
Business Process Guide


Academic Support Specialists (Advisors)



Access the System

Quick Guide

Helpful Hints

Procedure to View the Student Services Center

Student Center tab

Academics Section

Student Services Sidebar

Finances Section

Personal Information section

Admissions Section

Residency Section

General Info Tab

Admission Tab

Institution / Career / Application Nbr / Program section

External Education section

edit educational data

Test Summary section

Transfer Credit Tab

Academics Tab

Institution/Career/Program Section

Term Summary Section

Edit Term Data tabs

Term History Link

Finances Tab

Next Steps



The Student Services Center allows you to view information related to students. Depending on your security, you may have view access only or you may be able to edit some of the following information about a student:

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•Academic Advisor

•Academic status

•Account and Financial Aid Information[PS1]

• Class Schedules and Enrollment Dates



•Holds and Service Indicators

•Prior School work


•Residency Status

•Student Groups

•To Do Lists


•Transfer Credits

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Note: To perform this task you must have these roles:
  • SR Standard Student Pages
  • SR Catalog Schedule View
For detailed instructions about applying for these roles, consult the Next Steps section at the end of this guide (document?)

Access the System

Access the PeopleSoft system at the following address:

Log in with youASURITE ID and Password.

Quick Guide


Campus Community -> StudentServicesCenter

There is much information accessible through the StudentServicesCenter. The most common areas of interest are:

  • Student Center Tab - Class Schedule, Program, Plan, Transcript,
  • General Info Tab – Student’s Group, holds, addresses, phone, email
  • Admissions Tab – Test scores, prior school work
  • Transfer Credit Tab – Transfer credits (test and course work)
  • Academics Tab – Grades, classes, academic status, program/ plan

Helpful Hints

When viewing pages in PeopleSoft, pay attention to multiple rows of information that might be available to view. If the page you are viewing has rows, row numbers will display in the upper right hand portion of the blue header bar(s):

Use the “View All”, “First”, “Last”, and arrow buttons to manage your view of the data.

Procedure to View the StudentServicesCenter


Campus Community -> StudentServicesCenter

Enter the search criteria about the student, then click Search.

ID: Ten digit Student number (starts with 100, 120)

Campus ID: Nine digit campus number (starts with 993, 995, 999)

National ID: Social Security Number

Results: If your search criteria match more than one student, the results will display in a table.

Click on any link in the search results to view the data

  • Click on the Column Headings to sort results by that column.
  • Use the navigation in the upper right of the table to view additional results.

Student Center tab

This is a preview of the student center tab. Specific sections of this tab will be shown in greater detail in following pages.

Note: Some of the headings have a arrow next to them. Clicking on this arrow causes the information to be visible. Click the arrow and the information will be hidden from view. By default the information is shown, but for purposes of this document they have been minimized.

The various sections of this page will be covered in more detail on the following pages.

Academics Section

The links on this page:

My Class Schedule / This link will display the class schedule with more information. An example is displayed in the following pages.
Wish List / ASU will not be using this function at this time.
Grades / You can select a term and see the classes, term GPA and cumulative GPA for the student.
Academic Status Report / The Academic Status Report is a system where instructors can identify students that are underperforming in a class and suggest corrective action. Use this link to see if the student has been identified for any class.
Unofficial Transcript / Use this link to create a single unofficial transcript for this student. The result is a .pdf that you can print or save.
Test Scores / This will show the test scores for the students. (ACT, SAT, etc.) Only scores that have been accepted by the admissions office will display.
Milestones / This may display certain achievements that the student was attempting, like various entrance exams.
Transfer Credit Report / Clicking will display the Transfer Credit Report. This report shows the ASU classes that the student has been given credit for because of previous class work in other institutions and tests You can access this same information from the “Transfer Credit” tab.
This Week’s Schedule / This is a view of the student’s schedule listed in alpha order by subject area. If the student is active in multiple careers, enrollment associated with each career will display on this schedule. Clicking on the icon will show drop and withdraw dates for each class.
Weekly Schedule / Click on to view. You can modify what data is displayed using the controls on that page.

Academic Section (cont.)

Click the My Class Schedule link.This will take you a more comprehensive view of the student’s schedule than displays by clickingThis Week’s Schedule. For example, their enrollment status, units, grading, grade, and program.

Select a term to view and click Continue.

This will then display a screen similar to the following:

Use the checkboxes to “Show Enrolled Classes”, and/or “Show Dropped Classes” (the Waitlisted feature is not used)

Clicking on theicon will show important drop and withdraw
dates for each class. Also clicking on the Location/Map will allow you to view the location of the class.

