Algebra 2 Semester 1: Introduction, Rules and Policies 2016-2017

Teachers: Course Prerequisite: Pass Geometry

Mr. Darren Tippit ()


Welcome to Algebra 2. The goals in this course are the success of every student and the preparation of every student for their next math course. During the first quarter, we will study how to manipulate mathematical expressions and properties of linear equations. During the second quarter, we will study key components of quadratic equations and have a project to help study the real world application of quadratic equations. During the second semester, we will study logarithms, statistics, the basic equation of conics and trigonometric functions and identities.


Each day, every student must bring to class line paper in a binder or math specific notebook, pencils, eraser, folder/file for homework and notes, previous day’s homework.

Help/Tutor Availability

Tutoring will be available in the HUB before school, during lunch and after school or students can make use of their GAEL period to visit the HUB. Students should schedule a time with their teacher if they are unable to attend the school tutoring sessions.

Code of Conduct

The Algebra teachers of Dublin High School support the Dublin High School Code of Conduct. Students and parents should be conversant with this policy.

Homework Policy

The Algebra 2 teachers of Dublin High School support the Homework Policy adopted by the District Board and the Dublin High School Administration. Homework is assigned daily and collected the following day.


Independent practice problems are assigned daily and scheduled to be corrected the next day. If a student does not have the completed work, they have the opportunity to complete the practice problems up to the day of the current chapter test. These problem sets will be graded out of 2 points. Please see Algebra 2 Grading Policy for an explanation of point assignment.

a)Homework Time:

On average, daily homework, will take approximately thirty minutes. Each assignment will list the problems required to earn full credit for the assignment. Any student who often spends much longer on their homework than the average time (30 min.), should set up an appointment with their teacher to make, together, the homework process more efficient.


1)Unit Tests:

These assessments are given approximately every 3 weeks. The dates of the tests are on the assignment sheet for the unit. A student has time equal to their absence to make up a test they have missed. The student must meet with their teacher the day they return and set up a time and day for the makeup test. Suspended students must make up any missed test within two days of returning to school.

2)Quizzes and Common Formative Assessments

Students will normally be told in advance when quizzes or common formative assessments will be given. Absent students must meet with their teacher the day they return. Students will have time equal to their absence to schedule a makeup time and day. Suspended students must meet with their teacher the day they return to schedule a makeup time and day. Suspended students must make up this work within 48 hours of the suspension’s ending date.

Grading Policy

The Algebra 2 teachers of Dublin High School support the Grading Policy adopted by the District Board and the Dublin High School Administration.

1)Grading Scale:

93-100 = A / 87-89 = B+ / 77-79 = C+ / 67-69 = D+ / Below 60 = F
90-92 = A- / 83-86 = B / 73-76 = C / 63-66 = D
80-82 = B- / 70-72 = C- / 60-62 = D-

Course letter grades will be rounded up at .50 and above.


Each unit test is scored out of 100 points. A final exam is given at the end of each semester. The exam includes topics taught during the semester. The exam is scored out of 200 points.


All homework will account for approximately 10% of a student’s grade. Tests, quizzes, projects, student problem presentations and data collection labs will account for 90% of a student’s grade.

a)Homework Scoring:

Each homework assignment will be graded out of 2 points:

2 points: Complete more than 90% of the assigned problems and show all work.

1 points: Complete more than 75% of the assigned problems and show all work.

4)General Grading Information:

Homework, quizzes, common formative assessments, and problem presentations by students provide multiple opportunities for students to practice and master concepts multiple times before the unit test. Also, these multiple opportunities provide each Algebra 2 teacher with additional information to assess student/class understanding of the more difficult topics.

5)Infinite Campus Updates:

Grades will be updated after, at least, each chapter test.

Closing Remarks

Please refer to this document when you have a question. This document will be posted on each Algebra 2 teacher’s web page for the 2016-2017 school year. Please print out and sign the form on the following page and have your student return it to their Algebra 2 teacher by August 26, 2016.

Signature Page

We look forward to an enjoyable, challenging year and working together with you.

Mr. D. Tippit

Student Name: ______Period: ______

We have read the policies stated on the previous pages.

Student signature: ______Date: ______

Parent signature: ______Date: ______