“Buffsand Pigs”

the official members newsletter of


Tony Simons
0427 187 356
8931 2576 (H)

Craig Bellamy
0403 872 205
8985 4881 (H)

Julie Mastin
8946 6835 (W)

Richard Spillett

Ken Lai
0401 148 672
Kay Goon
0418 527 416

Craig Bellamy
0403 872 205
8985 4881 (H)

Alan Cairncross
8927 3273 (H)

Richard Spillett

Ron Ninnis
/ Tuesday 11/2/14
AHSNT Committee Meeting
Tuesday 11/3/14
AHSNT Committee Meeting
Tuesday 25/3/14
AHSNT Members Meeting at AAHC
Tuesday 8/4/14
AHSNT Committee Meeting
Sunday 27/4/14
Open Cockpit Day at AAHC
Tuesday 13/5/14
AHSNT Committee Meeting
Tuesday 10/6/14
AHSNT Committee Meeting
Tuesday 24/6/14
AHSNT Members Meeting


Welcome all members, staff and families to the New Year !

I trust all members, staff and their respective families had a very happy Christmas and New Year.

On a slightly morbid note, staff members Angie Clucas and Bill Morgan endured hospital visits over the Christmas and New Year period. Happily both have made a good recovery from their ailments.

Brian Thomson is also on the sick list – we wish him all the best.


A very successful dinner was held on Tuesday the 10th December at “The Jetty” restaurant, with some twenty five members and partners in attendance.What was especially pleasing to see was the mix of old and new members in attendance.


The next members meeting will be held on the 25th March at the Aviation Heritage Centre.

It is our intention to have the cockpit of the F-111 opened for members to view, but not climb inside as Airforce Heritage have placed restrictions on entry.All members and their families are encouraged to attend – catering arrangements are yet to be finalised but more information will be provided in the next Newsletter.


We have received a letter from the Minister for Arts and Museums in response to our approaches for support from Government.

Unfortunately the Minister has failed to address the Society’s concerns over the levels of funding provided to a competitor museum, and likewise our request for assistance with capital works at the Heritage Centre has been declined.

Basically we have been told to seek grant funding for any future works.

I found this rebuttal quite disturbing, especially given that the Minister was provided with a copy of the original letter from the Government of the day committing the Government to funding maintenance works at the Centre.

As members may have seen, we were afforded air time by both the ABC and Channel Nine to put forward the Society’s concerns.

In a nutshell, I tried to emphasise the inequitable situation with regards to the level of Government funding for the Bombing of Darwin Experience at East Point against the lack of support that we receive, especially given we are a nationally recognised tourist attraction.

On other matters financial, results for the past months have been as expected, with small losses made during the traditional “quiet time” for visitors.

Notwithstanding, we are still running a small profit for the year to date, and show improved results compared to figures for the same period last year.


We have received a formal application from the SA Aviation Museum committee to swap some of our aircraft components.They have asked for :-

  • two of our 20mm cannon (flat spring cannanex Spitfire) in exchange for two round spring 20mm cannon they have which are in better condition and more complete – they require our two for installation in their MkV Spitfire owned by Langdon Badger
  • anold Merlin engine spider in exchange for one that is suitable for use on our Merlin engine. Our part has been sitting outside in the weather for over ten years and is of no display quality.
  • a working APU from an Orion aircraft for the old grey coloured remains of the Merlin engine in the workshop. This engine is incomplete, in very poor condition, of no display value (we have other complete Merlins) and is not restorable.

The exchanges have been ratified by the AHSNT Committee on the basis that we are acquiring material of better quality and of more use to us than the parts we are relinquishing.

In accordance with section 38b of our constitution trade of items must be authorised by Members of the Society. The Constitution does not require a meeting of members to be convened to approve any disposal of Society property, nor does it specify how many members must approve the disposal. It merely states “”such a trade must be authorised by Members of the Society”.