Academic Section (cont.)

Click on the Numeric link under the ‘Section’ column to view the class detail

This page shows greater detail of the class information. Click the Close button to return to the student center.

Academic Section (cont.)

Click on Grades to view the student’s official grades

The Official Grades tab includes the student’s grade report which displays the course, class name, official grade and units. Also displayed on this page are the term and cumulative GPA’s, Grade Points and Unit Totals. You may also view another term by clicking “change term” .


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Student Services Sidebar

Search for Classes - This takes you to a class search page, where you can search the class schedule for classes or browse the catalog. When you search for a class, and view class details, you can also see course edits placed on that class.

Holds - If the student has a hold placed on his/her record it will display here.

To Do List – Displays a list that various campus communities may be using. For example, Admissions, Financial Aid or an academic department may be using “to do” lists.

Enrollment Dates – Clicking on ‘Open Enrollment Dates’ will allow you to select the term, and view the ‘Begins On’ and ‘Last Date to Enroll’ columns

Advisor- By clicking the link to major, it will display the names of the people in that committee. If the student has been assigned a specific advisor, the advisor’s name will display here.

College and Major – Displays the College, Major and home campus of the student.

ASU Contacts – The ‘Request Assistance’ link will take you to the University Registrars Office page with campus contact details.

New Tools – ‘Class & Catalog Search’ will navigate you to the Class Search/Course Catalog page to browse or search for classes.

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Finances Section

Account Inquiry – This will display any outstanding account charges on the students account. For example:


Finances Section (cont.)


Finances Section (cont.)

QuickPAY – This will allow the student to pay for any account charges with a credit card.

Direct Deposit Enrollment – This link will prompt you for your checking account information to enroll in Direct Deposit for Student Account Refunds.

Clicking on the next to the dropdown menu will display Pending Financial Aid, also available from the tab on the Account Inquiry screen on the previous page:

Personal Information section

This section will display general contact info as well as other student details.

Demographic Data link will display the following information:

  • ID
  • Campus ID
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth
  • Birth Country
  • Birth State
  • Marital Status
  • Military Status

As well as:

  • National Identification Number
  • Citizenship Information
  • Driver's License Information
  • Visa or Permit Data

If any of the information above is incorrect, the student can update the information in the “my profile” tab of My ASU.

Admissions Section

Apply for Admission link: This link takes you to where an application for admission can be submitted[PS5].

If the student has no pending applications, you may see:


Clicking on View Status will prompt the student to log into their MyASU to check the application status.

Residency Section

If a student does not live in Arizona, then their residency status may appear as “Non Resident”.

Note the phone and email contacts listed for help in resolving residency issues.

General Info Tab

This tab provides general information about the student. Each section will be explored in greater detail on the following pages.

General Info Tab (cont.)

The shortcuts help you navigate to sections further down the page:

  1. Navigation Links: Click any of these links to take you to the same area on the page
  2. Collapse All: Minimize the information displayed and only show the headings
  3. Expand All: Expand all the information under the headings.

You can easily return to the top of the page by clicking the link within each section.

Service Indicators

Service indicators provide or limit access to services for an individual. They can be holds to prevent an individual from receiving certain services (such as registration) or positive indicators to designate special services to be provided.

  • Click on the “edit service indicators” button to research details and/or edit service indicators if you have access to edit. When viewing these details it is important to note the number of rows on the page. Each row will show a different indicator
  • If you do not have access to edit service indicators, information on the service indicator pages will be viewable, but “grayed out”.

General Info Tab (cont.)

Initiated Checklist

This will show any initiated checklists that the student must complete (often used by admissions.)

Student Groups

This will display any groups or organizations that the student is a member of.[PS7]


This will show Milestones that the student has or has not accomplished. [PS8]

Admission Tab

This tab provides information about the student’s prior education for admission purposes. Each section will be explored in greater detail on the following pages.

Admissions Tab (cont.)

Institution / Career / Application Nbr / Program section

Text about window[S9]

External Education section

This section will show education completed prior to ASU. The 2 areas on this page will show you the transcripts that have been submitted, as well as the Education Summary from External Institutions.


Click on the edit educational data button.

This will now display 6 additional tabs of information for each institution. As shown on the following page.

