Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2.Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Carol Elaine Golin, MD / POSITION TITLE
Assistant Professor
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable) / YEAR(s) / FIELD OF STUDY
Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH / BA / 1980 / Sociology/Anthropology
University of North Carolina School of Medicine / MD / 1989 / Medicine
UCLA Schools of Medicine and Public Health / RWJ Post-Doc / 1993-7 / Health Services Research
UNC Cecil G. Sheps Center / Post-Doc / 1998 / Health Services Research
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 09/04) Page 3 Biographical Sketch Format Page
NOTE: The Biographical Sketch may not exceed four pages. Items A and B (together) may not exceed two of the four-page limit. Follow the formats and instructions on the attached sample.
A. Positions and Honors. List in chronological order previous positions, concluding with your present position. List any honors. Include present membership on any Federal Government public advisory committee.
Positions and Employment
1989-92 Medical Residency, Internal Medicine, University of North Carolina School of Medicine
1992-93 Clinical Associate, Division of Occupational Medicine, Department of Community Medicine, Duke University Medical Center
1993-95 Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar, UCLA Schools of Medicine and Public Health
1995-97 Primary Care Fellow, UCLA Department of Medicine
1995-98 Clinical Instructor, UCLA Division of General Internal Medicine
1997-98 Visiting Assistant Researcher, UCLA Division of General Internal Medicine
1998-99 Cecil G. Sheps Center Fellow, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
1999-pres Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of North Carolina
2001-pres Research Assistant Professor, Department of Health Behavior & Health Education, University of North Carolina
Other Experience
1993-95 Clinic Physician, Venice Family Clinic, Los Angeles
1995-98 Clinical Instructor, UCLA Division of General Internal Medicine
1996-98 Assistant Director, UCLA UARP Adherence Core Facility
1998-2000 Course Co-Director, University of North Carolina School of Medicine Clinical Epidemiology Course
1998- Faculty Instructor, University of North Carolina School of Medicine Clinical Epidemiology Course
1998-2002 Chair, Faculty Working Group on Patient-Practitioner Communication, UNC Odum Institute
1999- Co-Chair, HIV Adherence Work Group, UNC Center for AIDS Research
Professional Memberships
1993 Member, Society for General Internal Medicine
1996- Member, American Academy on Physician and Patient
2000- Member, American Public Health Association
2000- Member, Association for Psychosocial Research
2001- Member, Awards Committee, UNC Department of Health Behavior & Health Education
2004- Member, Publications and Dissemination Committee, Special Project of National Significance Prevention for Positives Project.
1980 Phi Beta Kappa
1987 NIH Student Research Award
1987 Lupus Foundation Student Research Award
1988 Merit Award for Academic Achievement
1993 Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Fellowship
1994 Certificate of Distinction--Venice Family Clinic
2001 Lawrence S. Linn Award-- Society of General Internal Medicine
B. Selected peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order). Do not include publications submitted or in preparation.
1) Golin CE, DiMatteo MR, Gelberg L. (1996) The Role of Patient Participation in the Doctor Visit: Impact on Adherence to Diabetes Care, Diabetes Care, 19:1153-1164.
2) Golin CE, Wenger N, Lui H, SUPPORT Investigators. (2000) A Prospective Study of Patient Factors Affecting Communication about Resuscitation Preference, J Am Geriatr Soc, 48:S52-S60.
3) Liu HH, Golin CE, Miller LG, Hays RD, Beck KC, Sanandaji S, Christian J, Maldonado T, Duran D, Kaplan AH, Wenger NS. (2001) A Comparison Study of Multiple Measures of Adherence to HIV Protease Inhibitors, Ann of Intern Med, 134:968-977.
4) Golin CE, DiMatteo MR, Gelberg L. (2001) A Disease-Specific Scale of Diabetic Patients' Desire for Participation in Medical Decision Making, The Diabetes Educator.