I therefore ask that any members who object to the trade notify me or another committee member by phone, email or in writing as soon as possible.



The new display area for the screening of the Bombing of Darwin DVD has been completed. Well done to Neil and Bill and all involved. I am very pleased to recognise that this was an initiative solely developed and implemented by the staff of the Heritage Centre, with assistance in obtaining some materials provided by our past President, Richard Luxton.

Installation of the last of the northern wall panels was completed in December and the result is very pleasing.

We now have some 200 square metres of space available to develop and enhance existing displays.

My thanks to all involved in this project.

Over the coming weeks we will be developing some display concepts for the panelled walls, mainly focussing on the aircraft on display in the immediate vicinity; the Liberator, Mitchell, Spitfire and F-111.

Other matters to be considered will be the Australian-American Association display and a Vietnam Veterans display near the F-111.

Shown below is a mock-up concept of some of the display improvements being considered.


As reported previously, we are considering the development of a dedicated Cyclone Tracy display.

Our Curator, Ken Lai, would welcome members to comment on, or have input into the proposal, and members are encouraged to contact Ken to express their interest and offer assistance.

It would be most helpful if any members have photographs or similar of Darwin in and around the time Tracy struck. We are intending to incorporate the Wessex and the tail section of the DC-3, A65-104, which was destroyed on the aerodrome on the night of the 24th December 1974.


Airborne Solutions have commenced setting up their operational base in behind the Water Tower in preparation for their move into our premises.

A formal agreement has been signed and registered with the Lands Department as a sub-lease to our Crown Lease, much in the same manner as was done for the Warbirds Association.



For information for members, I will continue to run the list of projects that we have on the go, or in the pipeline. The most important of these is the planning for the changes to the layout of displays on the museum floor. Proposals being considered include :-

An improved “Bombing of Darwin” display wall, using artefacts from the existing display and new material stored in archives and at the workshop. The intention is for the wall to be the first thingvisitors see as they enter the museum – it is anticipated that the wall will be some 12 metres long by 1.8 m tall.

aP-40 Kittyhawk display using the existing material in the Heritage Centre along with additional wing sections and other parts from the Workshop to make a composite aircraft to match the photograph of the wrecked P-40 on the cover of the original Darwin’s Air War book

Updating the style of interpretive information (Women in Aviation, England to Australia Air Race etc) utilising vertical panelling rather than the existing walk through shed type structures. The panelling will be a more effective use of space and allow for greater volume of information to be displayed

Utilising the vertical panelling style to improve the displays for the Catalina and Beaughfighter

Using sections of the new wall panelling to upgrade theLiberator, Spitfire and F-111 displays

Developing a Cyclone Tracy display incorporating the Wessex Helicopter and the tail section of A65-104, the Dakota aircraft destroyed at the airport when Tracy struck

Developing an interactive flight simulator using one of the old fuselages from the Workshop, or one of the simulator cabinets currently in the Heritage Centre

Installing missing instruments from the cockpits of the Cobra helicopter and Sabre jet

Installing energy efficient lighting under the wings of the B-52 to illuminate displays and reduce reliance on the energy hungry halogen lights

Members comment on these projects is welcomed, as is anyone who wants to volunteer to participate.

Workshop projects on the forward agenda are as follows :-

Bell 47 restoration (metal work, welding, general construction work)

Merlin engine rebuild (metal work, engineering work)

Museum vehicle (Falcon) refurbishment (painting, welding, metal work, mechanical)

Steel storage racks (steel fabrication & welding)

Mosquito seat clean-up(metal work, sanding, painting)

Mosquito propeller restoration(woodwork, sanding, painting)

B-24 ball turret(engineering, metal work, general construction)

Woodworking room build (carpentry, general construction, painting)

Archives cataloguing (librarian skills, cataloguing)

Tony Simons


*F-111 photograph Courtesy of the RAAF and Mick Raftery

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