External Education (cont.)

edit educational data

Note: The navigation in the grey bar controls what school is displayed.
The navigation in the blue bar controls the data depending on which tab is selected.
  • External Data tab will tell you what transcripts have been submitted


  • External Academic Summary shows ext GPA, Conv GPA,[PS12] class rank, size and percentile.
  • External Subjects tab shows external subject areas [PS13]and the converted GPA for each.
  • External Degrees shows degrees awarded from each institution
  • External Courses shows the course work taken at each institution
  • ASU Competency Calc [PS14]

Admissions Tab (cont.)

Test Summary section

By default the Test Summary only shows 5 tests. Use the navigation to review all of the results.

Note: If the student takes a test more than once, and submits the results to ASU – all submitted results will be displayed. For placement purposes, the grades associated with the highest comprehensive score will be used[PS15]
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/ This provides details on all the tests taken, the score and the date taken. It shows the ACT and SAT scores.
The key results are the ones labeled ‘CMPVM’ in the ‘Test Component’ column.

Transfer Credit Tab

This tab will display class credits granted by ASU as a result ofprior college course work and/ or test scores (ex: AP, CLEP, IB, etc.) Each institution whose courses resulted in transfer credits displays on the Model tab of the Course Credits section and a summary of the credit transferred from that institution displays on the Statistics tab page. If the student submitted any test scores, there will be a row of data in the test credits section.

Click on Detail to show all of the test scores and what transfer credits were granted.

Note: If the credit has been posted to the student’s record, the Model Status will be “Posted”. Credits that are not in Posted status do not calculate in the student’s earned hours. If Model Status shows as “Complete”, the credit will be posted when the applicant is admitted.

•Click on “Model” or “Statistics” tabs to view the different information relevant to the student’s transfer work - OR - Click on to see a view of “Model” and “Statistics” combined. Click on again to return to the original view.

•Click on “Detail” to view two additional pages: “Transfer Course Entry” and “Course Credits by Term”.

Transfer Credit Tab (cont.)

Detail View - Clicking ‘Detail’ next to one of the Course Credits will display information on the transferred course.[PS16]

The Incoming Course is the class that was taken elsewhere.

The Equivalent Course is the ASU class they were given credit for.

Oftentimes there will be more than one page of information, check the page numbers in the top right of the tables for more information.

Transfer Credit Tab (cont.)

Click the Course Credits by Term tab to view the amount of credit the student has received per semester.


Academics Tab

Preview: This tab shows the student’s ASU academic record. Each section will be described in detail on the following pages.


Academics Tab (cont.)

Institution/Career/Program Section

The Institution, career, and program information of the student displays on the left side. If the student has multiple careers/programs, there will be multiple links on the left. Clicking on a program in the left column determines the information that displays in the right column.

In the example above an “Expected Graduation” term displays blank. It is important to note that this field will remain blank until the student has applied for graduation. Then the field will be populated with the term for which they have applied to graduate.

sigh[PS19]Clicking on “edit program data” will allow you toview details. The tabs included are:

  • Student Program

Academics Tab > Institution / [S20]Career / Program(cont.)

edit program data

  • Student Plan
  • Student Sub-Plan
  • Student Attributes
  • Student Degrees

Academics Tab (cont.)

Term Summary Section

Edit Term Data tabs[S21]

Term History Link

Finances Tab

This information will not be covered in this document.

Next Steps

In order to get view-only access to the student data, you must complete these steps:

  1. Complete the on-line FERPA training
  2. Log in to Blackboard ( with your ASURITE ID and password. Click on the Courses tab in the upper left corner of the screen.
  3. In the search field, type in FERPA, and click search
  4. Available courses will be listed, click on the enroll button on the far right side of the page for the FERPA refresher course.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Click OK.
  7. This will put you into the FERPA class.
  8. You must score at least 140 points on the test to get credit for the class. You can take the test multiple times.
  1. Apply for access to Peoplesoft;

This class makes you eligible for these roles:

SR Catalog Schedule View

SR Standard Student Pages View

Be sure to include specific information about your job responsibilities, your department, and college, so the data trustee will have the necessary information to approve your request.

Link to request access to PeopleSoft:

Link to manage your request for access to PeopleSoft:

Step-by-step instructions for requesting access to PeopleSoft:

Step-by-step instructions for viewing your current roles in PeopleSoft.


Changes / Date of Change / Editor / Updated Page(s)
Redesign, Update Content/Screenshots / 11/1/2009 / R. Scott Ruggles / 42
Next Review Date / Document Owner / Version Number
11/01/2010 / Paul Stoll / 2
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