5) Cunningham W, Markson L, Andersen R, Crystal S, Fleishman J, Golin CE, Gifford A, Liu H, Nakazonon T, Mornton S, Bozzette S, Shapiro M, Wenger N and the HCSUS Consortium. (2000) Prevalence and predictors of highly active antiretroviral therapy use in patients with HIV infection in the United States. JAIDS, 25:115-23.
6) Miller LG, Liu H, Hays RD, Golin CE, Beck K, Asch S, Ma Y, Kaplan AH, Wenger NS. (2002) How well do clinicians' estimate patients’ adherence to combination antiretroviral therapy? Jnl Gen Intern Med.
7) Saint S, Konrad TR, Golin CE, Welsh D, Linzer M. (2002) Outpatient and Inpatient-oriented General Internists: Who are they? Results from the Physician Worklife Study, Seminars in Practice Management, 5:5-11.
8) Golin CE, Isasi F, Breny Bontempi J, Eng G. (2002) Secret Pills: HIV- Positive Patients’ Experiences Taking Antiretroviral Therapy, AIDS Educ and Prev.
9) Golin CE, Lui H, Hays R, Miller L, Kaplan AH, Wenger N. (2002) A Prospective Study of Predictors of Adherence to Combination Antiretroviral Medication, Journal of General Intern Med, 17:1-10.
10) Golin CE, DiMatteo MR, Duan N, Leake B, Heritage J, Gelberg L. (2002) Impoverished Diabetic Patients Whose Doctors Facilitate their Participation in Medical Decision-making Are More Satisfied with their Care, Journal of Gen Intern Med, 10:17.
11) Miller L, Golin CE, Hays R, Liu H, Beck K, Kaplan AH, Wenger N. (2003) The Impact of Antiretroviral Regimen Switches on Adherence, AIDS Clinical Trials.
12) Miller LG, Liu H, Hays RD, Golin CE, Ye Z, Beck CK, Kaplan AH, Wenger NS. (2003) Knowledge of Regimen Dosing and Medication Adherence: A Longitudinal Study of Antiretroviral Medication Use, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 36:514-18.
13) Wohl D, Stephenson S, Rosen D, Simpson G, Ngo B, Golin CE, Kaplan A. (2003) Adherence to Directly Observed Antiretroviral Therapy and HIV-1 Viral Load Among HIV-Infected Inmates, Clinical Infectious Diseases.
14) Reif S, Smith S, Golin CE. (year) Medication Adherence Activities of HIV/Aids Case Managers: A Statewide Survey In North Carolina, AIDS Pt Care and STDs.
15) Martin LR, Jahng KH, Golin CE, DiMatteo MR. (2003) Physician Facilitation of Patient Involvement in Care: Correspondence Between Patient and Observer Reports, Behavioral Medicine, 28:159-168.
16) Saint S, Zemencuk JK, Hayward RA, Golin CE, Konrad T PhD 3, Linzer M, for the SGIM Career Satisfaction Group. (2003) What Effect Does Increasing Inpatient Time have on Outpatient-oriented Internist Satisfaction? Jnl Gen Intern Med, 18(9):725-729.
17) Miller LG, Liu H, Hays RD, Golin CE, Kaplan AH, Wenger N. (2003) Knowledge of and Medication Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy [reply], Clinical Infectious Diseases, 37:862.
18) Golin CE, Smith S, Reif S. (2004) Usual Care Adherence Counseling Practices of Generalists and Specialists Caring For Patients with HIV in North Carolina, Journal of General Internal Medicine, 19(1):16-27.
19) Smith S, Golin CE, Reif S. (2004) Antiretroviral Adherence Counseling in Ambulatory Care and Community Pharmacy Settings, Am J Health Syst Pharm., 1:61(11):1120-9.
