Contact: Name, Title






Press Release

Main Title, keep it as short as possible

Subtitle Goes Here - should include hook or major selling point of the event

LOCATION – Body of press release begins here. Get to the point immediately. What is the actual event and when will it take place?

Second paragraph: concrete details including time, where, why, any cost to attend or special restrictions.

Third – Last paragraphs: for the remainder of the release, attempt to tell a story about your district and why the event is so important. Always include a quote from a cooperator and/or a staff member or supervisor from your district.

About Random Conservation District

[Include a 3-4 line description of your conservation district and the unique services you provide. The last line should be: To learn more, visit, or call us at XXX.XXX.XXXX.]


[Three hash tags symbol the end of the news release]


Contact: Amanda Levesque, Education and Outreach Specialist

Tel. 509.436.1601


14 N Mission St

Wenatchee, WA 98801

Date: February 2, 2015


Press Release

Volunteers needed for Wenatchee River Appreciation event

Spend a morning of work and fun restoring the banks of Brender Creek

WENATCHEE – The Cascadia Conservation District is seeking community volunteers to take part in a cleanup effort at the Cashmere Mill Site on Saturday, April 25 from 9 a.m. - noon.

Volunteers will assist with weed removal and planting of native species along Brender Creek, a tributary to the Wenatchee River. Cascadia Conservation District will also provide fun, hands-on education activities, including watershed and stream models, a fish anatomy puzzle, and more. Refreshments will also be provided.

The event is part of a larger community effort at the Cashmere Mill site to remove or reuse thousands of tons of old wood waste, remove contamination, and restore river habitat. Following this effort, the previously vacant site will be open for new business development.

“River appreciation events are great opportunities to engage with Cascadia Conservation District and learn about our efforts and the efforts of our partners to improve quality of life in our community,” said Amanda Levesque, education and outreach specialist at the district.

For more information or to volunteer, please call Amanda Levesque at 509.436.1601.

About Cascadia Conservation District

Cascadia Conservation District is a non-regulatory organization dedicated to encouraging the wise stewardship and conservation of all natural resources in Chelan County. We offer a wide variety of programs and services tailored to the needs of our community. To learn more, visit, or call us at 509.436.1601.
