Professional Development Best Practices Initiative –
Application for Funding
Application Form
Instructions:$ Complete and send document by email to by December 8, 2006.
$ Fax original of Section A (with signatures) to Camille Chénier, Teaching Policy and Standards Branch, Ministry of Education at:
(416) 325-7019.
In case of transmission or email difficulties please call Barbara Baxter at: (416) 325-4272.
A. Official Contact Information:
Name of District School Board/School Authority/Provincial Schools:Address:
Name and title of executive signing officer or Superintendent with
responsibilities for staff development:
Signing Officer / Signature:
Director of Education
Email: / Signature:
Name and title of contact person:
B. Proposed Professional Development Initiative
1. The proposed professional development initiative is:
¨ an existing program for experienced teachers that will be expanded/enhanced
¨ an existing program that will be enhanced to specifically target experienced teachers
¨ a program that is under development (provide status of the development)
¨ other (explain) ______
2. Description of proposed professional development initiative:
Describe the content of the current program and, if applicable, how it is targeted specifically to experienced teachers.Describe the enhancements you plan to make using the funding of this initiative.
3. Specify the current funding that your district school board/school authority/provincial schools allocates to support this initiative.
4. Describe any evaluations/assessments currently in place or that have been conducted in the past that examine the cost-benefits/effectiveness and/or success factors of your existing program. Include any specific performance indicators used to determine the impact of your initiative (e.g. evaluation forms, follow-up sessions, focus groups, etc.).
5. Do you currently have principles in place that guide professional development in your board/school authority/provincial school?
¨ Yes: Please attach a copy of your principles. Indicate below how each of the initiative principles align with your principles.
¨ No: Indicate how the following principles would guide the professional development initiative.
Focused on the impact on student learning:
Focused one or more identified goals:
Guided by appropriate adult learning models:
Evidence based:
C. Initiative Costs
1. Complete the template below to demonstrate how the Professional Development Best Practices Initiative funding will be used. Note: Funding of up to $500 will be provided for each participating teacher to support program enhancement activities and resource costs only. Boards/school authorities/provincial schools are responsible for any infrastructure costs (e.g. computers, laptops, licensing of software, etc).
Key cost categories / Description of each key activity with cost per activity. / Timeline(Specify the beginning and end dates) / Total COST ($) per category
TOTAL # of participating teachers with over 10 years experience ______
2. Specify the earliest date in the 2006/07 school year that you could be ready to begin to implement the enhancements to the initiative described in your proposal.
3. Where applicable, please provide partner name(s) (e.g., Faculty of education, other school board etc), and a brief description of their roles and responsibilities within the initiative.
Partner Name(s) andContact Information / Roles/Responsibilities within the initiative
Applications are due no later than December 8, 2006.
Ø Send by email to
Ø Send fax of Section A of application form with official signatures to (416) 325-7019.
Please direct any inquiries to:
Camille Chénier
Teaching Policy and Standards Branch
Instruction and Leadership Development Division
Ministry of Education, 900 Bay Street
Mowat Block, 13th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1L2
Tel. (416) 325-1074
Fax (416) 325-7019