20) Miller LG, Golin CE, Liu H, Hays RD, Hua J, Wenger N, Kaplan AH. (2004) No Evidence of an Association between Transient HIV Viremia ("Blips") and Lower Adherence to the Antiretroviral Medication Regimen, Journal of Infectious Diseases, 189:1487-96.
21) Adamian MS, Golin CE, Shain LS, DeVellis Br. (2004) Motivational Interviewing to Improve Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy: Development and Pilot Evaluation of an Intervention, AIDS Patient Care STDS, 18(4):229-38.
22) Rosen D, Golin CE, Schoenbach V, Stephenson BL, Wohl D, Gurkin B, Kaplan AH. (2004) Availability and Access to Medical Services Among HIV-infected Inmates, Incarcerated in County Jails, Health Care Poor Underserved, (3):413-25.
23) Stephenson BL, Wohl DA, Golin CE, Tien H-C, Stewart P, and Kaplan A. (2005) Effect of Release from Prison and Re-incarceration on the Viral Loads of HIV-Infected Individuals, Public Health Reports, 120:84-88.
24) Jahng KH, Martin LR, Golin CE, DiMatteo MR. (in press) Preferences for Medical Collaboration: Patient-Physician Congruence and Its Associations with Patient Outcomes, Patient Education and Counseling.
25) Reif S, Golin CE Smith S. (in press) Access and Barriers to Care among Rural and Urban Persons Living with HIV in North Carolina, AIDS Care.
26) Rimer BK, Lyons EJ, Ribisl KM, Bowling JM, Golin CE, Forlenza MJ, Meier A. (In press) How new subscribers use cancer-related online mailing lists, Journal of Medical Internet Research.
27) Stephenson BL, Wohl DA, Shain L, Adamian M, Emrick C, Strauss R, McKaig R , Golin CE, Fogel C, and Kaplan AH. (in press) Sexual Behaviors of HIV Seropositive Men and Women Following Release from Prison, International Journal of AIDS and STDs.
28) Lewis CL, Carey TS, Golin CE, Garrett JM, Hanson LC, Cox C, Jackman A, Phifer N. (in press) Placement of feeding tubes: Does shared decision-making take place? Patient Education and Counseling.
29) Bowling MJ, Rimer BK, Lyons EJ, Golin CE, Frydman G, Ribisl KM. (in press) Methodological Challenges of E-Health Research, Evaluation and Program Planning.
30) Thrasher A, Golin CE, Earp JA, Porter C, Tien H. (in press) Motivational Interviewing to Improve Antiretroviral Adherence: The Role of Quality Assessment, Patient Education and Counseling.
31) Kaplan AH, Scheyett A, Golin CE. (in press) HIV and Stigma: Analysis and Research Program, HIV Current Reports.
C. Research Support. List selected ongoing or completed (during the last three years) research projects (federal and non-federal support). Begin with the projects that are most relevant to the research proposed in this application. Briefly indicate the overall goals of the projects and your role (e.g. PI, Co-Investigator, Consultant) in the research project. Do not list award amounts or percent effort in projects.
Ongoing Research Support
1-4 (McCormack, L) 09/30/02-09/29/05
Promoting Informed Decision Making for Prostate Cancer Screening
This project will develop and test two community level interventions to enhance shared decision making regarding prostate cancer screening.
Role: Co-I
200-2003-02721 (Quinlivan) 09/12/03/-09/11/05
CDC Contract
Implementation of IDSA/CDC Guidelines for HIV Prevention Interventions at HIV Outpatient Clinics.
This study evaluates the implementation of CDC guidelines for provider-delivered prevention.
Role: Co-I, Evaluator, Interventionist
49152 (Rimer, Barbara) 09/01/2003 – 02/28/2006
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Health eCommunities: The Impact of Listservs on Cancer Patients
This study seeks to assess by internet survey the impact of 9 cancer-related listservs on cancer patients and their families.
Role: Co-Investigator
HA01289 (Quinlivan) 09/30/03-09/29/07
The UNC HIV Prevention Demonstration Project
This demonstration project is to develop an HIV prevention with positives program that includes a web-based tool and specialist delivered counseling.
Role: Co-Investigator, Evaluator, Interventionist
DA017501 (Wohl) 09/30/03-05/29/08
HIV-Positive Prison Releasees Access to HIV Care and Services.
This randomized, controlled trial seeks to assess the impact of a strengths-based bridging case management program on access to HIV Care and services for HIV-infected inmates at release from prison.
Role: Co-I
No number (Wohl)
Abbot Pharmaceuticals
Pharmacokinetics, Safety and Efficacy of a Potent Once Daily Combination Antiretroviral Regimen in African-American Men and Women
The study assesses, among African American Men and Women, the impact of Once a Day Dosing of ART on Adherence levels, pharmacokinetics, and health outcomes.
Role: Co-I
Pending Research Support
1 R01 MH069989-01A2 (Golin, Carol) 08-01-05-07-31-09
Promoting Safer Behavior among HIV-infected Viremic Patients.
This is a randomized controlled trial of a motivational interviewing-based intervention to enhance safer sexual behaviors of people living with HIV compared with those receiving a nutritional program.
1R01 MH 1 R01 MH076670-01 (Gaynes, Bradley N.) 12/01/05-11/30/10
The Effect of Depression on HIV Therapeutic Outcome
The study assess the impact of depression on HIV outcomes among patients living with HIV attending a large Infectious Diseases Clinic, including how these effects are mediated such is through its effects on adherence to antiretroviral therapy.
P30-AI50410 (Swantstrom) 07/01/06-06/31/11
UNC Center for AIDS Research Core G
This project funds the Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Core for the UNC Center for AIDS Research which aims to facilitate collaborative social science research in the area of HIV.
Role: Core Leader
Completed Research
K23 MH/NRO1862 (Golin, Carol) 12/01/99-11/30/04
Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial
This study tests, using a randomized controlled trial, a multidimensional behavioral intervention to improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy by enhancing patient participation in medical decision-making.
Role: PI
No number (Kaplan) 11/01/01-11/01/03
Medication Adherence in the HIV population
This contract evaluates four “best-care practice” model programs to address adherence to ART.
Role: Co-I
No number (Golin, Carol) 05/01/01-04/30/03
Society of General Internal Medicine
Qualitative Assessment of Motivational Enhancement Therapy Sessions (MET) to Improve Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART )
This study conducted a secondary content analysis of 50 randomly selected audiotaped. Motivational Interviewing sessions that have been collected in the PACT study.
Role: PI
No number (Golin, Carol)
MD UNC University Research Counsel Small Faculty Grant
Qualitative Assessment of Spanish-Speaking Patients Antiretroviral Adherence Intervention Needs
This grant will fund focus groups to assess Spanish-speaking patients antiretroviral intervention needs and reactions to existing intervention ART adherence intervention materials to obtain preliminary data
No number (Golin, Carol) 05/2001-05/2003
Sessions (MET) to Improve Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART ) Funding Society of General Internal Medicine
Qualitative Assessment of Motivational Enhancement Therapy
This study conducted a secondary content analysis of 50 randomly selected audiotaped. Motivational Interviewing sessions that have been collected in the PACT study.
No number (Golin, Carol) 09/2000-09/2001
UNC Program on Health Outcomes Developmental Grant
HIV-infected Patients’ Preferences for Participating in Medical Decision-Making Regarding Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation and Use: A Pilot Study
No number (Golin, Carol)
UNC Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)
Antiretroviral Adherence Counseling in the NC AIDS Drug Assistance Program: A Survey of Providers’ Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices, and Barriers to Providing Services
AI41413-01A1 (Kaplan, Andrew) 08/1997-08/2000
Effects of Adherence on Development of Protease Inhibitor Resistance
No number 09/1998-09/1999
UNC Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) Developmental Funds, UNC