Several sizes are available. Your reading specialist can order these for you.
Initially go through all sound cards covering the “story” written on the back of the card, the letter name, the sound, and motion. Take special caution to isolate each sound. (/b/ instead of “buh”)
Just the sound – Go through all cards, having the students say only the sound.
Just the letter – Go through all cards, having the students say only the letter name.
Just the motion – Go through all sound cards having the students only do the motion. Have them form the sound with their mouths without making any sounds. This will help them focus on forming the sounds properly.
Just the “story” – Go through the cards giving only the “story”. Show the each card as they produce the sound and letter name.
Guess the picture – Cover the picture showing only the letter. Have students make the sound for the letter. If they do not know it, show a tiny bit of the picture as a prompt. This helps pull them away from the crutch of the picture clues.
Timer – Run through the sound cards timing each day for a week. Try to beat the time from the previous day.
Come On Down – Give each student one or two sound cards. Call a letter and have the student holding that letter come to the front of the class and share their card, letter, sound and motion.
Slap Happy – Display a few sound cards. Provide two fly swatters for two students. The students slap the sound card for the focus skill. (Slap the beginning sound of “bug”, the ending sound of “hut”, the vowel sound you hear in “bake”, the digraph you hear in “chip”, etc.)
Word Study – Place a few sound cards as “headers” and sort pictures by beginning/ending sound.
Shared Writing – Post a sound card and help students generate a list of words that begin with that sound. (Change for the focus skill – ending sounds, vowel sounds, etc.)
Manipulating phonemes – Display the sound cards for a simple cvc word. Swap one of the cards to make a new word. (Change “cat” to “mat” or “can”.)
Mirrors – Place hand held mirrors in a center with a small set of sound cards. Have students watch themselves make the sounds in the mirrors.
Word Walls – Use the sound cards as the “headers” for your word wall.
Around the World – Play around the world with sound cards. Have the student who gives the sound first move to oppose the next student.