• The lack of transparency, integrity and accountability of Australia’s Political and Judicial system and the deficiencies within the current system of law and order – for example, escalating police brutality?
  • Loss of 360,000 of the 400,000farming families Australia once had, loss of food supply independence, when Australia rode on a sheep’s back? Loss of Australian jobs, and businesses to Asia and other foreign interests?
  • The corporate take-over of Australia by foreign interests and corporatization of its resources and other assets including natural resources, farmland and businesses?
  • The lack of accountability and liability of some public entities such as the ATO, TGA, ASIC, ACCC and others?
  • The level of taxation levied in Australia, the rapidly deteriorating economy and the ever-escalating costs of living in Australia?
  • Manipulation of financial product and credit markets creating the high and escalating costs of debt service, particularly home loans, mortgages and credit card debt?
  • Degradation of everything that we Australians hold dear and of our natural resources and cultural icons – what is our uniquely Australian lifestyle. In particular, the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef, pollution to our air due to geo-engineering, chemtrails, poisoning of our water supplies through mass fluoridation and chlorination and widespread coal seam gas fracking mining operations, the mass medication of our population due to fluoridation, chlorination and prescription drugs, poisoning of our children by way of unnecessary forced vaccinations, genetic modification of our food sources while destroying our traditional natural food sources and the lands they are grown in?
  • The future prosperity of YOUR children?

  • Are YOU losing everything you ever worked for, angry and want to do something about it?
  • Do YOU want to help reverse the trends of the last 40 – 50 years to Australia’s increasing poverty, loss of political and economic sovereignty and contribute to restoring Australia’s sovereignty and prosperity to Australians?
  • Are YOU looking for practical solutions to implement IMMEDIATELY?
Help us to help YOU and support this AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE’S MANDATE 2014,
so TOGETHER we all can restore Australia and ALL Australians to the prosperity of the 1960’s.

We, the common people of Australia your electors, hereby order and direct you, our Australian parliamentary representatives, to immediately perform the following and within 72 hours of being served this Mandate or step aside from your political office:

  1. Deliver a bill of exchange or promissory note to the receiver – administrator to the corporation known as ‘COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA’, containing a sum certain amount sufficient to discharge the liability of the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA to its alleged creditor thereby restoring the corporation to solvency.
  2. Deregister the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA and all corporations posing as member States of the Federation of the Commonwealth of Australia from the United Nations (UN) and the United States of America’s Securities and Exchange Commission. Australia will resume its sovereignty and autonomy
  3. Reinstate the former Commonwealth of Australia and a Constitution, duly ratified by the common people of Australia(“the Australian Constitution”) as the governing Australian law.
  4. RescindALLinternational treaties entered into by the Commonwealth of Australia or COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA since 1972, including but not limited to, the Lima Agreement, the North American Free Trade Agreement, amongst others and to not enter into any further international treaties, including but not limited to the Trans Pacific Partnership, without the prior written consent of the common people of Australia via a national referendum
  5. RescindALLState and Federal Acts of Australia drawn up since 1972
  6. Immediately instigate a Royal Commission for the investigation of the following:

a)The collaborators behind the dismantling and destruction of the judicial and political separation of powers guaranteed under the ratified Australian Constitution;

b)The collaborators instrumental in introducing and implementing the program of Agenda 21 – “sustainable development programs” within Australia so as to commit crimes against the Commonwealth and the common people of Australia, in particular those specifically behind the introduction and implementation of the following programs and organisations:

(i)fluoridation and chlorination of each of the public water supplies within Australia;

(ii)forcedvaccination and mass medication throughout Australia;

(iii)the Therapeutic Goods Administration (“TGA”) and the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (“AHPRA”);

(iv)Coal Seam Gas fracking and mining industry;

(v)orchestrated release of biosphere deadly and dangerous particulate pollutants, a program known as geo-engineering and Chemtrails;

(vi)the carbon tax and the Australian Taxation Office;


c)The Port Arthur massacre and the gun prohibition laws following this;

d)The Anti-sedition laws and the Queensland Biker Laws;

e)Local government acts, drawn up in defiance of the WILL of the common people of Australia;

f)Politicians supporting the New World Order agenda,

with a view to prosecution of all conspirers’ who directly and indirectly contributed to subvert Australian sovereignty and damage its people, as well as dismantling the institutions and corporations themselves.

  1. Wind up and dissolve the ATO,TGA, AHPRA, ACCC, ASIC and ALL Local councils.
  2. Immediately purchase and recapture the Australian Reserve Bank as a rightful Australian Government instrument.
  3. Immediately implement processes to purchaseall former Australian assets, including but not limited to all farmland and water supplies, unlawfully sold to foreign or local interests, stolen from the common people of Australia by deceit and sleight of hand without referendum or consent by same, while prohibiting any influence over the Australian government by any corporation, power or interest.
  4. Implementation of State and National infrastructure development programs including:

a)Leading world technologies with respect to building, transportation, health, energy, education, organic non-genetically modified food supply, waste treatment and environmental purification (including but not limited to water and air);

b)Removing all foreign-owned and operatedmilitary facilities, bases and personnel;

c)Provision of water supply throughout the Australian continent to provide sufficient water to ‘green’ all areas, for example canals directing water from north Queensland to the rest of Australia

d)Removing current taxation infrastructure and replacing it with a 1% debits tax collected as general revenue by the Australian Federal Government and applied in management of local infrastructure and the gross domestic product

e)Removingunnecessary Government regulation and streamlining through its ultimate replacement with a Ten Point Moral Code.

f)Streamlining government to establish smallest per capita government in the world.

g)Dismantling governmentprivatisation and corporatization programs and reinstatingkey services as government functions, such as police, defence force, corporate policing, thus removing the profit motive in raising revenue.

h)Regeneration and decentralisation of industries including, but not limited to, energy, water, fuel, transport, education, public services and banking as well as incentives to regeneratesmall businesses and farming.

i)Removing all multinational, transnational corporations, foreign banks, bank, oil and drug cartels and foreign control from Australia as well as foreign ownership of vital and important Australian industries and assets.

j)Quarterly, people’s initiated referendums to express of the will of the people and keep government in check.

  1. Protect the common people of Australia and their assets/interests against all threats from foreign multinational and transnational interests, organisations and governments, whether bona fide or corporate.

Take Noticewe, the electors and people of the land commonly called Australia reserve our dominiongranted by our Creator and that we do not consent to any variation from our specific COMMAND to you, as a public servant, that you obey OUR WILL and instructions as effected through this Mandate, formal elections and quarterly referendums beginning immediately, so the WILL of we, the common people, are immediately expressed.

By you instituting the above 11 directives we expect to dramatically raise the level of prosperity for all Australians

It is our WILL and COMMAND that you perform all your fiduciary duties and serve us as per our directions, instructions and commands given within this Mandate

Should any Australian parliamentary representative repent, apologise and sign and Oath of Allegiance to Australia and the common people of Australia, a reprieve against prosecution for crimes against the common people will be granted.

Name / Address/Email Address / Signature / Date

To provide your support, please complete your details above and post completed Mandate Form to:

Suite 4595 Robina Town Centre Robina Gold Coast Qld 4230

www.AustraliansForInherentRights.Org /
A Private, Humanitarian,Philanthropic, non-profit, non-government organisation.

The full mandate can be found on our website. Provision is also made for online donations.