, C.)

Your family can choose to complete this is any order. However, please complete the requirements by Friday and fill in the checklist as they are completed. This practice will help your child become even more Super of a Student!

A Super Big Thank You for Your Help and Support!

Carrie Merritt

Super Sight Word Knowledge

To help our students become more confident and fluent readers we will be spending the next few weeks focusing on his/her sight word knowledge. This is skill/drill or rote memory work…the more your child sees the word and practices it, the more it will become a part of their sight word memory.

This packet includes sight word lists A-H. By the end of 1st grade, it is our hope that each student knows all of these words. This week (2/1/16-2/5/16) our focus is on lists A, B, C, and D. These words shouldn’t be too challenging for your child. Please use the words lists for your help. Each student has an envelope of words to practice. This envelope currently only includes words from lists A-D. We will add to the envelope each week.

Please have your child practice his/her words at least 3 times this week. Again, this week we are only focusing on lists A-D.

Super Monkey, Super Learner

Weekly Homework Checklist

Week 1: February 1st-5th

Fill in your checklist as you complete the work:

I read 4 times
this week:
I have practiced my
sight words 3 times this week.
I have completed 3 math sheets this week: