Rotary District 5180
(Last Revised April 23, 2011)
Instructions for Volunteer Compliance
Step 1 – Send email to potential counselor with the following instructions (and if you need copies of any of the forms, contact Cori Badgley at ):
Please fill out the following forms and return them to [the liason]:
1)Volunteer Affidavit – this form can be signed electronically or printed out, signed and scanned or faxed back to me (
2)Interview Questions (
Please fill out the Volunteer Affidavit Addendum attached to this email and send it to Lee Oelke at . (Lee Oelke is our Youth Protection Officer and this form is confidential and will be viewed only by him in order to complete the necessary background check.)
Lastly, please complete the following on-line training:
1)Access the following link for a very brief training exercise on “Preventing Harassment and Abuse” ( Then access take a test that will produce a certificate when complete. After you generate the certificate please sign and send to me either via fax or email.
2)Access the following link to watch a video on counselor training. Please email or call me with the date that you finished watching the video. (
Step 2 – Once you have received the Volunteer Affidavit and Interview Questions back, contact the three references on the Volunteer Affidavit form and ask them the questions set forth on the Reference Check Questions found at You can either send them an email (see below) with all of the requisite questions or you can call them and fill it out yourself.
Please answer the following questions regarding [Volunteer’s Name]:
How long have you known this individual? In what capacity?
How would you describe the applicant’s ability to work with and relate to other adults?
How would you describe the applicant’s ability to work with and relate to young people?
To the extent you know, please tell me about the applicant's roles with youth; for example, school volunteer, youth coach, day care volunteer, youth group leader, etc.
Do you think this person is well qualified to work with youth?
Have you observed the applicant working with youth, and if so, can you give me an example of how the applicant relates to young people?
If you have seen the applicant discipline a child, please describe what you saw.
Would you have any reservations about recommending this person to serve as a Youth program volunteer?
Step 3 – Make sure the Volunteer Affidavit Addendum is sent to Lee Oelke to run the background check.
Step 4 – Once you have all the completed forms, all of the forms need to be scanned as pdfs or jpgs and saved down to your computer in order to upload them into WESSEX. (For those that do not have access to a scanner and cannot save all the completed documents down to the computer, follow the steps below for all of the information and documents you have and then deliver the documents to Lee Oelke or Cori Badgley.)
Step 5 - Go to to create a new volunteer entry and upload all the required forms, which can be completed using the following steps:
(1)Click on the “WESSEX Admin” button on the left-hand side of the page to bring up the log-in page and enter your email and password. (If you don’t have an email and password, contact Lee Oelke at or Cori Badgley at .)
(2)The screen will prompt you to “Select User Role” and you should select “District Admin.”
(3)Click on “Volunteer” at the top of the page.
(4)Check to see if the “Volunteer” you are reviewing has already been put into the system by clicking on the club to which the volunteer is connected and scrolling through the names. (See the following as an example.)
(5)Click on “Add New”.
(6)Fill in all the contact information on the form, which should look like the following:
(7)Once you have filled in all the contact information, then you should upload all of the documents. This involves clicking on “Add New Documents” which takes you to the following page.
(8)Under “Action,” select “Upload File.”
(9)Then pull down the menu for “Document Type” and select the type of document you are uploading. The following choices will be listed:
(10)Select the “File Type” by pulling down the menu and selecting what type of file it is (e.g., pdf or jpg).
(11)Select “Browse” to select the document for uploading.
(12)Once all the information is filled in, click on “Upload File.”
(13)Repeat steps 7 through 12 for the Volunteer Affidavit, Interview Questions, Reference Checks and “Preventing Harrassment and Abuse” TrainingCertificate (you can select “Miscellaneous” for this document as there is no category for it).
(14)MAKE SURE TO PRESS SAVE when everything is completed.
Step 6 – Notify Lee Oelke at and John Carr at hat you have input all of the volunteer information and uploaded the documents. Also inform Lee as to the date the Preventing Harassment and Abuse Training was completed and the certificate sent as well as the date the orientation video was watched.