The Cold War -- Post WWII (1945-89)

After World War II ended (1945) what happened? The major powers remained – The United States, a democracy, and the Soviet Union (USSR/Russia), a communist dictatorship. The world was divided into two – those who sided with us (the West) and those who sided with Communist Russia, the Reds.

Results at home – 1950s Red Scare: Fear of communism. China becomes communist. The Rosenbergs steal the secrets to the atomic bomb & sell it to USSR. Sputnik is launched.

D) McCarthyism: Senator McCarthy accused many Americans of being communists w/o proof. Blacklist. “The Crucible” Arthur Miller.

What wasCold War Begins After WWII: A period of high tension just short of actual fighting b/t the US & USSR (Soviet Union).

Who were the American Presidents during the Cold War?

1945-1953Harry S. Truman (D)Korean War

1953-1961Dwight Eisenhower-IKE (R)

1961-1963John F. Kennedy-JFK (D)New Frontier/Assassinated

1963-1969Lyndon B. Johnson-LBJ (D) Great Society/Troops in Vietnam

1969-1974Richard M. Nixon (R)Only President to resign

1974-1977Gerald Ford (R)Pardoned Nixon

1977-1981Jimmy Carter (D)Camp David Accords

1981-1989Ronald Reagan (R)

Truman Doctrine: The Foreign Policy of Containment. Written by George Kennan. The US will use both economic & later military aid to stop (contain) the spread of communism. ie) $660m to Greece & Turkey, Korean War, Marshall Plan.

Examples of Containment:

1. *** Marshall Plan $12b aid to rebuild Europe after WWII to stop the spread of communism.

2.Berlin Blockade/Airlift 1948.Germany & Berlin is Divided. USSR blockades W.Berlin. Truman breaks the blockade by flying in supplies. Almost a war.

3.Point Four Program: 1950.The US provides $400m to Latin America & Africa to stop the spread of communism.

4.NATO: (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) A military alliance of 11 western nations designed for mutual security/collective security from the USSR. In response USSR sets up the Warsaw Pact.

5.MAD: Mutual Assured Destruction. They launch their nukes, we launch ours – everyone dies. Nuclear Deterrence.

6.Korean War 1950-53 (US uses troops to stop the spread of communism). Korea is divided after WWII. North is Communist. South is free. Mao Zedong leads a Revolution in China and it becomes Communist.

A. What Happens? Communist N. Korea invades S. Korea. Truman sends in US troops w/ UN peacekeepers to protect S. Korea. Congress never declares war. 1st UN sanctioned war.

REGENTS THEME: The last declared war by the US was WWII.

REGENTS THEME: 1st time the US uses the military to stop the spread of communism. Sets a precedent.

B. MacArthur fired: China sends troops to support N. Korea.

1. Truman wants to fight a “limited war.” MacArthur wants to bomb China. Truman fires MacArthur.

REGENTS THEME: The President, a civilian & commander-in-chief.

C. Eisenhower elected: Negotiates an armistice(cease fire) in 1953. Note: there is still no peace treaty today.

D. War Cost: $15b & 54,000 US killed. 1m Korean/Chinese killed.

The Korean War marks a significant change in foreign policy. The US is willing to send troops to stop the spread of communism. This philosophy will eventually lead to the Vietnam War.

7.U-2 Incident: An American spy plane is shot down over USSR. Increases tensions. (Eisenhower embarrassed).

8.Bay of Pigs 1961 JFK has the CIA train Cuban exiles to try to re-take Cuba. They are massacred at the Bay of Pigs. (See hand out on-line for details).

9.Cuban Missile Crisis USSR sends nuclear missiles to Cuba. JFK blockades(quarantines) Cuba. Almost WWIII. Deal cut. USSR backs down & we remove our missiles from Greece & Turkey.(See hand out on-line for details).

10.Alliance for Progress JFK sends $ to Latin America to stop the spread of communism. Also, uses Peace Corp to help developing countries in an attempt to stop the spread of communism.

11.Vietnam War When? 1963-1975

Why?Answer:1. Domino Theory – If one country (Vietnam) in Southeast Asia falls to communism, then the rest will fall like dominoes.

Answer 2. Protect democracy from communist aggression.

How does it begin?Answer: Gulf of Tonkin Resolution – LBJ “claims” a

US naval ship is attacked by Communist N.Vietnam. Congress in the

Resolution grants him the power to defend US troops. LBJ puts 200K troops

in Vietnam.

Opinion at Home? At first supportive and then anti-war Reform Movement – Marches of up to 300K people, college protests (Kent state), 10K draft resisters, anti-war songs, etc.

Result – War Powers Act. (see document packet).

1)Purpose To limit the power of the president to use troops in combat. He must first notify and get Congress’s approval if used beyond 60 days. Note WWII last declared War.

12.SALT – Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. Nixon negotiates a treaty w/ USSR to limit the # of nuclear weapons that may be built.

13.Detente’- Easing of tensions b/t the US and USSR. SALT is an example.

14.SALT II – Jimmy Carter tries to expand upon SALT but after he signs the treaty the USSR invades Afghanistan & the Senate in reaction refuses to ratify the treaty. This is an example of checks and Balances.

15.The Reagan Years of Containment - Increase confrontation.

A.Star Wars (a/k/ SDI – Strategic Defense Initiative) Anti-missile defense shield. Begins research. Very expensive. Opposed by democrats.

B.In Latin America 2 Examples

1.Grenada – Reagan invades in order to protect US students and overthrow a communist dictatorship that is building an airfield for the USSR.

2.Nicaragua – Reagan supports rebels called “contras” who overthrow their communist government. (See Iran-Contra Scandal)

C.START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) USSR is going broke & for the 1st time agrees to reduce the # of nuclear missiles.

D.Reagan Berlin Wall Speech “Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall!”

(Compare To JFK “Ich bin ein Berliner”

1989 – Communist Russia collapses. The Berlin Wall is torn down.

Other Foreign policy: CAMP DAVID ACCORDS *** Jimmy Carter mediates a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. (Middle East)*.

See hand out on Iranian Hostage Crisis.