Common Childhood Conditions Test

Multiple choice:

  1. Which area of the teeth is most often affected by BBTD?

a. upper frontb. lower front

b. upper backd. lower back

  1. What is the name of the tube that connects the middle ear to the back of the throat?
  2. Middle ear tubec. Eustachian tube
  3. Ear drumd. inner ear
  1. At what age does colic usually begin?
  2. Birthc. 1 week
  3. 2 weeksd. 1 year
  1. What is an easy way to tell if an infant has a fever?
  2. Look at his eyesc. feel her purse
  3. Feel her foreheadd. Talk to him
  1. At what age do most babies get their first tooth?
  2. 1 monthc. 1 year
  3. 4 monthsd. 2 years
  1. What does the OPV/IPV vaccine protect against?
  2. MMRc. DTP
  3. Poliod. Chicken pox
  1. BBTD can cause which of these problems in permanent teeth?
  2. Pain & infectionc. decay
  3. Crooked teethd. all of the above
  1. What are some risk factors for ear infections?
  2. Colds & allergiesc. bottle feeding
  3. All of the aboved. tobacco smoke
  1. What household chore will soothe a colicky infant if a parent does it while holding the infant?
  2. Dishesc. cleaning
  3. Vacuumingd. laundry
  4. Why are glass thermometers not recommended?
  5. Exposure to mercuryc. exposure to lead
  6. Exposure to virusesd. exposure to bacteria
  1. Which teeth does a baby generally get first?
  2. Top twoc. bottom two
  3. Eye teethd. molars
  1. A vaccine makes what disease-fighting substances?
  2. Diphtheriac. antibodies
  3. Bacteriad. seizure
  1. The DTP vaccine protects against this (these) diseases:
  2. Diphtheria c. pertussis
  3. Tetanusd. all of the above
  1. Blockage in the Eustachian tube causes fluid to build up here:
  2. Eardrumc. middle ear
  3. Inner eard. ear canal
  1. If a baby’s temperature rises very quickly, she may have this:
  2. Tantrumc. febrile seizure
  3. Colicd. vaccine
  1. The MMR vaccine protects against all of the following except:
  2. Measlesc. rubella
  3. Ricketsd. mumps
  1. The VAR vaccine protects against which childhood illness:
  2. Varieslyc. the flu
  3. Chicken poxd. pneumonia
  1. What is the first symptom of BBTD?
  2. White spots on teethc. drooling
  3. Lack of sleepd. excessive fussiness
  1. Sometimes colic can be a sign of what serious digestive problem?
  2. Mumpsc. bowel obstruction
  3. Acid refluxd. kidney stones

Short Answer:

  1. What is the cause of BBTD? ______


  1. What age are children most likely to get ear infections?______
  1. What position is the best to feed an infant in to prevent colic?______


  1. Under what age is a fever most serious? ______
  1. By the time a child is 3 years old, how many teeth should she have?______
  1. What ingredient in some drinks gets turned to acid by germs in the mouth? ______
  1. What types of foods should you avoid while breastfeeding to help prevent colic? ______
  1. List two things a baby may want to chew on when he is teething. __


28.List three symptoms of teething. ______


29.What is a normal body temperature for a healthy infant? ______

30. List three symptoms of an ear infection. ______

